Map Management Resource

AlexDiC wrote:
I've been following this guide pretty much to the letter starting with a large pool of 66 maps. I settled for no less than 38% quantity on every map or labyrinthe or 35%+ magic/pack size. In other words, probably better than the guide recommends.

And yet, I still seem to be bleeding maps, even with such a large starting pool (about 50 66 maps and 25 67 maps). I seem to get about 0.82 maps per map I run, over the course of the past 144 maps. Why is this? Shouldn't the rate of return be above 1? Certainly I've ran enough maps to beat RNG...

Can I ask, how did you get 50 lvl 66 maps and 25 lvl 67 maps to begin with? I am struggling to get any maps whatsoever.... :(
This map guide has certainly helped me quite a bit with knowing which maps are in which level pools and what to spend on them and stats to roll. Thank you very much for all the hard work. :)

With that said...even with trying to get Maze on Vall Pyramid maps (when no good luck from Chance Orbs occurs) and other things...well...let's just say that it's so annoying and disappointing to see level 66 maps drop from 68s. It feels even worse when at this point I have about as much terrible luck as others with trying to self-sustain a map pool when soloing and thus pretty much have to resort to buying maps from other players. I dislike doing it, but since GGG seems to really dislike letting solo players have a chance at running maps by themselves to try and sustain map pools...*sighs* least I am SLOWLY, but steadily leveling up.
Last edited by Tanakeah#5640 on Jun 2, 2013, 9:26:45 AM
gripen wrote:
AlexDiC wrote:
I've been following this guide pretty much to the letter starting with a large pool of 66 maps. I settled for no less than 38% quantity on every map or labyrinthe or 35%+ magic/pack size. In other words, probably better than the guide recommends.

And yet, I still seem to be bleeding maps, even with such a large starting pool (about 50 66 maps and 25 67 maps). I seem to get about 0.82 maps per map I run, over the course of the past 144 maps. Why is this? Shouldn't the rate of return be above 1? Certainly I've ran enough maps to beat RNG...

Can I ask, how did you get 50 lvl 66 maps and 25 lvl 67 maps to begin with? I am struggling to get any maps whatsoever.... :(

Yeah, I did some statistical work on my maps too. Id advise to alchemize each 68+ map.

Well bascially each 42 points of IIQ nets me one map in return. E.g. doing a map with 60% IIQ gives around 1,5 maps.
I run each of my 67+ maps alchemized. If the map is level 71 (Temple, Arachnid Nest) i transmute/alter/augment to get a maze. Then I regal the bitch up liek a baws...
The problem is last night i run like 6x69 maps with 60-97 IIQ. I got 1x70 and 2x69.

The problem is I have 5x70 and 2x71 after doing around 200 low level maps (66-68). This is such a small pool that I'm afraid with just a bit of bad luck I will go back to running 68s.
IGN Kinnat (S) / Sihaam (S) / Aedhammair (S) / Ranulfr (S)
☄ 1.0.0 The Butchery of Mages Patch
Last edited by entropus#2713 on Jun 2, 2013, 9:55:49 AM
gripen wrote:
AlexDiC wrote:
I've been following this guide pretty much to the letter starting with a large pool of 66 maps. I settled for no less than 38% quantity on every map or labyrinthe or 35%+ magic/pack size. In other words, probably better than the guide recommends.

And yet, I still seem to be bleeding maps, even with such a large starting pool (about 50 66 maps and 25 67 maps). I seem to get about 0.82 maps per map I run, over the course of the past 144 maps. Why is this? Shouldn't the rate of return be above 1? Certainly I've ran enough maps to beat RNG...

Can I ask, how did you get 50 lvl 66 maps and 25 lvl 67 maps to begin with? I am struggling to get any maps whatsoever.... :(

I have a friend who will sell you 66-70 maps in bulk at a sizable discount.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Resource updated to include a rough guide on Exalting maps.
Nephalim wrote:
LeanderOfDoom wrote:
Amazing work. You are definately helping a lot of players by doing this. Thank you!

A little question:
The map prefix chaining was listed as one to avoid, but how does chain work if you're solo?? They can't chain back on the same target, can they? And if my asumption is correct then it's a free affix with 18% quantity

That is correct assuming no minions as well.

Wait, really?! I would easily give up my skele/decoy totem for a free 18% on most maps, I always assumed skills could chain on the same target (I've never used chain on any of my characters and never ran a chain map due to the horror stories). That's very good to know, I don't need the totem for most maps < 70 and I probably would have a lot more alts/maps since I solo maps exclusively and have rerolled a *lot* of chain maps since starting.

This may be important enough to add to the guide so long as you stress that using any totem/minion makes it dangerous again. I'm sure even people that mostly group enjoy solo running the 66-69 maps for stress free farming from time to time and having one more "stress-free" mod to make use of would be great (the nice thing is a lot of the bosses I really *need* a totem for use melee attacks, i.e. hybrid spider). Since chain shouldn't work with flicker strike, I can use my totem for hybrid spider bosses so long as I pull it away from the adds (or vice versa depending on how it shakes out).
IGN: Jihokinetic
Once again:

A BIG THANK YOU! To Lyralei and those that contribute to making this thread and keeping it updated.

