RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings
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1. Cheap - You need 10 chaos to gear the character to kill Piety on Merciless. 2. Fast clearing speed. 3. High rarity. Required gear is: 1. Springleaf shield - 1 alch item 2. Wondertrap boots - 1 alch item 3. Redbeak sword - 1 alch item 4. High ES Chest piece/helmet/gloves - 8 chaos [the listed prices for the required uniques changed from day 1 since this guide has been realized, sadly atm in best scenario you can find them for a chaos each] Video explaining how to level - How to level Low Life RF Sporker Video explaining What is more important - Rarity or Quantity and WHY - Efficiency of Magic Find in PoE - Quantity VS Rarity Gameplay - RG_PankO's stream I made a video which epxlains pretty much the build - RG_PankO's build for first character on Onslaught - CHEAP Low Life Sporker This is the gear at the second week after Onslaught started(some of the items are incorrect for the build, but are cheap, check the rest of the example gear for perfect gear): Before I bought the Hellbringer I was with cheap ass 80 ES gloves. I alched the Vaal regalia and got that ES, before that I was usign a 480 ES Occultist's Vestment that I bought for 13 chaos at the begining of the new league. My passive tree at that moment looked like this Lvl 83 Passives But it's all about optimising your passives around your gear. What ressistance you have to pick up, do you need the crit nodes or more spell dmg nodes. Just yesterday my passive tree was looking as in the video. My current Gear after I am rich enough to buy whatever I need: With this gear I have 1.3k DPS on Spark with 19lvl Gem 140 Quantity and 446 Rarity. My current Passive tree, I respect out of a lot of DPS nodes, so I can get IR + more Regen, which is optimisation for Maps, but it's still more then enough Deeps for Docks farming - I use the same character, I just swap gear: Maps Build with IR and High Regen My Gear for Maps, which I swap when I am going on maps, which provides me high survivability: Questions and Answers from this thread: Which bandits to help / kill - asked by deladian
You Kill everyone on Normal. You don't need neither the mana, neither the HP (obv.), the all ressistance is just 2% more then the normal nodes of +6% all res - IMO it is not worth it the obligation to go with that point with the +8% all res, because once you fix your gear you wont need it.
About Cruel - people tend to take Cast Speed, I didnt. It's 4%, while normal nodes are 3% Cast Speed. Following the logic for not taking the all resistance from Normal Difficulty I don't take the cast speed from Cruel, because it is an obligation, it's a skill point that I can not move from cast speed to crit or ES or whatever I want to. So I just let's say take 3% Cast Speed from the passive tree instead of that 4% from the bandit so can change it to whatever I want to later on. About Merciless I take the Power Charge. It's something that you can not take anywhere else. You have direct access to 3 power charges on the passive tree, and actually in the build you do take them, but the one extra power charge is needed for the Void Battery unique wand. if you have that wand every single one power charge is really Important. With these Power Charges you gain extra Spell Dmg with that wand. So Having one more power charge really is a big deal, and endgame that's the ultimate wand/weapon for the sporker. How does the Power Charges trick works - asked by bluetaro87
In order to gain the power charges you have to cast a skill that generates them yourself.
The trick is to use Ice Spear - becuas it has +600% chance to crit, at longer range, and you support that skill with LMP/GMP - so you have higher chance to hit something, and then you add the support gem Power Charge on Critical Strike. So what happens is that you crit quite often, doing 0 DMG, because of the Ancestral Bond passive node, but you gain a pwoer charge that will increase your critical strike chance -> your totem's critical strike chance -> your DPS. Minimum ES to go on Low Life Sporker with my build - asked by Ewyna
So... when I switched to low life I had 3.4k ES with 60% Fire res, haha.
That being said you can sustain your ES with even 2k ES, most probably. If it's a good idea its totally different question ;) Go for atleat 150 ES on your helmet, 350ish on Chest, 100 ES on your gloves and you will be fine. Also dont go before 60ish lvl, finish the act 3 Merc quests then start farming Docks. How Much ES you need to OutRegen RF and so on - asked by Yalaka
Springleaf gives you 6% Life Regenration. That is Huge.
