Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

SoujiroSeta wrote:

This is my proposed loot system for the parent league.

1. It will apply to support gems/skill gems/rare armory/rare weaponry. An "I can equip this gem/rare item right now" and an "item range" requirement system will need to be in place for rares/gems. Lets say a shield/gem/weapon requires the player to be at lvl 40 and have 60 dex. The item range requirement for this shield/gem/weapon might be min/max lvl 35/45 min/max dex 54/66. This will determine those who get to have a chance to get the item. I can equip this now simply means the character can currently equip the gem/rare that just dropped

2. There should be a "Deny" button/option/etc so that if someone doesn't want an item it will go to the next chosen person (Will explain what I mean in the later parts). It is not needed as a timer would be in place, but it might shave a few seconds off when rares/gems are dropped.

3a. Items have requirements, character level/int/dex/stre. The gem/rare item dropped will single out players that meet the "I can equip it right now" requirements. If all/several party members meet the requirements, then someone is chosen randomly to see it first, with the option to deny. If he accepts to keep it, only party members that met the requirement are notified, via a small message on the side of their screen, (like how it tells you your gem has leveled up), that "Player X randomly got blank". This message will only pop up for gems/rares so you don't have to worry about seeing it every time someone picks up non-rare item/gem. This way players who see the message know that they can currently equip the rare item "X" player has, and can ask to trade whenever the time calls for it.

3b. If only one character has the requirements then the item appears to him only. He has the option to accept or deny it, or simply let the timer run.
3c. If he denies or timer runs out, the item's "range requirements" option kicks in. Lets say the character chosen during the "I can equip now" req declined/let clock run on a sword. The sword requires 52 str, and level 20. The other 4 party members are lvl 16/25 str, lvl 23/40 str, lv 19/48str, lvl 21/30 str. The range requirements for the sword are min/max lvl 18/23, min/max str 40/60. By default the lvl 16/25 str and lvl 21/30 str characters are eliminated. The item will randomly be given to either the lvl 23/40 str or lvl 19/48 str character first. If it goes to the lvl 19/48 str character first, he too will have the option to deny. If he denies it/timer runs out, then it goes FFA
3d. The first character who could equip it will have like 8 seconds to decide whether to keep it or deny. If he doesn't do anything, then "range requirements" kick in. Same goes for characters who are randomly chosen during range requirements selection process. If they don't decide within the time, it will go to the next randomized character that fits the range.

4. If all characters meet the "I can equip it now requirement", and if the person chosen rejects it, then it goes to the "range requirement". Characters who meet the "I can equip it now requirement" might not meet the range requirement and vice versa. Once it is rejected in the range requirement phase, it goes to FFA.

5. If no character meets the "I can equip it now" requirement then it goes to range requirement. If no one meets the range requirement then it goes to chooses a character at random. If they reject it goes FFA. If range requirement starts first and no one meets it, then it goes to I can equip now

6. Which one of the requirements, Item requirement/I can equip it now, comes first on the very first rare/gem drop will be random, and then will alternate for the remainder of the game. Both requirements will always take place, assuming the item isn't picked up after the first requirement.
The game starts, you and your party open a chest, kill a boss/mob, etc and rares drop. This is the first rare drop you've encountered, so either "I can equip it now" or "range requirement" will kick in. If it's not taken then the other requirement will kick in. If Range requirement was up first, and the item wasn't taken then I can equip it now will follow suit. Since range req came up on the first rare drop, "I can equip it now" will be the first requirement on the next rare drop, and if the item isn't taken then range requirement will kick in. The starting requirement will alternate.

7. If no one fits either requirement then it is randomized to a character. If he declines, FFA

This favors everyone.
-"I can equip is now" requirement favors players who can actually use the item right now and might want to.
-"Item range" requirement favors those who can't equip it now, but are a few points away.
-The requirements alternating means people who are within range, and those who can use it right away don't feel any one side is favored.
-The randomization ensure that no one is given an edge.
-This way, higher level players and players close to equipping an item have "first randomized dibbs". I believe those who can already equip an item or who are close to equipping should get first dibbs. In other words, a lvl 20 can still obtain a lvl 45 crossbow, but will have to wait for others to let timer run/decline. Nothing is more painful, imo, than watching the only lvl 20 in a gruop pick up a lvl 45 sword/bow/etc, when the other party members in the group are lvl 40-50. The lvl 20 still has a ways to go to lvl 45, and there is no telling whether that item will be of use to him by lvl 45. The lvl 40-50 can actually use the item, or will be able to soon, so I personally believe they should get first dibbs.
-At the same time the lvl 20 can still get the item cause if it is declined twice it goes to FFA. Or if a rare is dropped and he's the only character within the range requirement then he gets it for free as the range requirement will "randomly" select him first since he's the only one within the range.