You rock! :)
this map guide may be the most stupid thing i have read in a few days time, and believe me i read a lot of stupid shit.

First of all you can not EVER control your resources in any efficient way. the only thing you can do is cut down on spending and hope against hope that something will drop. most likely it wont.

Let me break this down for people so it can be understood. All drops are based on RNG and player vs mob level. what this means is that you have no real power over what will drop and/or when, so any perceived control is all just pure idiocy.

Second thing, about rolling maps i have ran several 130% maps with not a single map drop, and ran crap mods blue maps that dropped 5 new maps, so spending currency on maps is not very efficient, RNG dictates way to much. and NO only a few mods are good on maps, larger packs and more blue mods seems to be the only 2 things you want. maze is good for making an area larger but when it comes to map drops maze is a crap mod.

What i have noticed though is that if you are beginning to run low on maps, is this, stop running maps for at least a day log in the day after and open a new map, if you don't find any new maps in it log out and don't do any more maps that day. and you do this until you begin to find maps, never run more then the maps you find until you sit at good portion of maps again. that is the only thing that seems to work. during this time feel free to join groups and run their maps but don't contribute.

so what have we learned, RNG is the dictator and you can not control it in any way, the only power we have is to cut down spending which in turn will give us less chance to get what we want.
IGN: miratine
baronmad wrote:
this map guide may be the most stupid thing i have read in a few days time, and believe me i read a lot of stupid shit.

First of all you can not EVER control your resources in any efficient way. the only thing you can do is cut down on spending and hope against hope that something will drop. most likely it wont.

Let me break this down for people so it can be understood. All drops are based on RNG and player vs mob level. what this means is that you have no real power over what will drop and/or when, so any perceived control is all just pure idiocy.

Second thing, about rolling maps i have ran several 130% maps with not a single map drop, and ran crap mods blue maps that dropped 5 new maps, so spending currency on maps is not very efficient, RNG dictates way to much. and NO only a few mods are good on maps, larger packs and more blue mods seems to be the only 2 things you want. maze is good for making an area larger but when it comes to map drops maze is a crap mod.

What i have noticed though is that if you are beginning to run low on maps, is this, stop running maps for at least a day log in the day after and open a new map, if you don't find any new maps in it log out and don't do any more maps that day. and you do this until you begin to find maps, never run more then the maps you find until you sit at good portion of maps again. that is the only thing that seems to work. during this time feel free to join groups and run their maps but don't contribute.

so what have we learned, RNG is the dictator and you can not control it in any way, the only power we have is to cut down spending which in turn will give us less chance to get what we want.

Its not about controlling the RNG, its about giving you better chances.

For instance, if you get a crap map like shore, bog or whatever and run it for the first time, a quick glance at this thread will tell you that its in fact, a terrible map and spending tons of currency on it is a waste.

On the other hand, if you get a temple for the first time and happen to not roll maze on it but run it anyway without checking what it does, you'll screw yourself over.

Im the first guy to admit that i run out of my 70+ mappool *all the time* while rolling 100+ quantity, and curse the RNG for beeing terribly unfair. But knowing what to expect from a map you run for the first time is a *huge* bonus.

As in, if you think wasting currency on maps is a bad idea, dont run maps. Managing your resource pool means possibly spending everything you earn just to run 70+ maps. If a map has 60 quantity or 130 quantity might not make a huge difference at first glance, but trust me, it is the difference between getting maps or not.
gripen wrote:
AlexDiC wrote:
I've been following this guide pretty much to the letter starting with a large pool of 66 maps. I settled for no less than 38% quantity on every map or labyrinthe or 35%+ magic/pack size. In other words, probably better than the guide recommends.

And yet, I still seem to be bleeding maps, even with such a large starting pool (about 50 66 maps and 25 67 maps). I seem to get about 0.82 maps per map I run, over the course of the past 144 maps. Why is this? Shouldn't the rate of return be above 1? Certainly I've ran enough maps to beat RNG...

Can I ask, how did you get 50 lvl 66 maps and 25 lvl 67 maps to begin with? I am struggling to get any maps whatsoever.... :(

Lots of Piety runs and purchasing maps.

As an update to my post, now that I've gotten to 68+ maps I see over 1 map drop on average per map. Usually it's like 2-4 maps dropped in one after a streak of no drops, but my map pool is steadily increasing. Another thing I've noticed is that about 25% of maps are upgrades (i.e. 68 map drops a 69 or 70), 25-30% are downgrades, and the rest stay the same level (I haven't actually added up everything, but that's what I perceive to be happening).

Also, maze seems to do nothing for my map drops (if anything, my map drops on average in mazes are worse). Coupled with longer clear times, I opt to not spend currency attempting to maze. I seem to have far better map drops in higher quantity maps. In terms of map clear efficiency, I'd rather not do maze/larger size anyways.
IGN: SlurpyDurp

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