Collected Ideas for Microtransactions

A Hell Hound pet whose paws leaves behind flaming paw prints.
I can play the world's smallest violin on demand.
golem09 wrote:
FateAnomaly wrote:
I think i would like a stash tab for skill gems. Lets call it a skill gem web. It will have enough space for 1 of every gem. The slots will be fixed and arranged in a logical manner. Support gems may perhaps form a ring around the main web.

How about that stack-stash tab I suggested above? Something like that?

My idea is more of a collection of sort. It also shows what gems you are missing. However, it probably need to have shift-click to put into the correct slot for more convenience. Maybe a maxed out lv20 20% gem will glow or something for added visual effect.
Three words:

Character Name Change

I would also lean towards the ability for change forum display names (not account names).

As far as the modeling goes, I know they have stated that if it becomes a possibility it will be quite a bit down the road. However, what has been discussed is using already available models for gender changes between classes, rather than designing new ones.
JohnnyKatze wrote:
1. Cosmetic changes to Portals:

- generally different colours
- a firy red one summoned on top of a pentagramm
- blood dripping demon Gate'esque one, with a spiky black frame and a whirling nexus in the middle
- maybe a stargate rippoff for Sci-fi fans would also be nice


Different haircuts and coming with them a "no helmet mod" where the stats of your helmet apply but the model isn't seen on your character. (one could add that for any sort of armour)

Stuff like:
-medusa snakes for the witch
-a mohawk for the marauder
-long flowing hair for the ranger
-chinese braid for the duelist
-some "emo like" hair combed into the face thing for the shadow
- haihachi side spikes for the templar
comes to mind :)

3. Some cheesy lines on critical hits for each class (we all know those form action movies)

"Hell yeah"
"Slice 'n' dice"
"Meet your maker"
"thy life ends here"
"Back to hell"
"Melt for me"
"Death's cold embrace"

i think you see where this is going :)

Great Ideas! I really hope this gets implemented!
Special Flasks that when drank trigger animations in town or alter your characters appearance temporarely.Town animations like NPCs doing a dance or animals coming into town to eat some thrown out food(parrots,small monkeys etc).Character transforms like turning a different colour or turning into an iconic figure(Diablo!!).

These flask could come with a toggle button to switch to normal flasks and automatically toggle on town/instance entry.Useable only in town as they could be too distracting.
Monster pets. Take any standard* monster model, reduce its dimensions by 50-75%, strip its combat data, set its ai to follow the leader, assign it the kiwi activate/deactivate code, done.

Minimal resources required to impliment as the requisite art assets and pet code are already part of the game, and plenty of models to choose from (specifically, the entire beastiary).

*Reserve the boss model pets for event prizes. ^_^
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Jul 22, 2012, 1:07:58 AM
Sorry that I dont have any ideas I personaly feel are worthy of suggesting for asthetic goodness but I would like to say :

This is a great suggestion thread!!!! : For live streams, gameplay, news of me +(.

It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence. - Mohandas Gandhi
Last edited by tachi203#2942 on Jul 22, 2012, 2:18:31 AM
Updated the first post with ideas from this thread.
TEA BAG after PvP kill

Use of fists animation but w/ weapon stats/speed (think Druid/Werewolf/Werebear from D2 but with no increase in power or weapon speed)

Show gems on items in game

Change default eyes with glowing red/white/yellow

HUGE feet

Ride a skate board

Headless (retain stats for helms just don't show head)

Folded angle/demon wings on back of course

Change flasks to look like whiskey/wine bottles

Burning Joint/cigarette hanging from mouth

Change skeletons (summon) to spiders or whatever with same attack/speed/stats

Backpack that takes up 4 spaces but provides 12 for more storage (Not a pay-to-win kinda thing IMO)

Every time you make a crit hit you make a FART sound!

Idle character squats and takes a dump...JK

Change Bows to look like modern rifles/handguns with same stats/weapons speed...(HK416/HK45)

Dread locks

Ethereal character/hardly opaque

HUGE Akuma style prayer beads

Bright orange prison outfit while retaining all armor stats (really makes using a shank fun!)

Change bandits that throw stuff at you into monkeys that chuck poop...JK

Samurai battle banners worn on back (Sashimono-

Change Fire Trap skin to a Welcome Mat/Modern Anti Tank or Anti Infantry mine while keeping gem level stats

Change two handed mauls to Baseball bat/modern sledge hammer skin while retaining equipped weapon stats/speed

Characters have tails (Cats/reptile/demon)

Change shield skins with typical street signs (STOP, yield) while stats for shield remain unchanged

School girl outfit...for all classes even Marauder!! YEA!

Kilt with bagpipes slung over shoulder (on characters back)

Non equipped character skin while wearing full armor retaining stats for armor/helm/boots

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Last edited by Hk45#3880 on Aug 6, 2012, 2:48:59 AM
I wanna Cat pet =^_^= pussy little cat from fate)

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