dont nerf penance brand too much....

so we all know penance brand of d is getting a nerf but please dont Nerf it into the ground to the point where nobody wants to play it anymore...i actually havent played it yet and want to try it out next league.
Last bumped on Mar 28, 2024, 7:59:45 PM
If they don't nerf it much hcssf voidstones will never be easier than next league.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
If they don't nerf it much hcssf voidstones will never be easier than next league.

And if there's a new boss it will just fall over.

They'll chunk it or I'll league start it like no tomorrow :p
Did you try turning it off and on again?
Let's be realistic. Penisbrand will be nuked from orbit. Thrice, as is tradition.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
I actually havent played it yet and want to try it out next league.

And what stops you to play it even if it gets it's giga nerf change? Even non meta skills are good and fun to play!
Getting builds up and running with the current level of player power isn't really much of a hard task and you can destroy the entire game content with ease even on a "weak meme" ability.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Mar 17, 2024, 4:36:26 PM
how much do you guys think it should be nerfed by?

i know it sounds extreme but i think you could cut about 1/3 off its dps and it would probably be ok. i know thats probably an unprecedented nerf for a skill gem and cutting a 1/3 off its damage will result in people just abandoning the skill in droves and saying its dead.... but would it rly be dead?

i feel like its probably far enough out of place to suffer a 1/3 damage nerf and still be a decent skill.

i know some penbrand enjoyers are gonna hate me for saying that, i love the skill, i have a char for it ive put a lot of investment into. but i honestly think it would survive a nerf of that size, maybe not in the minds of the player base but in terms of actual functionality i think the skill would still play fine?
To me, if a build cant collect all 4 voidstones and 7/7 the normal bosses it isn't worth playing the first 2 weeks of a league. As well as needing to be able to farm twisted/formed elder/uelder/shaper very comfortably without getting 1 shot by every ability.

If it cant tank 2x shaper slams without a guard skill its trash too.
if they don't nuke it and also Tornado shot then I look forward to the "meta is super stale we need a meta shakeup" rage threads here and on the reddit.

This idea that there MUST be 70-80% bad skills so that the 20-30% of better skills can make players "feel like they are breaking the game" is honestly kinda overblown.

No matter what some players will chase the strongest meta, and others will look for a path less traveled that still works to their satisfaction. I think "compressing" the "dynamics" of the games skills from BILLIONS OF DMG and 100's of K damage for low end skills to say (generalizing broadly):

20 million and 1million

Would actually just make the entire game more fun and creative. There would still be bad skills and "OP" ones but the disparity wouldn't be as stupid as it currently is. TS and Penance brand and Mines/Traps and Minions capping out in the 10-20million range and Static Strike and Sweep and shit flooring out around 2mil instead of 500k at my idea of moderate investment (theoretically speaking this is just a loose example I'm aware someones going to link a 20million high investment sweep "'tism build" and tell me I'm wrong) would be just fine for the health of the game.

Penance brand and TS and poison SRS would still be super strong. But the bottom of the barrel skills would at least no longer make you feel like a moron for trying to enjoy them.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Snorkle_uk wrote:
how much do you guys think it should be nerfed by?

i know it sounds extreme but i think you could cut about 1/3 off its dps and it would probably be ok. i know thats probably an unprecedented nerf for a skill gem and cutting a 1/3 off its damage will result in people just abandoning the skill in droves and saying its dead.... but would it rly be dead?

i feel like its probably far enough out of place to suffer a 1/3 damage nerf and still be a decent skill.

i know some penbrand enjoyers are gonna hate me for saying that, i love the skill, i have a char for it ive put a lot of investment into. but i honestly think it would survive a nerf of that size, maybe not in the minds of the player base but in terms of actual functionality i think the skill would still play fine?

Aren't both of those skills doing hundreds of millions even a billion on paper dmg with extreme investment?

Anyone remember when they nerfed Ele hit fire conversion bow builds by 50%?

110 million damage became 55million? I member. From 100 times more damage than any competent player needs to 50 times more damage than any competent player needed at the time. This was ofc before Uber bosses.

I bet you could nerf Penance brand by 90% and it would still outperform any melee skill that isn't Boneshatter, MS or LS. Honestly probably those as well given that Brands are the Universes Perfect skills, the kwisatz haderach of skill archetypes.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
considering the fact that melee has to have several times the damage of a brand skill to compete there is no competition.

as long as there is flat damage on spell gems and getting +1 +1 is easier than getting a fractured dictators base melee phys is screwed, at least ele melee has flexible options with prefixes due to triniy, veiled mod pen, and hits cant be evaded craft.

scaling gem levels is too easy. that's why these gems end up op.

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