Ethereal Knives
Not entirely true. It's on a per-hit basis.
You fire a projectile with Pierce and Chain. It hits a monster, and Pierce triggers. Chain is ignored. It then hits a second monster, and Pierce does not trigger this time. It now Chains to a third target (or back to the first). Etc. That said, it's probably not worth it to use both. You'll be firing a crapload of Knives, sure, but it'll be really expensive and your damage per hit goes to shit. It'll only be useful against the largest of packs. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 7, 2013, 9:19:45 PM
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" This is absolutely true for chain and pierce. However, he asked about chain and fork. The way that works is that fork always trumps chain, but forking can only happen once. For example, there is a pack of monsters directly in front of you, and another pack a screen's length away. You use a Fork Chain projectile on the closest monster at melee range. Since it can fork, it does; the offspring of this fork can no longer fork. Since it didn't chain, it doesn't bounce around the monsters close to you, but the two forked projectiles continue down the screen, bypassing the pack close to you. One of them hits a monster from the further-away pack, and the projectile then chains among them. That's sort of a depressing example, and sometimes it works better, sometimes even hilariously well. However, one big drawback of fork+chain is that fork is harder to predict and will always happen first, making proper aiming a significant challenge. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 8, 2013, 12:11:01 AM
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It's effectively the same thing (only one occurs at a time, but both can trigger on the same missile), but with different effects :p I didn't know the order in which Fork and Chain were decided, so I went safe.
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Combine EK with Faster Projectiles + Chain + Added Fire Damage + Faster Casting, and the uniques called The Magnate, Ezomyte peak. It deals crazy amounts of damage but you need Eldritch Battery or Blood magic to support it.
Add on hatred aura as well and dual wield wands with projectile speed. Great AOE, great damage, no problems with elemental resist. When I first played around with the skill it seemed inferior to freezing pulse, but in practise, once you gear and skill around it, it's amazing. @RickJamesWitch Last edited by Krabbsatan#6049 on Jan 9, 2013, 4:46:22 AM
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" I just came across this. Does this anti-shotgun effect apply to Spark as well? I was thinking at point blank range that all 3 were hitting the same target, and all 3 doing damage. I would greatly appreciate some feedback on this. Sorry for the Spark question in this thread, but I didn't know there was an anti-shotgun type effect in the game. Spark seems like they still might all hit? EK seems different. Edit: Also, someone said Point Black passive doesn't work with Ethereal Knives, is that true? Last edited by PhreEkGarden#7624 on Jan 12, 2013, 8:47:59 PM
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" Ah, I didn't realize this either... Thanks. |
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" Nope. If it did, you would see two out of three sparks just fly past the initial target. It used to be a line in EK's description, but it was dropped somewhere along the line... :/ " Considering Point Blank only works on Attacks and EK isn't an Attack, it makes sense that it wouldn't work (and as such, it doesn't). Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 14, 2013, 8:18:25 PM
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How does EK work with point blank? Is the damage calculated from the max range a EK knife can travel, in this situation EK damage would fall of really fast since it travels a short distance, or does point blank have its own static numbers, ie. from player to 200 pixels 50% more dmg, 200-400 20% more dmg etc. ?
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point blank works on attacks not spells, ek is a spell.
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I like how literally one post up the question was already answered. :p
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