Sorry if I made mistakes or my post is hard to understand. I'm rushing so I can go to bed. Will return tomorrow to correct.

The remaining parts I couldn't get to.

8. You cannot qualify for both requirements. If a character meets "I can equip now", and that is the requirement that came up first, even if they qualify for the "Item range" req as well, they won't be in the randomized running for "Item range" assuming it wasn't taken during "I can equip now". In other words, after the first requirement is over all the players that were in the randomized running cannot be in the second randomized running.

9. When the rares/gems drop, players can see it, but cannot pick it up. The requirement system won't kick in until after all the monsters within a certain range (open map) or room (dungeon) are killed. This way people would have no need to stop attacking and see who's character can pick it up first. Mages/archers don't have to be close either. No one should be able to pick up rares/gems until they go to FFA. Once the enemies within range are killed and the area is clear, a timer appears on rare/gem, like 6 seconds, signalling players to get within a certain range of the item if they aren't. Then the requirement system kicks in. Those not close enough will not be included in the requirement system. If no one is within range when the timer runs out, item goes FFA. Rare drops--people can see it but cannot pick it up---room/vicinity is clear---5 second timer---requirements--time runs out or no one accepts---FFA

10. Once players get within range during the 5 second timer, they cannot move or attack. A radius should appear surrounding the rare signalling its range. The entire process will take about 12 seconds max, 6 seconds for the first requirement, if it is not accepted, the another 6 for the the next before it goes FFA. So after the room/vicinity is clear of creatures, 5 second timer to get within a certain of range of item, 6 seconds for first requirement, if declined, another 6 for second. Ofcourse there is a high chance that the first randomized person chosen will take the item once they are selected, so it could be 5-10 seconds max. There is also a chance that all party members won't meet either requirements as the rares/gems might be too high level most of the time, and when no one meets either requirement it selects anyone within range at random after 5 seconds, and they'll most likely accept quickly (so another 5-10 seconds max).

11. During the requirement phase, all players participating won't be able to move, but they can still drop items out of their inventory if they are chosen during the randomized requirement phase

12. If someone didn't want to participate and decided to run off and attract monsters the region, well what happens. I remember reading somewhere that some traps are invisible to monsters. Well once the room is clear and the 5 second timer starts for people to get within range, those within range are invisible to any incoming monsters. They and cannot move, attack any monsters, cast spells, use skills, or drink flasks either. The only thing they can do is remove items from inventory or accept/decline rare/gem. They are also invincible, and take no damage for the duration of the time. So monsters will walk right by them, and if a monster cast a spell in that region they would not be affected. This way if someone wanted to interrupt the process by running off, getting aggro and bringing monsters to the spot just to annoy people, it won't work.

13. To get out of the range during the 5 second timer, all you have to do is click outside of the radius. Some people could be within range of the item and got "sucked" into participation by accident. Once the 5 second timer starts all those within range can't do anything (move, attack, use skills, drink flasks). Dropping items from inventory is only possible when you're randomly selected (Only the person chosen during the requirement process can drop items from inventory). Clicking out of the radius removes you from the running. This way, once the area/room is cleared, if you just happened to be close, saw the item but didn't care, you can opt out.

-This will eliminate the "Stop fighting and 100m dash to rare", "Why are archers shooting arrows/mages casting spells so close to this special creature?...oh that's why" type gameplay that happens once people encounter a creature they know drops rares.

-It works like the beta key selector. Everyone has a chance to get the item, but some peoples chances are higher, due to the randomized requirement system.

Ofcourse the amount of time allocated to each situation can be changed, I just put 5 seconds to get within range after room/vicinity is clear, and 6 for each requirement. You could as well say 4seconds to get within range, and 4 for each requirement.

I don't mind FFA, but plz not in the parent league. I actually want to play with random strangers, but this will never happen if that's current in all leagues. All FFA does is make people go solo, or play with those they
know WELL.
Last edited by SoujiroSeta#2390 on Jun 14, 2012, 10:25:07 AM
Frankly speaking I liked the first part better.

Gathering around a rare each time it drops could.. will have an impact on gameplay pace, forcing players to stop for each rare/gem dropped. And what if there are 2+ at the same time?

How about something like this:
1. the requirement system is on all the time, no gathering in circle after battle
2. besides "deny" button You will have the "i want it" button.
3. after You press it, the item is permanently Yours to pick up later, no timer anymore = no rushing for drop
4. the rest stays as You said in the first post

And I still think that lowering item stat req would work better. Now, players who can't equip an item yet, can be initially chosen only for "item range" req, meaning for 50% of drops. But those who can equip it now, are eligible for both requirements, having twice as many chances. Or is this intentional?

Moreover, setting it lower would eliminate having to set flags for players who didn't get an item during first requirement check. Those who can equip an item now wouldn't be in item stat range, and those who can't yet, well, they can't. So only "i can equip it now" OR "i'm close to equiping it", but not both.

