Let us disable Annoying sounds in town

Bracks_ZA wrote:
Why are you even sitting in town? Mute sound if you dont like it

Talking to NPC
Spending skill points

A lot of reasons actually.
A nice way to split the baby might be that the "Goblin Slayer" MTX only appears and kills the goblins for the person who bought it - much like the slider for MTX volume peopel are also suggesting (both are good ideas).

To the Goblin Slayer MTX player, your Apparition makes a bloody slurry of the nuisance goblins. To the Goblin Bard MTX player, their hideous little troop of disfigured bard mutants get to make horrible noises to their heart's content.

That way the people who like the... cacophony... can continue to enjoy their chaotic dissonance... and those who want to hear PoE's beautiful soundtrack and ambient sounds can play as they please as well.

Seems like a fair option.

Take my 90.00-60.00 please.

Of course, if you bought the MTX specifically to make people's play time unfun/unpleasant, then you won't be happy. And frankly, if that was your motivation, I don't think it really bothers me if you dislike being muted by the other players who bought the counter MTX.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Apr 8, 2024, 5:00:19 AM
Heywoody wrote:
sowozup wrote:

So keep them nasty sounds for them, and i bet they themselves play muted.
Its just to annoy other players. Not the way to go imo.

Well, you're wrong. I never play muted, but I use the goblin pet fairly often and spend most of my time in hideout and town, trading. I like the little guys. I think they're kind of cute and I don't find the music annoying.

Some people here are very upset and passionate about their hatred of the goblin troupe and I really don't understand it. I'm starting to believe everyone has their volume set really high or something... The noise they make isn't that loud for me. It's the same volume as any of the NPCs I speak to, and the music they make isn't heavy metal or some absurdly annoying instrument- like someone blasting on a trumpet or violin. Their singing isn't annoyingly high pitched nor annoyingly low pitched, either.

The really ironic part is I have a debilitating sensitivity to certain noises IRL. So from my point of view it's kind of amazing everyone hates the goblin boys while I have no issue with their music.

Btw my goal is not to annoy people. If i wanted to annoy people in town with MTX sounds there are other, far more annoying ways to do it (which I will not disclose).

you understand the concept of immersion right ?
this is the only sound so far that break it for me that much in the game.
when i login, now i have to rush to my hideout to make sure i dont listen to it

ofc if we now considers that poe atmosphere means nothing then go ahead ggg, go all in with all those stupid noises.
As a new player, the obnoxious music samples make it hard to focus on gear and stats in towns. Who thinks this is a good idea.
I'd like to give you some money for this wonderful change please GGG - TY!
I firmly agree, dunno what's worse: fact they made it or people using it, it's SO annoying I cannot imagine how anyone can use it and stay sane. They should disable these sounds in towns by default.
I firmly agree, dunno what's worse: fact they made it or people using it, it's SO annoying I cannot imagine how anyone can use it and stay sane. They should disable these sounds in towns by default.

people are only using it to annoy others. its the first "pay to annoy" mtx
Sometimes I have a feeling that people buy such things to annoy others.

I mean, MTX's are already pretty forced on you since you can't turn them off on others, and now this... sounds on top of that...

GGG what are you doing?

Unfortunately, the only thing I can suggest is to disable sounds apart from whispers, filter etc... Doesn't seem like it should be this way, but that's what we've got currently.

On the bright side, disabling sounds might boost your performance since a lot of players told that the engine works worse with enabled sounds...

Who knows, I play without sounds :D
Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
Last edited by y3lw0rC on Apr 10, 2024, 4:59:32 AM
y3lw0rC wrote:
Sometimes I have a feeling that people buy such things to annoy others.

Lyutsifer665 wrote:

people are only using it to annoy others. its the first "pay to annoy" mtx

I don't think it started out that way. GGG has been over a lot of flack in the past few years for the cost of their MTX compared to other companies. In response they're tried to make their cosmetics more vibrant, interactive, responsive and LOUD.

(The intent was probably to provide more bang for the customer's dollars).

Some of these cosmetics have began to annoy other players... and... trolls being trolls...

..troll see bridge... racial troll instinct kicks in... troll behavior ensues.

I don't think GGG set out to annoy people, and it wasn't until it became a meme that people began buying goblins and horses just to upset or irritate others.

It's easy to look back in hindsight and account for all the variables - but not so much when releasing the FX.

Mistakes were made. Such is life.

I would be happy to pay for a counter-MTX or an MTX volume slider bar.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Apr 10, 2024, 7:07:03 PM
The sound was annoying the first time I heard it and never stopped. I get it's an MTX and GGG is making money from it but other players shouldn't be forced to constantly listen to someone else's MTX especially with a distinctive repetitive sounds like that. Another one that annoyed me was Call to arms sound

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