Game Mechanics Q&A
Are there any plans to just skip a new league and just focus on improving existing mechanics?
-reason for death when you die. -retiring some useless uniques + skil gems. -performance/graphic issues -"retiring" divination cards. There's just too many pointless ones. Create a hall of fame for retired divination cards and move on. I think taking a break from a new league might be a healthy thing for the longevity of this game. |
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Can i have a explanation on minion instability, my guess would be that it scales with increased life and minion damage, does it scale with fire penetration , elemental damage from inspiration ?
I'm playing such a obscure build that i feel like i'm lost when it comes to scaling top kek
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so, I asked this in more detail over on reddit, but I would like to know how maw of conquest interacts with petrified blood, specifically.
another question I'd like answered is about lightning golems and added damage. So, lightning golems have 2 spells, a basic projectile, and an orb that zaps nearby targets (like a simpler version of orb of storms) for the orb of sparks, does added dmg (like from added lightning dmg) have 100% dmg effectiveness? or is there some kind of hidden dmg effectiveness modifier? and does auras that modify spell dmg (like zealotry and wrath) affect the dmg of these 'spells'? (also, why can't the orb chain? can the orb chain? pretty please???) |
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" I understand him and you, but I think it was unintentional because if you're hexproof you should be hexproof and not apply specific hexes to yourself when you're trying to apply a hex to an enemy that reflects it to you. The whole idea of being hexproof is that you can't be hexed. If you have the ability to ignore hexproof on enemies, but those enemies reflect the hexes to you, then you should not get hexed as the ability to ignore hexproof is specific to enemies. To say make it easier to understand: Hexproofed enemies are getting hexed because of "ignore hexproof on enemies". But the interaction prior to the fix was "ignore your own hexproof just because an enemy reflects your own hex". The reflected hex should be a reflected hex, not a reflected hexproof-ignoring hex. It has nothing to do with the wording "enemy" specifically. The interaction from the original posters question was in line with "ailments you inflict also reflect towards you, so if you inflict a package of ailments in one hit you get the package of ailments reflected towards you". Sure it says "enemies", but the enemy thing was a joke and not the real explanation. |
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Does the fortify effect from a place banner (2% per stage) stack with other sources of fortify effect whilst you have a current fortify buff with fortify effect higher than the one given by the banner? It seems this may be similar to the arcane surge problem? |
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So there's a strange interaction between Vortex casting on Frostbolt with Cast When Damage Taken.
If you cast Vortex with Scold's Bridle equipped in order to trigger Frostbolt (linked with GMP), normally you'd think that the interaction would go: 1. Vortex is cast on yourself, creating the dot around you. 2. Cast When Damage Taken is triggered, casting 5x frostbolts in an arc. However, the order is currently: 1. Frostbolts visually appear. 2. Vortex detonates all 5 Frostbolts, despite Vortex being cast first (and the Frostbolts not existing when Vortex was cast). (sub-note: the vortex detonated frostbolts make a sweet looking crescent pattern) Is this just some janky interaction that'll be hotfixed randomly? I'd like to make a build with it but I'm worried it'll just get changed without even a line in the patch notes. I hope it stays, because the resulting effect is really, uh, cool. Example from a few leagues ago: |
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Which magic watchstones effects stack, and which dont ? is there any way to find this information somewhere ? For example, according to some testing, watchstones with the "Auspicious" prefix do not stack, whereas most other mods do stack Thanks for your help :) |
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Hi ggg, my main question is how is possible to have a good amount of armour, life above 5k, all capped resistance to 75%, chaos res to 20% and still get one shot from a random mob? I really dont get it actually! and i dont understand how can i possible increase more damage mitigation when i have all capped! this just give me a stratospheric amount of anxiety playing the game and i actually dont understand the mechanics!
Thank you if u have time to answer my question i want to subscribe
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" At gem level 20, The Cruelty buff provides 15.85% more damage over time to skills supported by Cruelty when the hit does 0.01% of the monster's maximum life and 50% more damage over time to skills supported by Cruelty when the hit does 3.2% of the monster's maximum life. and Yes, highest roll of the same DoT will take place until it is replaced with a even higher roll or run out of duration. | |
When using a Saqawals Nest chestpiece / Saqawal's Flock Helmet in party play, is there a reason you cannot use another player's "Aspect of the Avian" to trigger YOUR tornado helmet.
The "Saqawal's Flock" Helmet states "Trigger level 20 tornado, when you gain avian's might / flight, but this only seems to apply when using your own aspect of the avian, and getting these buffs from a friend who uses the Saqawal chest (Aspect of the Avian also grants Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to nearby Allies), will NOT trigger the helmet. Is this an intended mechanic, that only YOUR aspect of the avian can trigger the helmet tornado procs, or an oversight with wording on both the chestpiece + helmet? Nowhere on either item does it say it needs to be your aspect to trigger the skill. Last edited by XanMercury#4932 on May 7, 2021, 2:00:31 AM
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