This should make this system less code heavy, less possible situations for bugs to show and better overall performance.


Ok, sorry, I'm doing some coding myself and sometimes tend to break apart and (over)analize each thing having to do with programming. How it works, what to do to optimize it, stuff like that..
I've played a bit now and feel like my opinion is slightly more informed. I haven't made it past level 30 so, like I said, slightly more informed.

I would prefer FFA or instanced loot. Anything in the middle is just kinda annoying. I still doubt I would play FFA on my main with anything other than friends.

What I would really like to see is an option you can set before making a party to allow you to have either of the options. Some people get an adrenaline rush from fighting for items, but there are some people who want co-op play to be team oriented and as drama free as possible.
Just had some time to play with my friend for more than a couple of minutes. Ya, take away the stupid timer, it's more trouble than it's worth.

Either FFA or instanced, or make an option to choose which, but not this stupid thing where you have to wait several seconds/figure out what of everything that dropped actually "belongs" to you.
Sorry Ameey, I started playing the beta a couple days ago, and quite frankly it has taken up all my time. I'll reply as soon as I can.
don't know if already sugested, but a mix of FFA and personal loot can be good. Like, when the boss drop the goods, everybody have is own loot, with a short timer. when the timer is finish, all is loot become public. So in that way, you have to be quick and ready to pick your loot, and it's not a random guys that have all the loot alocated. I you don't want a certain loot, after a short time, others will be able to pick it up.
I in no way went through and read the 100+ pages of this discussion. Just the first dev post.

How will players know it's allocated to them? Will it glow or something?

Personally, I absolutely hate this idea. Sorry, but it's true. It's allocated to you for a few seconds, but in the middle of battle, you don't have time to run in and grab items. Some players do because they are jerks like that and don't actually contribute to the battle. They just loot what they can when other people kill what's left. Think about it from a Hardcore players view. A ranged person is expected to run into the middle of the battle and possible die just to get loot before the fellow exiles? Have you played hardcore? As a ranged you NEVER run into the middle of the battle like that.

Now, if each player had a combat timer of say... 5 seconds, and every time you attack, whether it be just an auto attack or skill, that timer resets. Once that timer drops to zero, THEN you have your 2-5 seconds before your allocation timer ends. That way, it keeps you in the fight, and makes you want to fight the entire fight before running over to the loot because you know your loot is safe as long as you're fighting.

That being said, if loot is FFA, or a bad system of looting, it will 100% keep me from playing in a group. 100%. After having a game give each player their own loot, and seeing other games do it as well, I feel it's how these games should be. There really is no downside to it. People stealing loot over and over just pisses everyone off, and really will make people stop fighting in the middle of a battle. No one is going to look at the item before they pick it up. they`ll just click everything possible and sort it out later.
I'm new to this game (still downloading), and just beginning to delve into these forums, but here's my two cents.

One of the few things I did enjoy about Diablo 3 (and there wasn't much) was that we each got our own loot. It meant you could simply focus on monster killing and get the loot when the battle was over.

In the initial post, it was stated that you really want that cut throat feeling. Why? If I'm playing with friends why would I want to be cut throat with them? This is the kind of issue that makes me stick to playing solo.

The idea of fighting some kind of timer to get the good loot, or just figuring out which loot is yours for however many seconds, seems like an element of tedium that I would not enjoy.

Me getting my loot and you getting your loot seems a straight forward fair way to go about things. But since I haven't played the game yet, I really can't say. Maybe being a cut throat is a lot of fun. My guess is it's only really fun for the guy who is fast at picking up gear, and even abandons the fight to do so.

Come on game, download faster!
Chris wrote:
Players who wanted an allocated looting system will hopefully be happy that this system mitigates item loss due to latency and travel distance.

It doesn't, at all. I didn't even think that's what that timer was. Most of the time it ends right about the time I finish reading the item's name. The item is looted by some selfish melee before I even cross a quarter of the distance to it. Whoever made the timer seems to be making two assumptions; that I can instantly drop what I'm doing and run into AOE spam or a huge group of monsters the moment something drops, and that I have a ~500% run speed bonus. Neither assumption is true.

Chris wrote:
tpapp157 wrote:
An allocation time more on the order of 5 seconds may be more reasonable.

The idea is that there's still an adrenaline rush and that the player has to be alert and aware of what items are dropping.

There is an adrenaline rush...

Because of the intense rage I feel seeing the asshat marauder loot his third rare bow while my archer's inventory is still empty.
Last edited by Pixelmancer#3327 on Jun 24, 2012, 9:21:30 AM
I like personalized loot better than a system where the closest character gets all the good stuff. That or the timers are considerably higher to unlock the item to the other players.

A suggestion would be either to up the timers or to don't allow looting/starting timers until the fight is over.

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