Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Game is crashing everywhere. In one hour of play, I have restarted the game for ate least 20 times, and most times I cannot even get in the game after I select my character. PLS FIXXXXXXX IT!
Life leech doesn't seem to be working with vaal pact enabled for me. I tried standard melee swings, Cleave, and Ground Slam.
Not Poe pulling a D4 👀
Would help if someone at GGG could say if there’s any chance of a fix for console coming out soon. It’s just a colossal waste of our time right now. Two hours of waiting and nothing?
Mac version via Steam on Apple Silicon still isn't working. Is anyone aware?
coast crash fix when ?
So far 2 hours of trying to enter "the Ledge" in act 1 and I get to run a few steps and game just crashes, tried dx12 / vulkan & dx11 all 3 don't seem to work still get crashes on all 3 also tried opening new instances of the map each time, also tried verifying game files 2 times now & reinstalling the game no luck yet, not sure whats causing it hopefully fixed soon.
Hey @GGG Console Players still waiting for the virtual Keyboard fix...
Yet another league start fuk up. Well done ggg
Unbelievable... 2,5 hrs left :(
Hope soon it will be fixed

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