Why D4 will eventually win the arpg war. Thoughts from 20 years veteran

It will be interesting to see where things go once D4's next season releases, because from what people have seen on the PTR, it looks like they are doing a complete 180 on a lot of people's biggest complaints about the game.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
The only reason blizzard win anything at this point is that there are too damn many sheep that keep buying their shite.

Anyone with a brain could see that if it was an unknown developer with little to no experience in the market that D4 would fail hard and barely be mentioned more than wolcen.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980 on Apr 5, 2024, 4:47:10 PM
lagwin1980 wrote:
The only reason blizzard win anything at this point is that there are too damn many sheep that keep buying their shite.

Anyone with a brain could see that if it was an unknown developer with little to no experience in the market that D4 would fail hard and barely be mentioned more than wolcen.

That + good marketing
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/artcrusader
You are delusional.

- Probably Asmongold
L post. Diablo has no innovation. They started it that's it. They tried too gaslight us into thinking they actually did something with Diablo 4. Now coming from someone who played Diablo 2 on PC back when it was first released. Timegating bosses is dumb. Not using the bosses from the campaign as additional bosses at endgame on release is the biggest L. Also not being able too trade anything of importance in an arpg where loot is king is also the craziest thing I've ever seen. No actual builds or builds being gated behind uniques that were so rare you could get level 100 and never see it(I did it with druid). Maybe in 5 years d4 could compete with poe but it ain't competing with poe2 unfortunately. It's one of the only times in the last 10years I've had faith in a company too deliver. We know poe are innovators of the arpg genre. Blizzard are just riding the coattails of the Diablo name. Screw blizzard and screw anyone else who claims AAA titles worth over $80 and I won't get the same amount of hours of playing 1 build,1 league in poe(a free game btw) are good.

To sum it up in simple words the complexity of D4 took too much from D3.

The lack of mercenaries, the shallow itemization, the shallow skills and the lack of understanding of the D2 franchise are really evident with D4.

It's more of a D3 clone in a D2 skin if anything.

Not that they can't turn it around but the amount of work in itemization alone is staggering. Charms alone. Runewords too. Crafting as well.

Just consider in D2 a merc build that slays for you is a thing. In D3 they got this all wrong. Just a very basic understanding of Diablo with none of the nuanced understanding of the game mechanics. Aka "FU PvP guy" logic.

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