The Self Found League
" Well it's hard to say, because it's hard to convert a subjective feeling to a an objective number. What I do know is this: what gear I am wearing presently, and how much self-found gear I have found that is remotely like that. I will say that with this observation in mind, finding better gear 6X total faster doesn't seem like overkill. Although 100/100 is 4X faster, and is probably within the margin of my guess. The presence of real IIQ/IIR gear isn't really relevant. One of the purposes of this league is to shorten the timescales for item acquisition, specifically to close the gap of self-finding gear with trading. So I therefore conclude that the timescale should be closed around the general case. This much total IIQ/IIR, when combined with IIQ/IIR gear, will create terrible labeling problem in the game, however they have already said they are working on that. Presumably that fix would either a) have to come first, or b) we'd have to be ready to tolerate the label problem for a while. --C |
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" This would work, too. Instead of increasing total IIQ/IIR, you could increase currency drops alone by a largish number. I'd say that might need to be on the level of 4X+. --C |
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" You also need to consider that an IIR and IIQ bonus would make the need for IIR and IIQ redundant in the league. Whereas a bonus to currency drops not only allows players to craft their own gear, but also allows the player to stack IIR and IIQ if they wish to get gear as instant drops. Either way, I feel that crafting your own gear gives more of a 'self found' feeling than looting it instantly from a boss. So I agree that if a bonus is to be given, it should be through currency drops alone. |
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" Your proposal has the added advantage of not having to deal with the currently sometimes ridiculously overloaded christmas tree. Another possibiility would be to leave IIQ alone, EXCEPT FOR CURRENCY, and then have a rarity bonus. That leaves the number of total items dropped the same, except more of the items dropped would be currency, and more would be magical/rare/unique. Given that the loot christmas tree is already pathological, this way might best best. One thing to keep in mind is that not every self-found player necessarily wants to be a crafter. I suspect many do, but I know that not all do. Until they implement something with less RNG, I know I don't. See "The Schematic" ;-P I certainly think that the league should include them, but shouldn't be wholly focused on them. --C |
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Bump, another supporter
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" You're right, just because I think crafting is more 'self found' than looting gear, I shouldn't try to force it on everybody. Though if the league were to have increased rarity AND currency quantity, it would have to be somewhat less than 4X the original amount. I'm thinking something along the lines of 2.5X currency drops and +100% rarity? |
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first post, just to support this idea. I loathe trading. If they want to make a game with trading, they should add an auction house. I don't want to spend my time trading, I want to spend my time playing the game. I hated D3 because of looking at the AH for hours on end, but having to trade with other players manually is 100x worse and more time consuming.
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I think we hit the nail on the change that Self Found needs but can't be done in the normal Leagues.
Leaving IIR/IIQ as is (note I'm already assuming the changes in the Manifesto. GGG has already stated that end-game has too many whites and not enough everything else and is considering, essentially, a raise in IIQ and less IIR) and bumping up the currency will be perfect for Self Found. However, doing so will lead to massive inflation in a Trade league as they rely on that currency for trade. Having more Exalts will still make getting the perfect rare VERY difficult but will mean buying that rare would be insanely expensive. It benefits 'crafters' and hurts Traders. Personally, I want the upper currency drops just to the point of, say, an Alch or Chance. At that point, if I'm low level and really want a rare, I consider the idea of using an Alc or Chance on it. I wouldn't DARE use a Chaos. I want to think of Blessed and Exalt in the same way: something you'd actually consider using below end-game but would have to think hard on. Right now TOUCHING one of those isn't even considered. I bet Traders have their own ideas of making Trade easier that would hurt self-found. I bet they CRINGED at the idea of Exalts being common enough to use like Alchs. If it sounds easier, remember: no being able to trade to get JUST that item you want and I didn't increase the chance of success. It'll still take you 6000000000 fusings to get a 6L and if YOU don't fuse it or find it on the field you will just have to live without it. I like that thought. There's a fraction of players who like consistency and predictability: killing boss X will yield item Y.
This game really isn't for people like that. This game is for people who'll do the same area over and again because they know..., a Mirror can drop anywhere, anytime. - CharanJaydemyr |
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Newcomer here, I just wanted to make my first post by saying that:
a) this game is amazing - awesome job GGG; b) a self-found league would be my dream come true. Thanks. |
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1st post in the forums. My ideias for this league:
Trading not allowed, instead there's an option named "Mirror trade". You can select another player and when you click on the mirror trade you can trade 1 mirror of kalandra and the other players trades 1 item. After it's finished the mirror is gone and you get a mirror version of the item from other player. The other play keeps the item too. Default league mode. You don't want to be scared from dc in a single player mode, at least i don't. I guess we could have the 2 options but dividing the players even more is not a good ideia. Either 1 of these: No party allowed at all. Party is allowed, however, if you kill a mob, only you can get rares/currencies from that mob. This would allow you to play with friends, prevent trade and at the same time prevent people from becoming crazy ninjas when they see a lot of loot. What do you people think of these ideias? |
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