0.11.0f, Race Season Three and next week's 0.11.1 patch
I can confirm that Race Season Three contains a dungeon, but it's not unlimited. Let's save the exact details for a few more days :-)
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" Can you confirm or deny whether this "dungeon" will make its way into the regular leagues, either as end-game content or as A3X area? Last edited by Huaojozu#2975 on Jun 20, 2013, 6:31:38 AM
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" +1 IGN:Shiirl
Exile from d3 |
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" We're certainly looking into ways to offer experience progression in parallel to the Map end-game, though that's not directly related to what we're trying with Race Season Three. I would also personally hope it'd be earlier than when we're deploying Act3X. | |
@Chris bandit respecs coming soon? :)
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" Aaaaand.. I get the first RMT gold spam pm for weeks 5 mins after logging on. :( " Removing the ~25% solo penalty might help. Or even make end game maps more accessible to roll while not in a full map group of full time shop traders. The map system sux, alternatives would be awesome, but there really isn't a reason to keep the map system suxing. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jun 20, 2013, 7:06:03 AM
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Hello Chris, a question and some thoughts...
Will there be more balancing to the changes to life and armor made in the 0.11.0 patch? To me, it seems to have gone from "Path of life nodes" to "Path of not enough life from life nodes so lets either get a kaoms (near impossible for most) or go CI (easy solution) and while we are at it, might as well go dual spork...Exile" Kind of a silly representation I know, but hopefully you see my point. Some will argue the buff to armor effectiveness from the monster damage nerf more than makes up for the loss of life, which is true early game, but end game that is just not the case. It's not the 20 small hits that worry me late in the map game, its the 3 BIG hits that will kill me in a second i'm concerned about. A hit that big completely negates the armor buff and leaves me exactly where I was pre 0.11.0 but with about 1.2k less health pool. It seemed the goal from the patch was to be able to rely less on health nodes, promoting more build options, it seems quite the opposite now. If i'm going life build, it's even more vital I hit every health node possible along my path. Melee suffers the most from this endgame, which is also the opposite of the goals you outlined in the patch threads. Sure, they got significant damage buffs, but endgame survivabilty, if anything, was kind of nerfed. Now they not only have less life to counter the big hits (which is unavoidable with a melee build considering you need to be close quarters all the time) but phys reflect as well. Just my thoughts, all that said, I truly enjoy the game and appreciate the unbelievable amount of support GGG puts into it everyday. I'll be around for a long time to come. Sorry for the TL:DR :) Last edited by EricRoachTS#0257 on Jun 20, 2013, 7:35:42 AM
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Sweet! Can't wait til new race season starts
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wonderful. keep up the good work GGG!
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
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I will probably get accused of wearing tinfoil hat and being paranoid.
But let me just say this: The last death of kripp was to chargers if I recall correctly. Yes, he wasn't evasion based but I still find it interesting. Anyway, my general opinion on that change is that I think it's not a good move. How it was before I understood it as counterbalance measure to people stacking high evasion, phase acrobatics keystone and high effective health(whether be it hp or es). Before this change you had to choose in what defensive option to specialize and be aware of your weaknesses. Doing this, you are removing one pretty huge weak spot evasion builds had. Maybe it was your intention, I don't know. But bear in mind that with this change anyone can become close to immortal. Combine the defensive things I named with things like spell(more impotantly this one) and shield block and only thing that can ever kill you is one huge hit(like vaal smash), chance of two subsequent above average damaging hits killing you is almost none with that many stacked things and with how evasion works. I guess removing eye of chayula would bring some balance once again into this. Or making the cap of evasion lower. ProjectPT was right.
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