Auction House needs fixed gold cost to use and place orders and no limit on listings!!!

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vio wrote:
there is so few information about the currency exchange, does buying from the market charge you gold or just putting trades in the exchange market?

Putting up a trade costs gold, and is necessary to interact with the market. There's no way to interact with the market without putting up a trade, because there's no difference between putting your currency up for sale and purchasing currency someone else is selling.

On the thread topic: I can't see fixed costs doing anything other than killing the desire to use the Exchange Market for small trades.

If it's the same fee to buy 1 Orb of Fusing as it is to buy 1000, why would someone bother using it for a small order? Might as well go to the trade site, where people would ignore whispers to trade because of the low trade volume as well. seems like the scaling costs can give an incentive to manually trade for the bulk trades people would be more likely to respond to in the first place.
Scaling costs are better for varying trades. Fixed costs are better for 1:1 trades.

Scaled costs lends value to the individual trade itself, while balancing the entire spectrum of trade. Fixed costs simply kills anyone trading below the middle, and offers a boon to the highest echelon traders. And then, if you remove the limit on trades, this exponentially increases any issues the pricing system might cause. Scaling costs might naturally limit the trade limit, but fixed costs certainly won't and the highest echelon traders will run away with the market even easier.

You want MORE elitism and control in the power of the top 1%?

Before the snarky comments, think about your idea critically to see if it even makes sense.

***It's why IRL banks and every kind of currency market charge a percentage fee on transactions....NOT a flat rate***
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 25, 2024, 7:40:57 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Scaling costs are better for varying trades. Fixed costs are better for 1:1 trades.

Scaled costs lends value to the individual trade itself, while balancing the entire spectrum of trade. Fixed costs simply kills anyone trading below the middle, and offers a boon to the highest echelon traders. And then, if you remove the limit on trades, this exponentially increases any issues the pricing system might cause. Scaling costs might naturally limit the trade limit, but fixed costs certainly won't and the highest echelon traders will run away with the market even easier.

You want MORE elitism and control in the power of the top 1%?

Before the snarky comments, think about your idea critically to see if it even makes sense.

***It's why IRL banks and every kind of currency market charge a percentage fee on transactions....NOT a flat rate***

lol. Banks in real life take a percetange from small transactions. and they have fixed costs for transacting huge amounts. check your facts before asking me to think critically. If I am a millionaire and the bank wants to cut a % off of my transactions I would say a big NO to that system. Which world are you living in????
jsuslak313 wrote:
Scaling costs are better for varying trades. Fixed costs are better for 1:1 trades.

Scaled costs lends value to the individual trade itself, while balancing the entire spectrum of trade. Fixed costs simply kills anyone trading below the middle, and offers a boon to the highest echelon traders. And then, if you remove the limit on trades, this exponentially increases any issues the pricing system might cause. Scaling costs might naturally limit the trade limit, but fixed costs certainly won't and the highest echelon traders will run away with the market even easier.

You want MORE elitism and control in the power of the top 1%?

Before the snarky comments, think about your idea critically to see if it even makes sense.

***It's why IRL banks and every kind of currency market charge a percentage fee on transactions....NOT a flat rate***

lol. Banks in real life take a percetange from small transactions. and they have fixed costs for transacting huge amounts. check your facts before asking me to think critically. If I am a millionaire and the bank wants to cut a % off of my transactions I would say a big NO to that system. Which world are you living in????

Ya ya that's nice and all, but did ya notice this is a video game
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
^hes also wrong.....the only time a bank charges a flat rate is if they have a deal with certain customers that utilize those transactions regularly and give the bank business. Such as certain deals with credit cards that allow the bank to take a fixed rate fee from each "customer". There are so many transactions there that offering that fixed rate is enticing and still profitable.

For all "normal" people and normal situations, no matter the amount, the fees are always percentages.

Flat rates incentivize companies to use banks over other banks because there is competition. And, the flat rate can be way more targeted to a SPECIFIC transaction (ex: mirror to divine could be a specified "flat" fee) In PoE, there is NO is one single bank. That alone makes a world of difference.

But all that is irrelevant and just meant to draw real world data into WHY GGG created the CE this way. But the far more important reason is what a flat rate would do to the CE. Flat rate cuts everyone below the median out of the equation entirely. A sliding scale allows everyone "equal" access (depending on how rarity plays into the fees). And a transactional limit reduces the ability of the top end to control pretty much the entire market as they please. They still can, of course...but it would require tons of separate accounts and a lot more work.

Another reason for scaling costs is that it becomes much easier to adjust the costs according to the changing market in real time. Fixed costs are static and would require manual override which would piss a whole lot of people off every time the "fixed cost" changes.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 25, 2024, 12:59:57 PM
The system isn't even out, they don't know how much gold will it drop and what the costs for everything are, but they are alredy crying it should be revised.

Seriously, chill. Test it then complain, not the other way around.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
They never announced AH introduction. Stop spreading fake info!
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
bulk buying low tier currencies makes no sense in AH because of the trade offs

There are no trade-offs, you don't wanna use it?

Don't use it.

no trade offs? do you know the meaning of trade-off?

I'm an English major; you don't know the meanings of words you're using, and you don't know what word to actually use

The word to use here is opportunity cost, and there isn't one, since gold will be plentiful

Have a nice day

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