[3.25] CheapBunny's Summon Reaper Ailmentalist | Ahuana's Bite | Call of the Void


Is there a reason why we want Rotten Claws on the large cluster jewel? As far as i can tell, its kind of an odd choice considering reaper does big hits rather than lots of small hits. Let me know if im missing anything with interactions :) very fun build regardless though.
Last edited by Ignitis10 on Aug 8, 2024, 6:02:01 AM
Ignitis10 wrote:

Is there a reason why we want Rotten Claws on the large cluster jewel? As far as i can tell, its kind of an odd choice considering reaper does big hits rather than lots of small hits. Let me know if im missing anything with interactions :) very fun build regardless though.

Rotten claws is not important actually, all I wanted was the attack speed and increased effect, any useful notables should be fine.
For coloring the bow, maybe an alternative method is to use tempering orbs to get an enchantment that prevents an item from having green sockets?
NitainExtract wrote:
For coloring the bow, maybe an alternative method is to use tempering orbs to get an enchantment that prevents an item from having green sockets?

That is workable, just that I am not sure what is the odds, and normally tempering orb is pretty expensive in other league. (it is cheap this league because of runesmithing)
What's the real single target DPS for this when fighting Ubers? It's sort of unclear to me when looking at the PoB.

Also wondering if Mageblood can be used when you're much later in the build
Shleep wrote:
What's the real single target DPS for this when fighting Ubers? It's sort of unclear to me when looking at the PoB.

Also wondering if Mageblood can be used when you're much later in the build

Probably around 10~15m dps, you can check out the ubers video.
Mageblood can be used, but minion build generally does not benefit much from Mageblood offensively.

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