Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

Feel free to discuss these methods

Summary (Added idea from Roenie):

1) Global wise - across all leagues
2) League wise - different league has different looting options
3) Party wise - different party has different looting options

Looting options:
1) Need for Greed (roll between first requester and owner)
2) Extend Timer (set by developers)
3) Extend Timer (set by own player)
4) Free for All
5) Only for Me (not show to public)
6) Only for Me (show to public)
7) Class Points Earn
8) Extend Timer (keep alive in combat)
9) Need for Greed (time limit roll - time limit for requester, and only owner needs to click on need)
10) Extend Timer (set by party leader)
11) Roll between FFA requester (reasonable timer to request for item with indication on participant in roll)


1) Need for Greed (roll between first requester and owner)
- Respect the owner / entitle person.
- Maintain FFA, where only first person can roll with the owner
- People keep pressing for need, even their inventory is full, and ended up dropping it?
- Take time to implement (both client and server side)
- Remember previous roll winner for points earn in a party
- Those who are far away may not able to get the roll
- Too many popup (too many good items belong to you only) may slow down the game.

2) Extend Timer (set by developers)
- You got more time to loot
- May still endup in an argument like this, never end.
- Slow down the game as players wait for the time to expire

3) Extend Timer (set by own player)
- You can set your timer
- Everyone is going to set 99 seconds, and the point is?
- Slow down the game as players wait for the time to expire

4) Free for All
- Being more competitive and exciting
(is there more?)
- Defeat the purpose of co-op play, reduce party chemistry
- Players stand-still just to wait for the timer, thus, slow the game
- Players looting whatever, inventory being full, then go back to town, thus, slow the game (same as above)

5) Only For Me (not show to public)
- Secure items
- No slow down on the game, items can be picked after combat
- Wasting items that might be useful for other party members
- Reduce party chemistry, reduce conversation

6) Only For Me (show to public)
- Secure items
- Better party chemistry with more conversation in chat (trade, ask for item information, ...)
- No slow down on the game, items can be picked after combat
- Other ask for items, may require to go back, and slow the game / wasting item

7) Class Points Earn
- Make use of item for the proper class
- Fair to all classes
- Discourage farming character, encourage perfect party (all 6 classes in one party)
- Take time to implement
- Problem with the same class on a party
- May not work for rare built

8) Extend Timer (keep alive in combat)
- No slow down on the game, items can be picked after combat
- Players can focus on fighting, and encourage team fighting / efficiency
- Maintain FFA option
- Requires to wait for owner / whole party to be out of combat
- Implementation time
- Items never expire due to owner wants to keep fighting (with a radius?)
- Too many items that covered the screen before combat is done

9) Need for Greed (Delay roll - roll between requester within a time period, or FFA after)
- Everyone has a chance to roll, as you either wait for the timer to expire, or roll with other requests.
- Maintain FFA (once delay timer expired)
- Respect owner / entitle person (anyone click on the item between the timer can roll with the owner)
- People keep pressing for need, even their inventory is full, and ended up dropping it?
- Take time to implement (both client and server side)
- Remember previous roll winner for points earn in a party
- Too many popup (too many good items belong to you only) may slow down the game.

10) Extend Timer (set by party leader)
Possibility to set it to infinite ("Only for Me") or to 0 (FFA), with different timer choices in between. Every party can adjust to their optimal balance.
- May adjust expectation accordingly
- Add current distance timer on top of party timer
- No more complaints by users (can set according to their likes)

11) Roll between FFA requester (reasonable timer to click to mark item on ground to indicate participation in dice roll, optionally influenced by previous player action)
- no one need to click need
- no rush for the item (timer may set by party leader)
- show if you are requested for the item (and move on)
- implementation time may be long
- abandoned entitle player

Please let me know if I missed any points here, or mis-represent any points.
Since it seems unlikely anything will change with regard to free for all loot competition, here is what will likely happen from me...

Since it is unlikely any of my friends will be playing at times I can play (Time zones. lifestyles, etc)-

I will play the game through once- Solo.

If the story is engaging enough, I might play through more with different classes- Solo.

I will then move on.
iamstryker wrote:
Roenie wrote:
If i was GGG, i would enable two loot systems, to be chosen by the party creator.
With no one system being perfect, and so many opinions it seems that's the only way to go. The most gentle of those options should not be "no one but me can touch or even see my loot" because if that was an option almost everyone would choose it, because they will choose anything that makes sure they will never ever lose a single item to another player. Even if it makes the game more boring. It's that risk aversion thing that humans have.

I see nothing boring about it. But thats just my opinion.

Boring may not be the best description I could have offered. It does remove that bit of adrenaline. It also individualizes the experience. If all loot is automatically allocated there's no interaction between the players when it comes to the loot. It makes that aspect of the game feel more like a single player experience. It would also make it feel more like a boring grind for gear sooner than it otherwise would have. Competition for gear gives you a subconscious added incentive to want more gear. If all gear is allocated automatically you'll soon start to wonder why on earth you are grinding for gear in the first place.

