Bear Trap

bear trap isn't actually a spell, its only a "spell" because it isn't an attack. it plain deals physical damage. damage modifier works on all damage (that isn't DoT currently) and is a multiplier, which means it can happen anywhere in damage calculation and still workout fine.
bear trap make boring the pvp.
Sucks, too low dmg, no duration, too slow, inaccurate, rares, champions and uniques are immune.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Elemenz wrote:
Sucks, too low dmg, no duration, too slow, inaccurate, rares, champions and uniques are immune.

Total bullshit.
Bear Trap is awesome.

Support it with Culling strike, added fire dmg and iron will.

It will boost the traps dmg ALOT. My Bear Trap does 10000 dps.
Last edited by Disillusionist#1558 on Jun 19, 2013, 9:43:54 AM
Disillusionist wrote:
Bear Trap is awesome.

Support it with Culling strike, added fire dmg and iron will.

It will boost the traps dmg ALOT. My Bear Trap does 10000 dps.

Culling Strike and Added Fire Damage both work. Iron Will, however, doesn't help because bear trap doesn't deal spell damage. The tooltip dps increasing from spell damage modifiers is a display bug, it doesn't actually increase the damage.
Ezhiel wrote:
Disillusionist wrote:
Bear Trap is awesome.

Support it with Culling strike, added fire dmg and iron will.

It will boost the traps dmg ALOT. My Bear Trap does 10000 dps.

Culling Strike and Added Fire Damage both work. Iron Will, however, doesn't help because bear trap doesn't deal spell damage. The tooltip dps increasing from spell damage modifiers is a display bug, it doesn't actually increase the damage.

Wrong.. Iron will increases the dmg from the added fire support gem. And the boost is big. I have used it a long time. If I remove the iron will gem the dps drops 3000 dps


Oh sorry.. youre right.. its a display bug. Thakns for the info
Last edited by Disillusionist#1558 on Jun 19, 2013, 11:02:05 AM
Could anyone tell me what is the base trigger radius of bear trap ? I cant find it nowhere
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jun 20, 2013, 12:18:09 PM
Woodfist wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
bear trap has a damage modifier of 150%. that means during any calculation step, times damage by 1.5

Does damage effectiveness really apply to a spells very own base damage? Now that would be pretty odd.
However it would explain the difference between Gem tooltip and actionbar tooltip (in the screenshot at least, ingame with higher level skill gems it seems to no longer work).
The character-window tooltip is still way off though.

It does! Really confusingly.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
the displayed smg of Bear Trap seems to be quiet useless. It changes with your Attack speed but because it actualy has no own "Attack speed", the dmg calculation in the tooltip really is not worth much. Ok, maybe you can throw your traps faster with more attack speed but this says nothing about the actual dmg, the trap does once.
At least I can't complain there, I have 2 Bear Trap skills and it often saves my ass out of dangerous situations, nice Skill. :)

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