Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Looks like a well tested league launch well done guys 👍
Keyboard or app, doesn't work on Xbox.

Interesting to see streamers aren't having any problems....
can you help please. I keep crashing in the coast.
crashed for a third time on coast - pc
Crashing on Vulkan when League-Mechanic appears in map, DX11/12 seems working fine.
I am crashing on the Coast again. I get in to crash
On ps5 and waiting for à fixxxxx
crashed 4th time on the coast. same place consistantly..never had crash issues before.
second crash after 5 min in game on the coast
Last edited by squadwuschel on Jul 26, 2024, 4:32:46 PM
A dirty job, 1 monster left. Can't finish cause of league.

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