A loot system that automatically and randomly allocates all non-white/blue loot should at least allow everyone to see who received what. That way at least you don't lose all the interaction.
Last edited by Roenie#7869 on Aug 13, 2012, 8:18:29 PM
Roenie wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Roenie wrote:
If i was GGG, i would enable two loot systems, to be chosen by the party creator.
With no one system being perfect, and so many opinions it seems that's the only way to go. The most gentle of those options should not be "no one but me can touch or even see my loot" because if that was an option almost everyone would choose it, because they will choose anything that makes sure they will never ever lose a single item to another player. Even if it makes the game more boring. It's that risk aversion thing that humans have.

I see nothing boring about it. But thats just my opinion.

Boring may not be the best description I could have offered. It does remove that bit of adrenaline. It also individualizes the experience. If all loot is automatically allocated there's no interaction between the players when it comes to the loot. It makes that aspect of the game feel more like a single player experience. It would also make it feel more like a boring grind for gear sooner than it otherwise would have. Competition for gear gives you a subconscious added incentive to want more gear. If all gear is allocated automatically you'll soon start to wonder why on earth you are grinding for gear in the first place.

A loot system that automatically and randomly allocates all non-white/blue loot should at least allow everyone to see who received what. That way at least you don't lose all the interaction.

People seeing the loot is fine with me. However I still disagree on the whole player interaction part. Did you play D3? There was plenty of player interaction if you wanted to play that way. If you picked up anything that you didn't need but was also a good item. All you had to do was quickly link it to the party.

The current system does nothing for me in terms of player interaction besides the fact that I can see the loot other people are picking up. You can also do that with allocated loot or an extended timer so thats not a feature limited to the current system.

ARPG's are always a loot grind. The point is usally just to get as powerful as you can with whatever build your making and show off to friends. A lot of people do it to get good gear for PVP. Its going to be a loot grind in any system. I don't see how its any better in an FFA system. Having to compete for loot does NOT make me want more gear. It just frustrates me that I have to do it so I go play single player.
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
Did you play D3? There was plenty of player interaction if you wanted to play that way.

But most people didn't, because they wanted their loot to be theirs and stay theirs (even if they weren't going to use the item) and it's a pain in the butt to link a drop in chat while you're playing.

I don't like the current system either, don't get me wrong.

Recently another thing about the current system came to my attention: I find it weird that drops are allocated even to players who didn't touch that particular monster. The player could be on the other side of the screen from the monster or even slightly off screen, not participating in the fight and an item drops allocated to him, while the player who took the time to kill the monster gets nothing (if unlucky, I've seen it happen).
Last edited by Roenie#7869 on Aug 15, 2012, 4:46:58 PM
markshiu wrote:
Roenie wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
I don't think there can be a loot system that has both loot competition and also doesn't have people getting robbed. They are opposites from another. The only way to have both is if their are options to support both groups.

Disagree, because I believe I have a solution to that.
I'm going to repeat what I said before, because my post was probably so long that most people didn't get far enough to read this. I know it's long, sorry, it's the only way to do it:

No initial, automatic drop allocation, because I want the player to see all the drops, compete for them, know that he is competing for them, and to work for them. The non-white item initially drops without a timer, just like white items do. White and blue items can be picked up immediately, higher rarity items cannot. Anyone can click the higher rarity item to indicate that they want it. The item is not picked up immediately when clicked on. Instead, the item is marked. In front of its name it gets a small circle (gold outline and black fill) with a green "V" checkmark inside it. The circle is no taller than the item name itself. If someone other than you clicked the item, the checkmark is a red "X" instead. The X indicates that in 5 seconds a dice roll will be performed to dertermine who gets the item. The dice roll can optionally be influenced by your previous actions. (More about that later.) Now you have 5 seconds to click the item too, to join in the dice roll before it ends, turning the "X" into a "V" checkmark. After the 5 second period, the item is automatically added to the winner's inventory. Of course we need a decent indicator of the 5 second period. (The "participation window".) More about this further below.

Competition feel to it
Having to click on every item that you want to have, and the items originally not belonging to anyone, adds to the feeling of competition for that item. Especially if that item was first clicked by someone else, and that fact is visible to you on the actual item as a red X. Meaning you have to get over there and click it too, to participate in the dice roll. Cutthroats will like the competitive feel of this.

Because I don't want everyone to click every item right now, there is a 5 second time window to do so. Carebears will like that idea. *And they won't feel robbed because chance ultimately determines who wins every roll, not the other players.

Influencing the dice roll, enhancing competition and teamplay simultaneously
I won't beat around the bush: this is the most difficult part to implement, but it's very powerful. Because we have a dice roll, we can influence its outcome based on player action. That could be anything you want to encourage or discourage. I would suggest using a set of criteria that cleverly and relatively precisely estimate how much a player was contributing to the progression of the party over the last 10 minutes. Divide by 10 to get a figure per minute. Compare that figure to the average figure for the entire party. Use the difference to determine a +% bonus to the chances of winning the dice roll. The "bonus" can also be negative. While this may seem
like a very carebearish thing to do... let's display the number on the UI when in a party, or on the party screen. Suddenly you have people competing with each other to contribute the most to the party's overall progression. (Note: when your odds of winning increase, the other players odds naturally go down, because the total win chance of all partymembers combined is always 100%.)

