Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" When an item drops, it will randomly get allocated to a player nearby (who can pick it up instantly). This allocation is just temporary, once the timer runs out, anyone can pick it up. I am a poor freezingly cold soul
So far from where I intended to go |
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i think this system is perfect to me=)
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I just have a problem with the mini-loot-game that this creates, it detracts from the action of destroying enemies.
Basically, players will be frantically running to obtain their allocated loot, rather then fighting the hordes of enemies attacking them. I just feel like this is more of a frustration. This new system is a slight compromise, that's for sure, but it's a little brittle. It's missing something. Maybe the timers are simply too short, maybe the timers are totally unnecessary and something else should be used. I think that hiding loot would make this a better idea, because then you could remove the timers. If a player sees a rare item drop they will know that they can pick it up only. Then given enough time the item becomes visible to all players. I feel like this would be better then having an immersion breaking timer. It would be more natural. I also feel like the time for an item to appear to all players once it's dropped should be increased. But the major problem is it causes players to lose focus on the strategy of fighting enemies and to instead gather their loot quick enough. Happy Days Abound.
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It seems to me that a number of people are opposed to this concept because frequent visible countdowns would detract from the immersion the game offers. I assume if something like this were to be implemented, the countdowns would not be visible to the players for that very reason. If a player ties to lift an item before the hidden timer expires, his request will simply be denied. With such a system in place, immersion isn't really damaged and you still get the cut-throat feel of an FFA system.
Does this mean people will stand around an item and constantly click it in hopes of being the lucky one to grab it? Yes, but isn't that exactly what happens in a traditional FFA loot system? This just helps decrease some of the negatives of FFA while maintaining the same cut-throat feel. |
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" Since the two problems this system is designed to fix will still exist in hardcore and cut-throat leagues, and since you're trying to keep the timers low enough to keep the players light on their feet, I say just have this system in all leagues and keep it uniform. I am a poor freezingly cold soul
So far from where I intended to go |
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timed loot has been in alot of games . timers could have diplay on/off toggle ops . default setting off . add timer display toggle ops to showloot coms . personally i prefer unseen timers that cause lootwhores to spaz out . usually good for a laugh , then you boot them . --- .
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Well ya, but mainly if you're that worried then play solo. I mean if your that worried that the people will screw you over why play with them? I think the system in place now takes care of it.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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this loot systeme sound weird. Wont all they low ping players just steal my things with this systeme :(.
Cheaper than free... Speedtree
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If kill contribution system is out of question, this one works just great:
"To begin a booster draft you must buy 3 booster packs and you may have to small prize support fee. Cost is around $10-15.00. When the draft is set to begin you will be seated at a table of nine, sometimes more, and get ready to open your first pack. When instructed to do so you open your first pack and select one card that will become part of your deck, You pass the rest of your cards to your left and repeat the same process. Once the first pack is completed you repeat the same process but pass to your right instead. Finally, with the last pack, you pass to your left again." http://hubpages.com/hub/MagicThe-Gathering-Booster-Draft-Explained Player can't pick 2nd drop unless all other players have picked their 1st drop. If there are 4 players in a party and monster dropped 3 items, 4th player will have priority on 1st pick on future drops. This picking system solves the biggest problem with parties, especially random ones - player going greedy and picking most or all drops. It also allows for what I find totally OK - anyone picking anything if it's his turn. I want to be able to pick that uber rare bow even though I'm in party with all other players being Rangers. It's about item's (trade) value! "I am The Banisher, the ill will that snuffs the final candle." - Seal of Doom (MTG)
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It would be so funny if there were minis games for item drops. 1 gold item drops... Eveyone has to vrs each other in an all on all sumo match.
Cheaper than free... Speedtree
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