[ Saving the High Life RF Marauder Build ] Devs PLEASE, answer us.
After discussion we came with this perfectly working solution to make the build usefull again without breaking the actual metagame :
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Another solution would be to allow the aoe damage part of RF to work with support gem like like increase burning damage, fire penetration, life leech or anything else without affecting the player. With the life nod nerf it's not possible to make it OP in any way.
ORIGINAL MESSAGE : That build, who was extremly well balanced, had just been complety destroyed by the last patch in every possible way: - Elemental Adaptation nerf : More dmg taken from RF degen - Inner Force nerf : Same as EA except it also affect life regen. - life Nod : Les life = Less Regen and less aoe dmg This build was one of the best exemple of risk/reward in the game. By focusing on life, resists and regen you could use Rightous Fire AOE dmg that NO ONE was using otherwise (what was the point in this effect if it wasn't designed to be used ?). The dmg were perfectly fine : around 3K with regular gear, 6K with Kaom (OP item). The build was tanky but also vulnerable as you had to go melee to damage the monsters while beeing extremly vulnerable to Flamability, Elemental Weakness,Vulnerability and any kind of degen (puncture, Viper strike, chaos dmg...). Also Rightous fire couldn't use any kind of support gem (except fore increase AOE) to improve the spell or minimise the damage taken. A diamond suporter unique was designed to be able to use this build (Rise of the Phoenix) and now it's pretty useless, nice way to thanks the personn who suported the game. In the same time Kaom and Shav are still there and more powerfull than ever. I don't understand why you axed this buld in any possible way and I'd really like to have a Dev explanation about this. This was one of the very few fun and unique build in the game which I had a lot of pleasure to play and now i don't see any way to make it work again. Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Jul 10, 2013, 4:50:35 PM
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You need to put a huge disclaimer that this character has nothing to do with low life shavronnes or there will be no logical discussion in here.
I was using the same build. It was a highly risky character, probably too risky for how small the reward was. But it was fun because it was a unique build that could keep up with most players in maps. I think they need to go back and look at changing the Rise of the Phoenix shield to make it at least possible to sustain the burn RF. However, with the nerf to life, the damage of RF will be nerfed as well, so it probably won't be worth using any more. |
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Good point with the Unique designed by the customer :)
Im wondering how he feels now he paid 1k $ to get a broken build few patchs later :O |
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Can you think of a good solution that will fix your build without helping RF Shavs? (aka no solutions that undo the IF and EA nerfs).
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" Give Shavronne's "cannot regenerate life" and much lower base ES. Bump up player max resists by about 3% in various ways (either another Adaptation node on the other side of the tree, a new unique, or otherwise), and raise the damage done to enemies portion of RF as well. It's obvious that the offender here is the totally batshit broken unique, not HP RF builds in general. EDIT: " Uniques go from more useful to less useful and back again over time. A well-designed unique is somewhat immune to minor changes and GGG is good about buffing older uniques when major changes have made them too weak or too niche. I can't imagine GGG wants to kill off a build that they themselves featured in a Build of the Week video. Last edited by pneuma#0134 on Jun 6, 2013, 12:47:46 AM
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I think a great change for this build would be to change the 3 different 18% res nodes in the center of the tree (right before the 3 0.4% regen nodes) to 3 +1 Max All Res nodes.
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Honestly it's not shav that is broken it's fine by itself. Mediocre ES and just 1 res is not really something that is OP
What makes it OP is RF. A fix could be that it would deal burn dmg compared to your max shield if you have Zealoth oath in the tree. Because honestly over double dmg just because you a wearing a uniq chest seems so OP. This is coming from one who played a low life RF FP spec. It's by it's nature the pure definition of overpowered. "I'm afraid if I stop drinking the cumulative hangover will kill me" ~ Sterling Archer IGN: Angryweasel / PopTheWeasel Last edited by Angryweasel#2578 on Jun 6, 2013, 1:11:54 AM
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" Giving Shavs that property would erase RF Shavs entirely :) Burning for 150-200 dmg per second before map mods is not viable in high level maps. " RF Shavs could also get those nodes. And in general I don't think I'm a fan of adding more max resist anywhere. The way res works makes it way, way too powerful and obliges people to get every max res node they can. " This wouldn't fix HP RF, it would just make Shavs RF also disappear. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Jun 6, 2013, 1:17:05 AM
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" You mean people would have to work hard to keep their 3x spell damage multiplier, including using resist flasks, dousing when out of combat, and constantly looking for enemies to leech their eshield back? I fail to see the problem here. |
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" Yes I know that would disappear and that would be fair as there is honestly none risk/reward scenario when using shavs and RF. For fixing HP based RF builds it could be for every 2K HP there will be added 1% to your max fire res. "I'm afraid if I stop drinking the cumulative hangover will kill me" ~ Sterling Archer
IGN: Angryweasel / PopTheWeasel |
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