Participation window timer
Of course we need a decent indicator of the 5 second time period that I mentioned easlier, and that I called the "participation window". We need a good indicator of this because if an item is on its last second of its participation window, you don't want to walk over to it if you are 2 seconds away. The player needs to be aware how much time is remaining.

The way that timers are displayed with the current loot system could be used for this, with a few modifications;

As mentioned,
-The timers clutter up the UI a bit.
-The timers are hard to read because they are numbers rather than a visual clue.
-The timers are hard to read because they are numbers that are changing in realtime.

-Let's use a visual indicator instead of a numerical one, because they are quicker to judge.
That is why monsters in some games have health bars hovering above them, not numbers alone.
-Let's make them a bit smaller (less UI clutter).

I suggest adding a very thin "time bar" below the item name, comprised of 5 horizontal sections, one for each second. It should of course not be green or red in colour, because it comes natural to players to interpret those colours as health bars (when shaped like a bar). I suggest making use of the colour gold. This solution takes up less UI space than a number timer, and it's easier to quickly interpret. A bar is less accurate, which can be a good thing. When just one bar section remains you don't know if that's a full second, half a second, or one fifth of a second. But you can try to click the item anyway, knowing full well that you may not get there in time. If you don't get it, your response would be something along the lines of: "Noooo, I really wanted that rare ring." (Which translates to: I really want to find another one.) If you did get to the item on time, your response would be something like: "Yes! Woohoo, just in time!". I like both those responses, but I like the one where you didn't get to the item in time better than the reaction you'd get from not getting to it while you were shown exactly how many 10ths of a second remained. In that case it would feel like your own stupid fault if you still clicked the item and didn't get there in time.

If you ever read back previous post, please note that I ask for a short description in a sentence or two.

I really like this idea alot but one issue is that unique items should be locked to one player or for what classes that item would be best suited to. to be allowed to try and roll against each other for it but personally when I run teams I got 2 rules i run my team by if dont like it tuff rule one no ninja looting the timer is to short so wait about ten to 15 secs after timer due to fights and if person don't got for it its free for all 2 if you find a item you don't need ask the team if any one wants it for free I have played alot of mmo's and this has been my standerd rule as alot of loot systems stink
Roenie wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Did you play D3? There was plenty of player interaction if you wanted to play that way.

But most people didn't, because they wanted their loot to be theirs and stay theirs (even if they weren't going to use the item) and it's a pain in the butt to link a drop in chat while you're playing.

I don't like the current system either, don't get me wrong.

Recently another thing about the current system came to my attention: I find it weird that drops are allocated even to players who didn't touch that particular monster. The player could be on the other side of the screen from the monster or even slightly off screen, not participating in the fight and an item drops allocated to him, while the player who took the time to kill the monster gets nothing (if unlucky, I've seen it happen).

I've seen this happen alot to
Roenie wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Did you play D3? There was plenty of player interaction if you wanted to play that way.

But most people didn't, because they wanted their loot to be theirs and stay theirs (even if they weren't going to use the item) and it's a pain in the butt to link a drop in chat while you're playing.

I don't like the current system either, don't get me wrong.

Recently another thing about the current system came to my attention: I find it weird that drops are allocated even to players who didn't touch that particular monster. The player could be on the other side of the screen from the monster or even slightly off screen, not participating in the fight and an item drops allocated to him, while the player who took the time to kill the monster gets nothing (if unlucky, I've seen it happen).

Indeed, this is my problem toward drop only for you (aka D3 system).

I would like to have more sharing, and focus on the game theme, where you pick only those that you need and share those you don't. The D3 system might not enhance the sharing aspect.
i like PoE, i can even life with the small inventary, BUT i hate the lootsystem!! yeah, i know, i should do it, but i have to... d3 has found a really good solution for looting!!

with the actual system (like tausends of people already said) the mainconcentration will be to get as much as possible from the loot and not the fight itself

that there is no trade with the d3-system... that's far away from the truth, you can still give your loot someone else if he need it more than yourself

i think they should do a voting about this, it's just so important, and really a gamebreaker! probably better if there could vote just betamembers or so (to avoid trolls^^)

PS: i liked the idee about the possibility to implement both and that every party could decide which lootsystem they want
I love the idea of a Poll on this subject.

A) Pure FFA
B) Current System
C) Longer timers (current timer x 5)
D) Indefinite Timers
E) Instanced Loot
F) Party Leader Option to choose from above

I know I would choose "F". There is no reason to limit enjoyability of this game.

-- Providing opinions since I was old enough to tell my sister she was ugly.

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