Auction House needs fixed gold cost to use and place orders and no limit on listings!!!

Orca_Orcinus wrote:

The word to use here is opportunity cost, and there isn't one, since gold will be plentiful

Have a nice day

Just a slight adjustment....there presumably won't be an opportunity cost, because we hope gold will be plentiful. We really have no idea yet.

I'm an English major; you don't know the meanings of words you're using, and you don't know what word to actually use

The word to use here is opportunity cost, and there isn't one, since gold will be plentiful

Have a nice day[/quote]

ROFL English major!!!! Please drop out mate. stop wasting your money on your education as it seems to have no positive impact on you. trade-off and opportunity cost are the exact same thing. But wait you also need to have a basic understanding in mathematics to realize that no matter how plentiful the gold will be in the game, as long as it is NOT UNLIMITED!!!, there will always and always a trade off/ opportunity cost given the fact that gold is also used in other areas of the new league's mechanics.
Last edited by CandyFromAßaßy on Jul 26, 2024, 2:10:51 PM
here will always and always a trade off/ opportunity cost given the fact that gold is also used in other areas of the new league's mechanics.

very wrong. There is only a tradeoff if you have to make a choice. But if gold is plentiful to fund any amount of trade without having any impact on your ability to interact with the league mechanic.....then there is no tradeoff.

Tradeoff literally means trading one thing for another. The fact that gold is not infinite has no bearing on that. The amount of gold you receive does.

Again real world example (although it falls upon deaf ears): if you are a billionaire, buying a $50k car vs. buying $500 food isn't a can easily afford both in almost limitless quantity. Even though money is finite. But if you only have $50k to begin with....THEN its a tradeoff.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 26, 2024, 3:00:04 PM
People thinking GGG will "nail" the AH in their first try will have to rethink...

People CONSTANTLY underestimate the impact trading has to a game. While I don't necessarily see a currency exchange market as a bad idea, I don't think the balance of gold and trade limits will be perfect from the get-go.

But as they said; this IS a test, and eventually, they will probably get it (at least close to) right. But I think it's fair to expect some unforeseen effects on the game. I don't really think any solution will work 'perfectly' until they they strangle their public trade API.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
People thinking GGG will "nail" the AH in their first try will have to rethink...

People CONSTANTLY underestimate the impact trading has to a game. While I don't necessarily see a currency exchange market as a bad idea, I don't think the balance of gold and trade limits will be perfect from the get-go.

But as they said; this IS a test, and eventually, they will probably get it (at least close to) right. But I think it's fair to expect some unforeseen effects on the game. I don't really think any solution will work 'perfectly' until they they strangle their public trade API.

Not sure anyone in this thread, or in general, have ever claimed that this rollout is going to perfect. That isn't a part of the debate at all.

What's actually being discussed are the ways it (likely) will go wrong.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 26, 2024, 3:30:24 PM
:D:D:D how is it going guys? are you able to use auction house for trading??? :D:D:D:D

I personally cannot keep up with the gold costs of other stuff. t15 maps are not even dropping proper gold to sustain everything let alone use the auction house lol.
cat got your tongue guys? where are your replies???? are you dropping plenty of gold ? are you able to sustain town? are there trade offs? I'm laughing really hard at you. enjoy your 5k gold per map league. 17k gold at max - if u are lucky with bismuth ore. roflmao
I'm getting tons of gold and easily sustaining my town, but thanks for asking!
enjoy your 5k gold per map league. 17k gold at max - if u are lucky with bismuth ore. roflmao

45k gold per map, lmao
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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