So there is no way crucible is going to become a permanent mechanic right?

It looks like poe2's system where they said skills will have their own links or something. IDK. feels like something theyll keep in some form. By some form I mean having gear that requires a time/xp component to unlock its full potential instead of just socketing pre leveled gems when you upgrade or change the items you use.
They removed a bunch of Masteries from the Passive Tree and baked them into Crucible trees.

It might not go core immediately but I'd be surprised if it doesn't return with PoE2, much like some of the other recent leagues that haven't gone in.
I hope it does, but perhaps they make Crucible either more rare or less powerful.

I mean, it's an add-on that gives certain equipment a skill tree, if that is not core POE gameplay i do not know what is.

- Character skill tree
- Subclass skill tree
- Map skill tree
- Jewel skill tree
- Weapon/shield skill tree
- MTX skill tree...well, close enough, we have MTX that level up in a way

I can see this going forward.

- Skill gem skill tree
- Support gem skill tree
- Hideout skill tree (as an actual tree in our hideout that grows with out level)
Man, im going to be so salty if they remove league mechanic and keep items in standard. Literally the worst. Keep both or remove both.
Last edited by Andrius319 on Apr 25, 2023, 6:34:00 AM
I think it is weapons trees that will go core and not the process. The same applies to many of the other recent league mechanics. It has all been testing ideas for POE2. There are lots of ways that weapons trees can be integrated that have nothing to do with crucible. They might be testing what items to include on trees or how many nodes should be used. There are so many useless nodes in the league that they may be seeking information on how players make decisions or how much choice should players have.

I suspect that the recent leagues' core activities will all see some form of use in POE2, but not in the way they were presented in their league.

I expect all/most the current league connected content (blight, delve, Delirium, heist, etc. will be more integrated into POE2 to leave room for new league content in the future. they have to do something to avoid the ongoing content bloat. Moving the old league content into the game will help with that.

"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
I don't think it would, it's incredible unappealing.

If they would like to put it into core, first they need to:

1. Make Crucible enemies actually drop loots
2. All weapon / shield show crucible node right from start, without using crucible.
3. Add MAP to have crucible nodes. *read below
4. Make crucible scarab OR reduce exp required to build up to next nodes in crucible tree

Expanding crucible to map would make it crucible more useful (rather just weapon / shield), imagine adding crucible to map, get:
first node: "+20 quantity, +40 rarity, -5% monster pack"
second node: "+50% monster pack, monster has 20% increased defense"
third node: "triple unique boss, triple unique boss drops, unique boss has damage added as extra fire damage, damage added as extra lightning damage, damage added as extra cold damage"

And probably totem explode thing will get nerfed if they want to keep Crucible (such as you can't use totem on trap)
100% core.
Things that can be done that would still make it be considered "Going Core".

1: Adding map modifiers that give you a crucible

2: adding a unique map or maps that give you access to the mechanic

3: Having other league mechanics drop stuff with trees already leveled on it

4: Just hucking it in there with their own tree nodes

5: all of the above

6: Something else entirely

I will say that if there was a mechanic that had the potential to be great with another pass or two and a few atlas nodes, its still one.
IGN : Reamus
I dont get why explosives totems would get it nerfed... i seen a vid of someone doing it and they looked like shit dps

I think it doesnt even add much power atleast not to the point we need to fight these OP mobs

This should be the new god system crucible sucks anyways hope it doesnt go core
Crucible and Sanctum would be perfect fot for the core game and standard.
Both mechanica are not suitable for league but when it appears ocassionally every now and then its very good.

The player agency on weapons/shields from crucible and keystones/mods on relics is brilliant and build defining.

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