Let us disable Annoying sounds in town

this goblin song is doing my head in....
It is exceedingly annoying. It looks great in the supporter pack video. Town is the problem.
I have to agree, it's really annoying. Especially when you have turned on all the sounds, the vibe is so great and then this annoying sounds from those "goblins". Please disable it in towns. Thank you! =)
I am openly saying. Anyone who comes into my HO to trade with me, and will have that on, instantly goes to blacklist. Ho!
It's unbelievably bad. Like, my wife in the next room begging me to stop playing PoE for the first time in 6000 hours due to that one sound.

The league mechanic is broken and overtuned, so many other aspects have broken, lag is unbelievable for east coast US, crashes, Ultimatum crashes and broken shit...and yet...

stupid singing pets are the worst part of this league.
GGG.... I'm quitting this league.

Reasons, in order of importance:
#1 - Idiotic, annoying, star-wars pub, music snippets that I don't want, nor will I ever want, to hear. And I can't turn them off.

#2 - Town Load Lag from all the supporter pack micro transactions, now made worse that I have to listen to all the annoying idiocy of #1 while starring at a loading screen

#3 - League load lag. Ancestor was bad. Affliction is worse.

#4 - Wildwood zones have no visual indicators for pathing, direction, where you have traveled, and no mini map. The Seething Chyme is a completely ridiculous, unfun, mechanic which should have never been implemented. Copying Seething Chyme and implementing it as a league mechanic, I have no nice words to say.

#5 - Can't find the Wildwood masters. Really? RNG, coupled with the idiocy of #4.

#6 - Overtunned League Mobs as usual

#7 - Not really rewarding

Final thought: If you don't fix, get rid of the issues from #1, I will never play this game again. Ever.
Last edited by Galtrovan on Dec 11, 2023, 8:03:59 PM
Galtrovan wrote:
GGG.... I'm quitting this league.

I haven't really played the game the past few days as I also refuse to put up with the annoyance. I'm not a good player. I am not able to zoom through leveling. The sounds were annoying in Act 1. I am on Act 2. I'll pass on 8 more acts of being griefed like that.

What's even more jarring is that the pet will be there for future leagues and POE 2.

Nothing mentioned in the Live Updates section that the devs are at least considering options for those who don't want to hear the pet. smh
It's unbearable. Especially when town loads for few minutes, you can't do nothing and only thing I hear is this music. ALso I have like 25 fps in towns and game stutters from all the ridiculous visuals.
Please for the love of god give us a way to disable this annoyance.
Glad I'm not the only one who fucking hates this. One of PoE's best aspects was the well designed sound and music. Towns had a carefully crafted atmosphere. Now that's completely gone because every 10 seconds you hear this absolutely obnoxious MTX sound.

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