Elemental/Templar nerf?

I heard about the passive tree reset. To balance physical/elemental damage.

Does anyone know if they are actually nerfing elemental % bonus. Buffing physical. Or just spreading elemental nodes out?
Jesuslovesme - level 26 Templar
Only the Devs, Mods and Alpha members know, but the latter 2 groups are not allow to talk about it unless a Dev reveals it first, since Alpha server contents are under NDA.
Sweeping Maid
magik4rp wrote:
I heard about the passive tree reset. To balance physical/elemental damage.

Does anyone know if they are actually nerfing elemental % bonus. Buffing physical. Or just spreading elemental nodes out?

Currently we are trying reducing the values of the passive nodes, and reducing the mods available on items, and buffing physical mods.

The nodes will not be more spread out, although it may be harder to get more than one of the element specific nodes.

Qarl wrote:

Currently we are trying reducing the values of the passive nodes, and reducing the mods available on items, and buffing physical mods.

Thanks for the reply,

I hope this nerf won't ruin any builds, half of the community are old D3 players.
Their downward spiral start when they nerfed peoples gear. Haha

Just something to keep in mind.
Jesuslovesme - level 26 Templar
magik4rp wrote:
Thanks for the reply,

I hope this nerf won't ruin any builds, half of the community are old D3 players.
Their downward spiral start when they nerfed peoples gear. Haha

Just something to keep in mind.

Im sure it'll be almost no different in terms of overall damage done. They're probably just reducing the damage of Elemental Nodes, while buffing the overall physical damage.

Example: You do 30% less elemental damage, but 30% more physical damage, therefore, all players still do the same amount of damage, just in different ways.

Even those who dont rely on elemental damage are buffed enough to compete in the endgame where Physical Damage (Melee) are inferior, such as my Marauder.

I can only hope.

Nerfs scare me to death now. =p
Jesuslovesme - level 26 Templar
magik4rp wrote:
I can only hope.

Nerfs scare me to death now. =p

I don't hand out keys to beggars. Its $10 bucks for one.....go mow a lawn or something.
That all said, this is a beta, and a closed one at that. Nothing's set in stone, and the game experience is subject to change. Indeed, isn't it our job as beta testers to find things that might actually need what you call 'nerfing' and what I prefer to see in most cases as 'balancing'?

How many of you would stumble onto some crazy uber build and not tell the devs?
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Jul 9, 2012, 1:35:47 AM
I just made an Elemental Templar 1h with a shield planning on going DW Maces ...

I don't hand out keys to beggars. Its $10 bucks for one.....go mow a lawn or something.
For the health of the game we have to make changes that may invalidate builds that people have made in this temporary Closed Beta.

In Open Beta, once we're not wiping any more, I can definitely see the argument for wanting to minimise the disruption to people's builds.

Changes we make right now though help us reach a balanced Open Beta faster.

Remember the cycle that happens if we refuse to nerf something:
  • We have to buff everything else to make it feel as powerful as the cool broken build.
  • People complain the game is now too easy.
  • We make the monsters harder so that it's still challenging in the right places.
  • Later, we realise that there has been arbitrary inflation of damage values. We scale them all down without affecting balance, to keep numbers reasonable.

At the end of the cycle, it's exactly like we did the correct fix in the first place, but it took ten times as long and left the game in a bad state for most of it.

Having said that, the 0.9.11 changes aren't really very disruptive. I just wanted to rant about nerf philosophy during Closed Beta.
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Last edited by Chris#0000 on Jul 9, 2012, 6:48:34 AM

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