Could someone from GGG answer please? :D
hopefully it's really two different leagues and not xyz HC and xyz SC (not that I would want anyone fored into HC or SC, but those two wouldn't really be that different)
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" Wow, word of 2 new non-race leagues come down from Aoraki / Mount Cook (highest point in New Zealand). If one of these leagues is Self Found based on what I just read here: That would be amazing. Even if they are only viable for 4 months and then a full wipe that would go an extremely long way to easing the suffering of the solo/no trading masses. I was beginning to think the GGG devs. were starting to act like the D3 devs. and be like the Evil Empire with the players being treated like the people of Alderaan: "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, referring to the Destruction of Alderaan We'll have to wait and see what GGG is working on but I'm keeping my fingers and 2 hearts crossed (I'm from Gallifrey) that one of them functions like the Self-Found League thread discusses so I can get more loot without the solo play penalty (that was a wrong/dumb idea to try to encourage party play, just pissed off us solo players). "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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" Sounds like poop then. I thought they said they were modeling this shit after Magic: The Gathering? What a blatant lie. You never saw WotC changing the god damn rules once an edition of cards was out. They didn't change the "drop rate" of cards. They didn't evvveerrr change that until the absolute NEXT batch came. that was their opportunity to alter their drop rates, alter the cards, and alter the rules. supposedly modeled after mtg? nooottt true then can't just change shit in the middle. |
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" That's all you could muster? It's true. If you want to play self-found, you can do it on default and it'll be literally exactly the same as if you were on a separate league on your own. Explain how it wouldn't? i too fas fo youuuuuuu
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*warning, Beta rant!*
This is beta. Everything can and will change. At any point, a bug could eat and destroy ALL of our characters with no rebuiding. It CAN happen. If it does, we roll with it. Don't like that, DO NOT PLAY BETA. When we get into Release, you can talk of a ladder without massive changes, though by then we would've stopped most of the massive changes by then anyway. Until then, change happens. *Beta rant end.* There's a fraction of players who like consistency and predictability: killing boss X will yield item Y.
This game really isn't for people like that. This game is for people who'll do the same area over and again because they know..., a Mirror can drop anywhere, anytime. - CharanJaydemyr |
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" in a seperate league you can have some modifyers that doesnt apply to default league. you can have the game balanced (in terms of drops) for soloplay rather than having to turn drops down cause groupplay is so OP. |
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" As far as I'm concerned, charging for your product is no different than it being released. It stops being beta when people are paying for features inside of it. Not just to donate -- no, FEATURES inside of it. Even a glowing purple character. Certainly stash tabs would easily qualify, as those are a mechanic that directly affect gameplay. GGG sticking "beta" on it doesn't change anything. The version number doesn't change anything. They released the game and started selling it -- it's not beta anymore. Last edited by HopTortoise#6758 on May 12, 2013, 11:51:16 PM
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Just gonna be clear here: a "self-found" league won't happen in the way that a lot of players would want it to, especially if the league is time-restricted to 4 months. It would just be a league with no trading and no grouping. GGG will not increase the drop rates of orbs in order to facilitate a type of league where you can easily craft your own equipment. If anything, it would become far harder to craft in such a league, because trading up alterations or chromatics for important alchemies and chaoses wouldn't be possible.
So the likelihood of GGG putting in a permanent "self-found" league is minimal, as it would have no real effect on the game at all. Moreover, because of the time restraint, it would have to dump into one of the main leagues (Default or HC), and the sheer amount of currency that such a league could generate would have a horrendous impact on the (already dying) economies of those two leagues. More likely possibilities would be:
But GGG deliberately wants to keep closed-lipped on the majority of this until they have the official rules for whatever leagues they are implementing ready to be pushed. This could be particularly true of a Cutthroat League, which, by its very nature, needs to have heavy restrictions or only the first 3 players who raced past Merveil will have any chance of advancing (due to then being able to grief-stomp all other players as they climb back up). Alteration Orb Union Local #7 I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions. Last edited by Shippal#4556 on May 12, 2013, 11:56:43 PM
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" Wizards of the Coast actually has made rules changes that retroactively affect old Magic cards. Multiple times. -When 6th Edition came out, Artifacts stopped "turning off" when they were tapped, and Interrupt spells were all changed to Instants (making them counterable and able to be responded to). -The rules regarding Phasing have changed multiple times, in turn enabling and destroying various combo decks. -2 Years ago, the rules for how damage is assigned in combat were changed, removing a layer of complexity from the game and drastically nerfing every instant-speed bounce spell ever, as well as many utility creatures like Mogg Fanatic. -Individual cards have been errata'd and re-errata'ed to have different functionality, meaning that some old cards don't even do what they say they do on the physical card. Just FYI. Code warrior
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"Fun fact - the rules for damage assigning in combat were initially changed in the aforementioned 6th edition rules overhaul, making creatures like Mogg Fanatic, and instant bounce, etc much better than they had been. The more recent changes moved things back to much closer to what they were in the early game, and actually returned Mogg Fanatic to the functionality he'd been printed with. People complained a lot both times. The biggest one is probably 6th ed. changing tapped artifacts so they didn't cease to function, because that functionality was retroactively added to a few popular artifacts by specifically changing their wording - compare the 5th edition Howling Mine with the 6th edition version. Most artifacts changed functionality because the rules changed, but a few instead change what was printed on them, making older printings no longer accurately reflect what the card did, making things inconsistent and confusing for players at the time. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on May 13, 2013, 12:42:30 AM