With it I have 600 ES Regeneration, or so. When you remove it to put your other shield you are losing that insane regeneration. I found a 388 ES Shield that makes my ES up to 6.5k, with Springleaf I have 5k ES. So with the 388 ES Shield I was barely able to sustain my ES. I was regeneratio naround 2 es a second. The formula is like this: You burn for 100% of your HP as fire dmg. So I have 700 HP and therefor I burn for 700 DMG per second, every second. But I have 78 Fire ressitance therefore I burn actually for only 154 dmg per second (700 HP * (1 - 0.78) = 700 * 0.22 = 154) And when you remove the springleafe you get just the regeneration from your Vitality Aura and the 1% from the Templar. That is 1% from templar and depending on the gem level, in my case, 1.4% So that is 2.4% Regeneration. 2.4% from 6.5k is 156. (Formula is 2.4% = 0.024 * 6500 = 156) SO I DEGEN/Burn for 154 and I Regen for 156, the difference is Positive 2 - if I had for instance 6000 ES, not 6500, I was going to regen with the same Vitality level and the 1% from templar - 144, so I was going to DEGEN/Burn for 10 ES per second. I hope I explain these formulas good enough so you can understand me. And here are the numbers with my Springleaf on 5000 ES: I burn for 154 DMG, because of my 700 HP and 78 Fire ressistance, but I regen: 2.4(vitality + templar node) + 6%(Springleaf) = 8.4% * 5067 ES = 426 ES Regeneration per second. And now we divide them to see the difference - 426 - 154 = 272 Actual Positive regeneration per second. And here is an interesting fact. If you are getting DMG over time. And let's say that the fight that will bring you down to 0 ES from your 6500 ES, with the other shield, lasts 10 seconds, IF you/I were/was using Springleaf for these 10 seconds we were going to regenerate 10 * 272 ES = 2720 ES + the basic 5000 ES = 7700 ES! So actually with Springleaf you have MORE ES then with a normal shield IF you dont get one shoted / burst damaged. Well, a little bit long answer to your question but I hope I helped you a bit. Blood magic reservation of your HP and how exactly to go on Perma Low Life - asked by kicksome
You need to blood magic auras on your HP in order to be on low life all the time.
Pretty much you have to buy one of two unqieus that grants you blood magic - the mask or the chest. They are both... not that cheap. 10 chaos up to 1 ex, depending on the seller. If you can't afford that you can always go BM gem, but you are losing one aura - you can put two 40% based auras on your HP if you have one of the two uniques, if you don't you will be able to put only one. If you don't have the mask/chest you need BM gem + aura + as high lvl Reduced mana gem as possible - so you can have as much HP left as possible. If you have one of the two uniques what you need is exactly 8lvl Reduced mana gem. I've done the calculations, that's the highest lvl on the gem you have to go, and your HP will be on exactly 0.34 or so % - which is low life, but you are on as high HP as possible - one day you might lose all your ES and that HP saves you. Another thingy that you can do is to put 3 auras on your HP, but you need as high as possible Reduced mana gem, and there is minimum lvl requirement of the gem for that - because if you put 3 auras of 40% reduced mana lvl 1-5 wont be enough for sure. Just to make a point that the build is working this is my ingame riches atm: [here used to be linked tons of currency that is onslaught verified, but all my 11 exalted orbs + 6 eternals + 90 chaos + 14 gcps went into:] Video of the 5l Five Linking the Shav's If you have more then that ^^ good job, you know what you are doing. If you don't have more then that - follow my example. If you are about to use the build post a comment with a thx message. Show some gratitude and support. Last edited by RG_PankO__#4894 on Aug 15, 2013, 6:22:40 AM
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Seems legit. I might try it
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Made me try onslaught witch for the third time, definitely worth supporting.
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mind posting the build?
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Show me your progress passive trees pls.
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Would really like to see skill tree, please. Your videos are hard to understand and really unnecessarily lengthy. Love the idea, though, thanks!
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" Added to the first post. " By progress passive tree you mean how you level up with HP nodes and then transition into low life or? " Glad you like the idea. After two deaths and long nap atm I am at possition 86, in a few hours will be back in top 50. Not to mention that I died 3 times. On lvl 25ish, 36 and 47. This is my third character on onslaught, all the characters were with this build thought, I knew what I want to do and I was going after it just sadly some unlucky staff happened. But all bad happens for a good reason: Taylor Swift - I knew you were a PankO |
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I think what korzon3k meant was to maybe show what your tree should look like at different points in the game as you level. Like what your passive tree looked like at lvl 20, 40, 50, 60, etc, or when major shifts were made(passive tree before speccing out of health nodes versus after).
Your videos are really helpful, I just think a lot of people aren't going to give this build a fair shot because it's hard to navigate through them. |
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" In the video there are links to my previous low life sporker videos. One of them is leveling as HP, transitioning to CI or Low life. The information is there for whoever needs it / wants it. |
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Sporker is getting boring, really.
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