Elemental/Templar nerf?

Aixius wrote:
radiatoren wrote:
I acknowledge that the item new item progression is a lot better than the former. If the game is gonna be balanced right it is also a very good idea to have the values scaled high in the closed beta to make imbalances easier to spot. I would, however, like a more streamlined passive skill forest. A 33% or 50% overall reduction would make for an easier balancing after open beta begins. The biggest problems I see in the game at the moment are surviveability (I am not that worried about it since a lot of it can be improved by more skillgems, new monster abilities and numeric recalibration/skilltree improvements), cold damage effects (slow is more powerful than any other standard effect in the game and freeze duration/shatter are unmatched status effects) and numeric inflation on mods and passive skills (though that has been improved a lot by item progression).

Being able to slow/freeze your enemies has traditionally been a more practical and safe way to play games like this; the tradeoff is that cold damage is usually a lower amount (which is why "adds 2-3 cold damage" looks way better than "adds 2-3 fire damage", but fire damage can traditionally roll much higher).

As for the OP: this is a closed beta and the whole point of a beta is ready the game for release through testing and tweaking. None of this is finalized. If you can't handle the testing process then I suggest waiting for at least open beta, because all your characters/stash/progress are going to get wiped in the near future anyway.

Do not get me wrong. I love freeze and slow effects and I truely do not want to get rid of it entirely. I am just proposing turning off the shatter, remove freeze, remove slow-effect or maybe something less drastic to make it less of a preference. Shatter is very powerful in PvE and freeze/slow was the flavour of the month in cutthroat PvP. I know several powerful builds entirely focused around cold damage.
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jul 9, 2012, 1:52:52 PM
Chris wrote:
For the health of the game we have to make changes that may invalidate builds that people have made in this temporary Closed Beta.

In Open Beta, once we're not wiping any more, I can definitely see the argument for wanting to minimise the disruption to people's builds.

Changes we make right now though help us reach a balanced Open Beta faster.

Remember the cycle that happens if we refuse to nerf something:
  • We have to buff everything else to make it feel as powerful as the cool broken build.
  • People complain the game is now too easy.
  • We make the monsters harder so that it's still challenging in the right places.
  • Later, we realise that there has been arbitrary inflation of damage values. We scale them all down without affecting balance, to keep numbers reasonable.

At the end of the cycle, it's exactly like we did the correct fix in the first place, but it took ten times as long and left the game in a bad state for most of it.

Having said that, the 0.9.11 changes aren't really very disruptive. I just wanted to rant about nerf philosophy during Closed Beta.

Ahh the age-old issue of power creep!
radiatoren wrote:
Do not get me wrong. I love freeze and slow effects and I truely do not want to get rid of it entirely. I am just proposing turning off the shatter, remove freeze, remove slow-effect or maybe something less drastic to make it less of a preference. Shatter is very powerful in PvE and freeze/slow was the flavour of the month in cutthroat PvP. I know several powerful builds entirely focused around cold damage.

That's what made "Cannot be frozen" such a sought-after mod in D2. I will agree that the most dangerous enemies I face tend to be those with cold damage, although it's usually due to the attack/cast speed more than anything. I have already found a couple of potions with the "Dispels frozen and chilled" mod, but I only have one character in PoE and I'm still learning all about the game.

The mechanic doesn't need to go, the devs just need to make sure there are ways to counter it (thawing potions, cold res, cannot-be-frozen, etc.).
I have no problem with this.

I'm a player who plays the path of least resistance.

I am still playing my first character, an elemental damage 1hmace Templar, using both auras, 1h buffs and armor and health buffs to beast my char.

It will obviously nerf my current build(lvl 61). But by changing the skill tree it will if executed correctly increase the number of build options available to me.

As It currently stands, all Templars gain all the elemental damage mods, because they are too high compared with other nearby passives. I think it's pretty well balanced, since I die a lot more than most, but it's certainly abusable and limiting.

I just want to say Kudos to having a developer out there that responds well to the community, without sacrificing they're integrity as designers. As sad as it is, it's become a rare thing these days.
As someone who has played only since the elemental 'buffs' were sent out (thus has only elemental based builds), I am fine with it. It's a necessary part of the development process and something you shouldn't have to defend. I look forward to the day I can use the physical side of the tree and feel like I'm accomplishing something. :)
Charan wrote:
That all said, this is a beta, and a closed one at that. Nothing's set in stone, and the game experience is subject to change. Indeed, isn't it our job as beta testers to find things that might actually need what you call 'nerfing' and what I prefer to see in most cases as 'balancing'?

How many of you would stumble onto some crazy uber build and not tell the devs?

Agree 100%

The more adjusting in beta the less needed after the game is open to the whole world, where "nerfs" cause a river of tears.

It is easy to forget this is a closed beta still, because the game is already pretty good.

Yeah, agreed.

I get the feeling that a lot of people forget that they are currently playing a beta version of the game. Stuff is bound to change and that is bound to have an effect on a character.

In the end it doesn't much matter, though. When the game is finished, everyone is going to be starting over from scratch anyway. That means new chances, new opportunities and new characters. Sounds like fun to me!
Looks like someone missed their weekly meeting of Douchebag's Anonymous.

Coming from other gaming communities from the past 12 years I would say this is by far one of, if not the healthiest bunch of gamers addressing game issues and submitting positive feedback on a closed beta.

Great job to everyone involved.
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