[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]
Hey Invalesco,
I was wondering if you'd mind checking out my build and gear and tell me if you think I can make any improvements, or if you have any suggestions. I'm currently level 73 in SC. Thanks man. EDIT: Going for Vaal Pact now. I'll see if it's worth it or not. Build: Gear:
Note: Using the sapphire ring simply for mana leech so I can run LMP instead of Mana Leech gem. Need something better, obviously. Here's what I use when I need more resistances and accuracy: Resistance boots if I want to use Andvarius:
ES: 5500 Evasion: 7600 Mana: 690 Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance: 75% (Depending on Gear) Lightning Strike DPS: 14.3 K Lightning Strike DPS w/ Wrath: 16.5K (18K w/ wrath & anger) Flicker Strike DPS: 30K Flicker Strike DPS w/ Wrath: 32.8K (35K w/ wrath & anger) Play-style:
Pop Blood Rage (and Warlords Mark if needed) then use LS to wipe out white mobs and build frenzy (5) and Power (5) charges. DPS on toolbar is around 14K when fully charged (though I'm not sure what the actual DPS of the projectiles are). If I use Wrath and Anger it's up over 18K, but then I'm really strapped for mana. I can manage wrath just fine though. Hopefully when I hit another 10 levels or so, mana shouldn't be a problem. Using FS for rares, especially ELE reflect and tough blues mobs. DPS for FS is 30K. 35K+ w/ Anger & Wrath.
IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion Last edited by DeathTouch#6609 on May 5, 2013, 5:23:12 PM
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" Yes, Vaal Pact is VERY worth it. If you've ever used a Seething Life Flask on an HP character you know how incredibly useful instant recovery is, and it is even more useful for leech as without it you will get your face torn off by Lightning Thorns and reflect. But the catch is you need decent DPS to notice a difference which is why you take it after IF. You have more DPS than I do and Vaal Pact was a huge survivability boost to me, so I would definitely recommend you to get it as your next keystone and save those Dagger nodes by CI for after that. Also Frenzy Charge duration isn't all that useful (compared to Power Charge duration which is good because they are not as consistent to build,) so I'd recommend you swap that one point into the accuracy node by Nightstalker. Accuracy is very underrated for this build, and it always gives me a way bigger DPS bump than other small nodes. @__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy) @Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard) Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020 Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003 Last edited by Kirarik#3257 on May 2, 2013, 11:28:23 PM
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This is by far the most fun build I have ever played. More fun than summoner. More fun than facebreaker. Flickering from one end of the ledge to the other is AWESOME. It's also really hard to get used to - more than once, I've died because I failed to realize, "Oh wait, when my ES runs out, I don't have any life buffer, I'm just dead". In general I've died a lot. But yeah, still a blast to play. Multistrike+Flicker Strike is amazing.
That said, any advice? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/366553 Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you! IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof Last edited by Budget_player_cadet#3296 on May 3, 2013, 3:32:31 AM
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Selling some of my old rings, for those interested.
IGN: Cyanyx
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Can you pleas help me calculating the ES?
This is the passive skill: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYABX0OSBEvEVARlha_Gdcc3B4aJ6koKi1HMFQ4GzvhRwZW6m0ZcFJwVnDVfll_xofbiEKIa4t6jAuMNpAbkc-ZV5mamhOdo6Kjpn-nK6c0rGaxs7VItve5fLvWwFHBxcHzwuzDbdvU4vfjhOn-62PsGOyw7UHz6vyr_5NQQiy_hq4V19eGVmNfarTFKwrBANsaEHv1S5MnN2YspqbrN4PqujY9vjo= Those are my gears:
Can i respect to CI? will i have enough chance to survive? Gears are sufficient enough or should i get something better? Thanks everybody! |
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Which Gems should have lvl 20 quality?
Which should i upgrade first LS for 60% Pierce Flicker for 80% Crit Double Strike 10 % speed Increased Critical Damage 40 Crit multi ... and the list goes on, can't decide Which brings me the most dps for the value? thx Last edited by Scr4tch#1484 on May 4, 2013, 5:37:28 PM
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" I would definitely go with LS first (the pierce makes a HUGE difference). After that, it really depends on your setup and play style. IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion Last edited by DeathTouch#6609 on May 4, 2013, 7:37:53 PM
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" If you respect into CI your ES should be high enough. However, if you want to run maps (solo or without hanging back behind everyone) and survive, I would consider at least swapping out your shield for a much higher ES one. Shouldn't be too hard to find a 300+ ES shield. I'm not entirely sure why you're running armor and ES, since you don't have a single node to boost your armor. Consider going pure ES or some EV/ES (you've taken 8 of these nodes - 86% Increased Evasion Rating). Just use granite flasks in place of armor. IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion Last edited by DeathTouch#6609 on May 4, 2013, 8:10:37 PM
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Thanks a lot for your advice DeathTouch! I didn't considered all the Eva nodes i've taken..
Btw what you think about having only a few armour (granites give only 4k which is below 40%), EVA is enough to take less damage? |
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Use Surgeon's Flask of Iron Skin. Mine is at 96% and it boosts my armor over 10K. I'm running maps at level 73 with about 5600 ES and 8000 Evasion. Granite Flasks work just fine.
IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion Last edited by DeathTouch#6609 on May 5, 2013, 3:41:03 AM
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