Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
2 seconds is a very long time in game...
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I've actually re-read most of the site, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. I don't see the mention of "co-operative play" anywhere from the dev's, unless I've missed it.
So, it seems that part of their core design is indeed "counter-operative." This I guess should have been obvious to me, because of the term "cut-throat." However, it completely escaped me due to the fact that they allow players to actually play together and fight together. Anyways, knowing this "counter-operative" play is a design goal, then I would have to say that this is indeed a good compromise. However, I still feel that timers should be taken out of the equation. There should be an easier way for two things to happen - - For the player to know whether loot dropped for them or not. - For the player to know exactly how much time they have to attain their loot before any can pick it up without using timers in the UI. If these two things can be fulfilled then I believe that you'll have a superior "counter-operative" loot system. I think to accomplish the first problem, you should assign every player a color. With that color, the boarder's of allocated loot should be the same color as the loot that is allocated to the individual player. So lets say I'm green, all of my allocated loot will have a green border. This fixes the "who's loot is who's" problem. Also, as a request, please make it so that player's can only see the color of their allocated loot. For example, because I'm green, I only see green-boarded loot that is allocated to me, but other loot that isn't allocated to me has a base color that isn't represented by any other player, however, once the boarder fades anyone can pick it up. I think for the timer problem, you could make it so that the boarder slowly fades-out until it is gone. Once the boarder is gone any player can see the loot and grab it. Happy Days Abound.
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I don't want any visual indication that breaks the immersion and even 1-second wait (or run) game for every non-white item drop. It's simple as that.
I'm opposed to any mechanic breaks the immersion. He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby become a monster. |
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" Would you be opposed to a "quiet break?" By that I mean, essentially, all items that drop, drop for you, there's no timer or colors period. Except after a certain time the item will become visible to other players. Thus their items will become visible to you once they're time has run out. Essentially it's doing what the dev's did not want to do, which is hide items from each player. But it's the only way I can imagine keeping that level of immersion and still having a "cut-throat" counter-operative system. Happy Days Abound.
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" So there is timer. And there is possibility to lose drop because you played! LOL! "I am The Banisher, the ill will that snuffs the final candle." - Seal of Doom (MTG)
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É estes noobs falando por volta falhar item cronômetros? Elas bichado? Cheaper than free... Speedtree
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Eu não acho que chamar o nome é produtivo.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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yo necesito burito.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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" Hm, i think that it would be kind of strange if some items will be visible all of a sudden even without any nearby foes... That's why i think the counter would be a better idea, even if i still think that no item allocation is needed if you want to have the cut-throat experience... and @Rustychops, Wittgenstein and Zidjian: English please!! |
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por que?
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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