Diablo 4 is horrible....

DarthSki44 wrote:

Most people are not even done with T3 let alone min/max ancestral items in T4, or multiple characters. The game modes like Helltides and NM dungeon's have multiple purposes. Crafting, and Glyph leveling, for example. "Fun" is subjective, especially if you have personally sucked it out by doing whatever meta thing there was to do, and consuming it all as fast as humanly possible in a couple of weeks. Isn't the building of the character, and experiencing the world as you go the "fun" part? Is sitting in a forever cellar for hours until you max level and then complain there is nothing to do really an honest measuring stick? Not for me, and likely not for Millions of others. We just log in and have a good time. Sorry you are not, or at least not anymore.

If you like building characters, welcome to Path of Exile and the world of classical rpgs like Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity.

Also if you need to experience a world, Skyrim is your best take.

DarthSki44 wrote:

So really just do whatever you want. You gave Blizzard your money and time already. You finished D4 for this season. Chalk it up to a virtual 40/40 and move on with FF16 or whatever else you have in your backlog.

To be honest, nothing is going to be good enough to fill that gaming hole you have. It's an abyss.

Yeah, most did give Blizzard money but they won't return for upcoming seasons as they were looking for a story presented with 'magnificent' cutscenes and they got what they wanted. The game won't have much longevity and will only be played by those who got cash to spend on battlepasses and the mtx store. But not for a complex economy, nor for the pvp and ladderboard.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.

Well thats certainly an opinion to have. I have absolutely no reason to suspect players won't return to D4 for seasons, and even more for expansions with additional classes being introduced.

And as far as character building, the notion that only PoE does this well (because it's deeper I guess?), is totally flawed. There are many many players that prefer the class type systems and fantasy aspects of playing a specific character. (Like Barbarian or Sorceress). This has been true since "role-playing" began, and a core aspect to games like D&D.

I'd argue PoE's lack of identity in its builds can be a net negative. When anyone can be anything, no one really matters. It's why, imo, the ascendancy system is one of the better things GGG added. It enables players to focus and create an identity. There is most certainly an appetite for that, and I'm glad there are more coming whenever the fuck 4.0 is finished.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 24, 2023, 1:52:46 PM
necromancer didn't brought back a lot of players in D3 and it won't be any different in D4 unless they actually pull the lever and turn the game into a different direction. Only people who enjoy the game enough will pay more money to get something out of their time. Normal players will likely ever here and there peek into a season ever here and there depending on how good they design the seasons. If they actually add a good amount of content with each season than people are more likely to play it more. But if they continue to do the same as in d3 and only add like a small little meaningless 10min story quest than idk.
Redoing the entire story collection part with every season with the very low build diversity won't keep people in the game on the long run.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
DarthSki44 wrote:
This is a you problem. D4 was never going to satisfy the itch that PoE 40/40 players have. In fact I would argue nothing will ever satisfy this kind of player. There will always be "nothing left to do" after hundreds of hours. It's impossible for a developer to design around this type of content consumption.

Most people are not even done with T3 let alone min/max ancestral items in T4, or multiple characters. The game modes like Helltides and NM dungeon's have multiple purposes. Crafting, and Glyph leveling, for example. "Fun" is subjective, especially if you have personally sucked it out by doing whatever meta thing there was to do, and consuming it all as fast as humanly possible in a couple of weeks. Isn't the building of the character, and experiencing the world as you go the "fun" part? Is sitting in a forever cellar for hours until you max level and then complain there is nothing to do really an honest measuring stick? Not for me, and likely not for Millions of others. We just log in and have a good time. Sorry you are not, or at least not anymore.

So really just do whatever you want. You gave Blizzard your money and time already. You finished D4 for this season. Chalk it up to a virtual 40/40 and move on with FF16 or whatever else you have in your backlog.

To be honest, nothing is going to be good enough to fill that gaming hole you have. It's an abyss.

Diablo IV has the foundation of what could make a great live service title, enjoyed by both hardcore and casual players alike, but as of now, it's largely an unfinished game. The dev team acknowledged this divide in the recent Campfire Chat. Major features and QoL are missing. In fact, several of the key changes coming are more oriented to those who intend to play the game in a hardcore fashion.

It's a good game but only time will tell if it's a successful live service title.
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“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” ―Oscar Wilde

In Memoriam – John C. Hemphill, Sr. (November 21, 1951 – October 10, 2024)
Last edited by Force#1121 on Jun 24, 2023, 4:03:23 PM
Exhumer1 wrote:

It's a good game but only time will tell if it's a successful live service title.

I can agree with this. I wish some people would at least let a few seasons come to pass ffs.

*side note re: The edgy meme. I get its super cool to poke fun at "adult gamers", or anyone with irl obligations. It would be fine if it didn't highlight the ironic premise that the younger generation assumes the game is dead, or no one will play, unless it supplies a forever endgame. It's already proven not to be accurate, or a pre-requisite for a successful game.

While D4 has things to improve on (and likely will), there is absolutely nothing wrong with its core design.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:

While D4 has things to improve on (and likely will)

What in the last 10 years of Activision Blizzard has suggested that they will likely improve the game?

How did their HoTS improvements go?
WC3 reforged?
Diablo Immortal?
D3 seasons where most were the smallest little least-effort-possible 'here's a twist'?
The numerous projects they've scrapped in embryo and incubation because they weren't going to be cash cows according to the investment block suits?

Oh they'll improve D4 alright. In what way? I'm guessing everyone's ability to give them money via macrotransactions will continue to get improved.
innervation wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

While D4 has things to improve on (and likely will)

What in the last 10 years of Activision Blizzard has suggested that they will likely improve the game?

How did their HoTS improvements go?
WC3 reforged?
Diablo Immortal?
D3 seasons where most were the smallest little least-effort-possible 'here's a twist'?
The numerous projects they've scrapped in embryo and incubation because they weren't going to be cash cows according to the investment block suits?

Oh they'll improve D4 alright. In what way? I'm guessing everyone's ability to give them money via macrotransactions will continue to get improved.

Some people just never learn and continue to step into the obvious traps with a big "Activision Blizzard" label on it. They could offer and ship some dirt in a box and people would be willed to pay for that just because it's a Activision Blizzard product hoho
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Jun 24, 2023, 5:56:39 PM
D3 was bad at launch (fight me) but Reaper of Souls made the game good. With 2 guaranteed expansions for D4 they have an opportunity to fix things as long as Bobby lets Blizzard pay the devs.

In the worst case scenario they should still at least be able to make D4 as good as D3 ended up being.
innervation wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

While D4 has things to improve on (and likely will)

What in the last 10 years of Activision Blizzard has suggested that they will likely improve the game?

Simple really, Money.

Live service = money. Even the most cynical Blizzard hater can't dispute the thirst for cash. The financial incentives are there, and quite frankly if the content is good, I will pay. It's a win win. Pay for good content and they keep pushing it out. That's the concept in theory. I'm not a fortune teller. Maybe it will suck, but I will believe that when I see it.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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