[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Deklnu wrote:
Having issues with loop, someone mind taking a look at NECO_LOOPS?


You have only 1 deathbound ring - even the calculator says it`s not enough (just buy the second one)
Im trying to follow the expensive version, but cant get loop to work.

tried removing mind over matter with no difference.

Discord bot says i have too much chaos res, but i have the same amount as the expensive version. The build works if i remove progenesis, but there must be another way right?

Zeusolympus wrote:
Im trying to follow the expensive version, but cant get loop to work.

tried removing mind over matter with no difference.

Discord bot says i have too much chaos res, but i have the same amount as the expensive version. The build works if i remove progenesis, but there must be another way right?


Seems u have small amount of hp, and forbidden rite doesn`t do enough damage to start the loop. As far as I know u need at least 2500 hp, for it to correctly work
PertalGad wrote:
Zeusolympus wrote:
Im trying to follow the expensive version, but cant get loop to work.

tried removing mind over matter with no difference.

Discord bot says i have too much chaos res, but i have the same amount as the expensive version. The build works if i remove progenesis, but there must be another way right?


Seems u have small amount of hp, and forbidden rite doesn`t do enough damage to start the loop. As far as I know u need at least 2500 hp, for it to correctly work

Thansk for the suggestion. I just tried getting 2529hp and it still does not work.
Zeusolympus wrote:
PertalGad wrote:
Zeusolympus wrote:
Im trying to follow the expensive version, but cant get loop to work.

tried removing mind over matter with no difference.

Discord bot says i have too much chaos res, but i have the same amount as the expensive version. The build works if i remove progenesis, but there must be another way right?


Seems u have small amount of hp, and forbidden rite doesn`t do enough damage to start the loop. As far as I know u need at least 2500 hp, for it to correctly work

Thansk for the suggestion. I just tried getting 2529hp and it still does not work.

It will be funny, but according to the calculator u will need at least 2530hp XD
It will be funny, but according to the calculator u will need at least 2530hp XD

That is funny! Thanks for the help. it works now. But freezepulse runs at half speed. and the calculator just says it works?
Last edited by Zeusolympus on May 14, 2024, 4:34:14 AM
Zeusolympus wrote:
It will be funny, but according to the calculator u will need at least 2530hp XD

That is funny! Thanks for the help. it works now. But freezepulse runs at half speed. and the calculator just says it works?

Check your networking mode, it have to be lockstep
Check your networking mode, it have to be lockstep

it is on lockstep.
Zeusolympus wrote:
Check your networking mode, it have to be lockstep

it is on lockstep.

I`m not sure, but maybe the problem is in 21 lvl cwdt(as it needs more damage to trigger). But I didnt use it, so maybe other people will help u.(In my build i have 20 lvl cwdt in freezing pulse)
PertalGad wrote:
Zeusolympus wrote:
Check your networking mode, it have to be lockstep

it is on lockstep.

I`m not sure, but maybe the problem is in 21 lvl cwdt(as it needs more damage to trigger). But I didnt use it, so maybe other people will help u.(In my build i have 20 lvl cwdt in freezing pulse)

yeah I replaced the gems with level 20 versions and that works fine, thanks for the help.

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