Searing Bond

I want to try it with a lightning warp spell totem, for mobile fun!

Working on a build with 5-6 Zombies for tanking, fire trap and searing bond for damage and lightning warp spell totem to keep the searing bond going around the monsters.

Quarl/Mark : Is the tooltip damage going to respond to the players +% burn damage soon?
I found it quite disconcerting that it didn't increase the damage listed when I equipped searing touch. It did seem to do ok damage though so I assume that searing touch has the +70% effect to this.
This skill doesnt seem to do much for my fire templar but im on righteous fire with no burn nodes too so idk. that video posted is not really a good comparison because that guy can probably go un-armed and still 1 shot those ledge monsters.

is there any other way to support this to make it better? what about added lightning damage with quality for shock?

as of now i would say this thing isnt worth supporting unless there is a way to focus your build around it and i am not about to do that
Last edited by Apeiros on Apr 12, 2013, 10:26:24 AM
Apeiros wrote:
This skill doesnt seem to do much for my fire templar but im on righteous fire with no burn nodes too so idk. that video posted is not really a good comparison because that guy can probably go un-armed and still 1 shot those ledge monsters.

is there any other way to support this to make it better? what about added lightning damage with quality for shock?

as of now i would say this thing isnt worth supporting unless there is a way to focus your build around it and i am not about to do that

Dual totem fire trap build (as mentioned above) should get a lot from this skill (multiple beams overlapping + burning ground from FT + vulnerability should be quite effective)

And as i said earlier Elemental Equilibrium could be a really intereesting choise for this skill (it doesn't 'hit' enemies so it shouldn't trigger EE)
Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P
Current OB success:
top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9)
Sony_Black wrote:
Apeiros wrote:
This skill doesnt seem to do much for my fire templar but im on righteous fire with no burn nodes too so idk. that video posted is not really a good comparison because that guy can probably go un-armed and still 1 shot those ledge monsters.

is there any other way to support this to make it better? what about added lightning damage with quality for shock?

as of now i would say this thing isnt worth supporting unless there is a way to focus your build around it and i am not about to do that

Dual totem fire trap build (as mentioned above) should get a lot from this skill (multiple beams overlapping + burning ground from FT + vulnerability should be quite effective)

And as i said earlier Elemental Equilibrium could be a really intereesting choise for this skill (it doesn't 'hit' enemies so it shouldn't trigger EE)

I belive flammability should be supperior to vulnerability if im correct increased degen works only for burning ground from fire trap and from ignites as opposed to every dmg you deal from searing bond and fire traps with flammability.

Elemental Equilibrium could work nicely if you used it with somethig like ice nova totem with increased aoe etc.
Grzybas2 wrote:
Sony_Black wrote:
Apeiros wrote:
This skill doesnt seem to do much for my fire templar but im on righteous fire with no burn nodes too so idk. that video posted is not really a good comparison because that guy can probably go un-armed and still 1 shot those ledge monsters.

is there any other way to support this to make it better? what about added lightning damage with quality for shock?

as of now i would say this thing isnt worth supporting unless there is a way to focus your build around it and i am not about to do that

Dual totem fire trap build (as mentioned above) should get a lot from this skill (multiple beams overlapping + burning ground from FT + vulnerability should be quite effective)

And as i said earlier Elemental Equilibrium could be a really intereesting choise for this skill (it doesn't 'hit' enemies so it shouldn't trigger EE)

I belive flammability should be supperior to vulnerability if im correct increased degen works only for burning ground from fire trap and from ignites as opposed to every dmg you deal from searing bond and fire traps with flammability.

Elemental Equilibrium could work nicely if you used it with somethig like ice nova totem with increased aoe etc.

Yeah you are right in this case flamability should be better, my bad XD I still had a crazy idea in my mind about some poisen arrow + searing bond build (in which case vulnerability should be superior) and totally forgot that in the above case all DOT effects are fire based... :)
Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P
Current OB success:
top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9)
Grzybas2 wrote:
2 totems + you = 3 beams but the only scenario i see when a mob would be hit by all 3 is when you face tank something and cast 2 totems directly behind a mob - actually in that scenario i think the mob would be hit 6 times , because each entity connected with beams gets a small aoe burn around it for each beam connected to it.

anyway you don;t need 2 searing totems for 2 beams - use searing bond + any other totem you want for example skele totem.
All in all a good skill for pure tank with searing touch and fire traps

If you use 2 searing bond totems you should get 4 beams, as each totem should send a beam to the other totem and to you (the beam between the 2 totems should actually be 2 beams that are ALWAYS stacked).

You are right that getting the last beam to hit would be very challenging though. 3 is more realistic.

I haven't considered that the AoE and the beam would actually stack. I assumed the area component was part of the beam and therefor wouldn't stack.

If you use 2 searing bond totems you should get 4 beams, as each totem should send a beam to the other totem and to you (the beam between the 2 totems should actually be 2 beams that are ALWAYS stacked).

So you're saying that beam beetwen two searing bond totems should deal twice as much dmg as a beam beetwen totem and character (even with 2 totems up) ? propably not that hard to test but
i really doubt thats the case .
Grzybas2 wrote:

If you use 2 searing bond totems you should get 4 beams, as each totem should send a beam to the other totem and to you (the beam between the 2 totems should actually be 2 beams that are ALWAYS stacked).

So you're saying that beam beetwen two searing bond totems should deal twice as much dmg as a beam beetwen totem and character (even with 2 totems up) ? propably not that hard to test but
i really doubt thats the case .

In theory, yes. If the beams from 2 separate totems stack then when 2 totems are out they should both link to each other, creating a double beam that deals twice the damage. Until I get my hands on an AB character I can't test this, but if this thread isn't updated with confirmation on this point then I'll edit my first reply with a confirmation when I have tested it.
I guess this skill cant be main damage source to any build it is however nice addition to melee and ranged builds for some extra damage since it doesnt scale from spell damage and has its own base damage so you just use it for extra damage+ while you are ausing other spells but not as a main source of damage.
Wondering if I can link it with Chance to Ignite? And thus Elemental Proliferation as well? Or Fire Pen?
Last edited by Spherous on Apr 12, 2013, 2:21:43 PM

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