[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

Hi i am a noobie player in poe but I am looking to start this build in 3.16 as it looks fun and fairly powerful.

I was wondering if you considered skitter bots and conductivity for this build. It seems to me that it should work well with lightning. I am wondering what is your opinion on that.
I was wondering if you considered skitter bots and conductivity for this build. It seems to me that it should work well with lightning. I am wondering what is your opinion on that

Mana. There is no mana left for those bots.
macwilam wrote:
Hi i am a noobie player in poe but I am looking to start this build in 3.16 as it looks fun and fairly powerful.

I was wondering if you considered skitter bots and conductivity for this build. It seems to me that it should work well with lightning. I am wondering what is your opinion on that.

Regarding conductivity, use it or elemental weakness until you transition into a critical striker toward endgame. At that point, the mark is superior.
For anybody interested, I'll be streaming tonight at 9pm CST to start diving into this build and my TR Champ. I'd enjoy some company. Bring ideas or just chill and watch.
Donkster5 wrote:
For anybody interested, I'll be streaming tonight at 9pm CST to start diving into this build and my TR Champ. I'd enjoy some company. Bring ideas or just chill and watch.

Won't be able to make it but watched your most recent VOD and dropped a follow!
Looking forward to where you take this build as I've played both your Toxic tank and Bright Knight and can say I much prefer this playstyle!

Do you think 'dodge' is still the route to go or block? A ton of block nodes near the start for duelist!
Kipersoft wrote:
Donkster5 wrote:
For anybody interested, I'll be streaming tonight at 9pm CST to start diving into this build and my TR Champ. I'd enjoy some company. Bring ideas or just chill and watch.

Won't be able to make it but watched your most recent VOD and dropped a follow!
Looking forward to where you take this build as I've played both your Toxic tank and Bright Knight and can say I much prefer this playstyle!

Do you think 'dodge' is still the route to go or block? A ton of block nodes near the start for duelist!

Hey, thanks for the follow! I just started working a bit on this build tonight so there's a Bright Knight specific VOD up if you want to take a glance.

Personally, I think I like entropy (evasion), but I'll have to work more on it to see what'll prove best. I think the TR Champ is in a really good place defensively right now, but I've put in more work on that today than this build.
Thanks for the answers. I am so looking forward to this build as its playstyle seems so much more fun to me than TR. I have seen you vod from yesterday. Good luck in working on this build after all the changes in the tree. On one hand not easy but also cool to see how many options there are to explore.

I was wondering if it makes sense to balance between armor and evasion. After armor changes I thought it might be good to go armor and spell supression only and forget about evasion (but again I am a noob).

macwilam wrote:
Thanks for the answers. I am so looking forward to this build as its playstyle seems so much more fun to me than TR. I have seen you vod from yesterday. Good luck in working on this build after all the changes in the tree. On one hand not easy but also cool to see how many options there are to explore.

I was wondering if it makes sense to balance between armor and evasion. After armor changes I thought it might be good to go armor and spell supression only and forget about evasion (but again I am a noob).

I like entropy (evasion) as it enables winddancer and other shenanigans. That said, just use iron reflexes for an easy super high armor. Issue with armor is that it’s only phys dps reduction so elemental is based off resistances. I like finding other ways of taking reduced phys dps like converting a portion to ele dps.
Interested in the changes to the build for 3.16. Are you going to pastebin on stream? I hit you with a follow, but not sure when you go live.

Looks solid. I am hoping to find enough dps to combo with the new defensive layers (aren't we all?!) so Champion over Raider seemed like a great idea.

Aldenier wrote:
Interested in the changes to the build for 3.16. Are you going to pastebin on stream? I hit you with a follow, but not sure when you go live.

Looks solid. I am hoping to find enough dps to combo with the new defensive layers (aren't we all?!) so Champion over Raider seemed like a great idea.

Thank you! Raider will be fine, but yeah, champion should be very tanky. I’ll be working on this build and walking through what i’ve done so far at around 9pm CST tonight. I’ll post the work-in-progress PoB during the stream and also in the VOD comments afterwards.

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