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Crashed to logon immediately on the beach talking to the npc :(
Cannot plug in keyboard on ps5. Do you guys even test console?
Game crashed !!
“Jul 26, 2024 8:03 PM (GMT) - We're investigating an issue with virtual keyboard not working on consoles. Players will need to use a phone app or a real keyboard to name a character in the meantime.“

That’s not how remote play works. Also, you guys do not have m&k enabled for PS5 (idk about Xbox) so that doesn’t work either. This is not a solution.

P.S. Even though it’s not currently, I would absolutely LOVE if m&k support for consoles was made available, that sounds wonderful.
Last edited by lookitshighc on Jul 26, 2024, 4:24:41 PM
any hints on how to prevent crashes?
b152349 wrote:
any hints on how to prevent crashes?

weiting for tomorrow XD
App does not work...we need a chat box to populate first. So everyone without a keyboard is screwed? There go all competition for currency. League is over before it even began. GGG needs to wipe the console league server when it fixes. Totally unfair
May the shwartz be with you
Error: Device lost

Crashed in Lioneye's Paws.

Platform PC.
Last edited by triberpaddy on Jul 26, 2024, 4:25:59 PM
2024/07/26 22:07:26 22824671 cff94598 [INFO Client 16868] : You have entered The Coast.
2024/07/26 22:07:26 22824843 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 16868] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2024/07/26 22:07:47 22845812 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 16868] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'Bored' triggered
2024/07/26 22:08:00 22858875 14affbcf [CRIT Client 16868] [VULKAN] Buffer 'particles_data' is not bound to descriptor set input
2024/07/26 22:08:00 22858875 f2498262 [CRIT Client 16868] [EXCEPTION] Buffer 'particles_data' is not bound to descriptor set input

found this in the client log as info for the crash. THIS might be a vulkan issue. Swap to directx for now.
Last edited by arkan1et on Jul 26, 2024, 4:25:20 PM
first crash, second zone

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