Auction House needs fixed gold cost to use and place orders and no limit on listings!!!



scaling gold cost

at league start this will not be noticable at first. the goal of every mindful player will be to shift their small amounts of low tier currency into a common high tear currency (chaos orb) just to accumulate enough to snipe their build enabling uniques as early as possible before prices skyrocket. After this early period I am 100% sure the AH activity of all players will decline drastically because everyone will be after bulk selling and bulk buying. No matter the abundance of gold in game no one will ever prefer to downgrade their high tier currency into lower tier currencies, using the AH because it has even more impact on gold costs as you will be buying more units of those currencies. Say you want bulk amount of alts to craft your merciless weapon base or adorned jewels. this will mean that you have to farm insane amount of gold (30 gold per 1 alt). add the other factor in that gold can be used in other areas of the game like gambling or paying ransom or wages of your workers people will soon realize that bulk buying low tier currencies makes no sense in AH because of the trade offs( especially the commonly seeked ones) this will leave the market with those who list their orders to sell their low tier currency for higher ones but no one person will fill their orders. Only those new comers that are in need of a few alts and alchs will buy from you and once they are done too they will stop using AH too. The whole thing will have low liquidity compared to using the trade site.

Solution suggestion:

I am aware that the gold taxing for trade is meant to stop botters from engaging in the system. but this can be done in a more reasonable way too. Such as a fixed gold cost to access temporarily the AH ( say for 2 days) And also a fixed gold cost is needed for placing any order. Fixed gold cost on orders will mean that changing the ratio of the sell or buy order to undercut other sellers or race with other buyers would mean that you need to pay that cost everytime you adjust your ratios.

This solution is more sensible and will create a more liquid market for all players and potentially completly eliminate the trade site usage for currencies and at the same time the goal of deflecting botters will be achieved.

Good luck to all of you on the league start. I hope we all have a smooth league. oh almost forgot. D4 bad.
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2024, 5:20:09 AM
bulk buying low tier currencies makes no sense in AH because of the trade offs

There are no trade-offs, you don't wanna use it?

Don't use it.
Clearly you didnt watch the video. GGG stated that gold costs are based around mid-tier gaming. Anyone higher than that, gold cost will become quickly irrelevant. Nearly all currency trades past the first week or two are going to be with these "high-tier" players.

And you also completely disregard the very real attraction of paying for convenience.

I can all but guarantee that EVERYONE in the later stages of the game will do all their trades via the CE. No matter the gold cost. ESPECIALLY with large amounts of currency. Because the QoL is just insane. You can continue to farm and play with no interruptions, while trading 10s of thousands of lower currencies. That is invaluable, and players would even be likely to shell out divines and real money for this type of convenience, let alone a semi-useless currency like gold. Don't forget that orders can be "partially" fulfilled...meaning that you can put an absurd number into a single trade and just let it cook.

This could change if GGG really really screw up the gold cost / gold acquisition ratios, but it is more likely that they overcompensate and gold rains from sky once you hit red maps.

Additionally, I highly doubt the "gold cost" is going to be solely "per unit". It will likely be a function of the rarity of the unit as well. So those wishing to trade up lower currency, or down TO lower currency will have costs that reflect the rarity of that currency.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 23, 2024, 5:15:39 PM
I imagine GGG is going to test out what works best. Also I expect they've done their homework and HEAVILLY considered and studied what other games have done with AH style trading systems that are ultra easy to bot or game the system. I would expect them to set initial conditions extremely conservative to start.

I often question GGG choices, and am not afraid to be critical but even so I imagine they've looked at Lost Arks pheons and similar to learn from but this league will be a beta test of sorts which they've explicitly stated.

In short let them cook.

If you ever want a nice podcast about gaming a few GGG employees (occasionally some of the higher ups like Chris and so on) run a podcast called "front seat gamer".

I bring this up because if you listen in even occasionally you'll understand that GGG has plenty of good Devs who are plugged into gaming.

Yes sometimes GGG's top level decision making (automated warcries vs left click instant warcries, taking flat dmg off melee gems) is questionable or left hand not knowing what right is up to kind of stuff (T17's mobs getting doubled up). But this is first attempt and they can't set things too liberal out of the gate.

I just think there's honestly no basis to criticize currently with nothing to test and no basis to extrapolate except subjective desires for an outcome that favors someone personal tastes over whats best for the game.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
there is so few information about the currency exchange, does buying from the market charge you gold or just putting trades in the exchange market?
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
I will be laughing so hard when I read people crying about the AH on reddit or forums. It will be dead within 1st week. mark my words.
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
bulk buying low tier currencies makes no sense in AH because of the trade offs

There are no trade-offs, you don't wanna use it?

Don't use it.

no trade offs? do you know the meaning of trade-off? the gold can be used elsewhere too. like paying wages and gambling in black market. this is the trade-off. just in case you didnt know the meaning of trade-off: it is the missed opportunity of doing something else instead of your past decision.
I will be laughing so hard when I read people crying about the AH on reddit or forums. It will be dead within 1st week. mark my words.

then they'll adjust it. Why does this matter? Its literally an experimental feature that they've said will be tweaked as needed.

The simple fact of ease of use and not needing to leave maps to complete trades will 100% make people love this even with trade offs. Still I could see a lot of newer/less time wealthy players being upset at being "excluded" by steep gold costs. If they are indeed "steep" GGG has a tendency to massively underestimate their player base, almost every single time. Tbh this proposed system doesn't look conservative enough for introduction.

The limits to slots will balance the 1% ers vs everyone else somewhat which is 100% necessary.

fact of the matter is they would be stupid to introduce this with too little friction or restriction. Too much is easier to relax than taking stuff away from the player by increasing friction after launch.

Its called framing bias.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Jul 24, 2024, 8:04:27 PM
I will be laughing so hard when I read people crying about the AH on reddit or forums. It will be dead within 1st week. mark my words.

There is no way it'll be dead within a week....this is the single biggest request from players since the game was first released. Even if its full of problems, players will STILL use it.

The only reason it could fail is if they screw up gold SO BAD that you have to literally choose between using the CE, and playing the league content. And yet....even then, I would predict that players would sooner abandon the LEAGUE than abandon automated currency trading. The sheer value of being able to trade currency while continuing to play is far greater than any rewards you might get through passive map running or passive boating. Especially to veterans who can now likely exponentially increase their income simply by gathering hundreds/thousands of each currency and setting massive trades.

Think of all the time that we have wasted throughout the years minimizing the game, searching the trade, whispering 100 people, for a SINGLE trade...that is completely gone with the CE. You have no idea the concessions players will make to use the CE.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 24, 2024, 8:14:10 PM
Did I give he impression that I WANT auction house to fail??? I want it to work as much as anyone else. But the current version they introduced is absolutely flawed. Scaled costs will damage the liquidity. Also remember, they said gold taxation for AH trading is meant to stop botters from engaging with the system. This can also be done with fixed costs. X reasonable fixed amount to use AH for 2 or 3 days. and Y reasonable fixed amount per listing that you add. Solution is right before our eyes that would make everyone happy. With scaling gold costs I am 100% sure everyone will hate it. And no limits for listing counts. Do you think this solution is bad? will it cause any sort of harm???

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