Ethereal Knives
Damn this spell/ability/whatever!
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idk when, but damage seems ok so far from point i gotten it to lv 4. i'll update this post with otherwise. currently no supports and caster type shadow. it rivals ice spear at this point.
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" I don't think damage is the problem here. Its more of the feel and the function of this skill then anything else. (which, by the way seem very off) Zed's dead baby. Zed's Dead. ^ Take a look at GGG's new youtube segment which, features submitted player characters. This is a weekly segment where I was actually featured!!! |
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" if it's too short for you, add an increased projectile speed gem to it (which will also increase damage). go further and use added fire support or hatred aura. someone did this combo before the damage was increased slightly, and preformed successfully in chaos. |
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This spell is insane! It scales like crazy!
To show you how to (ab)use this skill I'll post my build(work in proggres)
Passive skill tree Final build will have more projectile damage passives and more survivability. The core of this build is curse. I mean curses. There are 2 which boost this skill out of the rooftop! Vulnerability & Projectile Weakness Vulnerability: +enemy take 25% more physical damage +enemy take 40% more DOT damage Pojectile Weakness: +Pierce +Knockback +enemy take 25% more projectile dmg I run with Hatred aura which gives me +20% of my spell damage as cold damage Ethernal knives are linked to added fire damage support (+30%) What does it mean? Every single point in spell damage passive is worth a lot more than usual. Lets start math (propably wrong) Base damage is multiplied with increased spell damage from passives and gear, and increased projectile damage. This value is base for hatred aura, which means that every 1% spell damage increase is worth 1,2% And for added fire damage support gem - 1,3% So now every 1% spell damage increase is worth 1,5%, but that is just the beginning. Now curses will kick off! Vulnerability: Physical damage taken x1.25 damage=Base*increased_spell_damage*1.25 That mean that every 1% spell damage increased is worth 1.25% Pojectile weakness (Stronger curse) Projecile damage taken x1.25 This mean we have to add hatred and added fire damage support gem together and multiply by 1.25 1,5*1,25=1,875 Now add damage taken from curses 1,25+1,875=2,115 Every 1% increased spell damage gives me 2,1% increased damage! increased spell damage - this means actual increased spell damage, but also increased projectile damage and increased physical damage (OMG NOOB WITH RUSTIC SASH!!!) But that is not all.... There are tons of +crit passives near witch and shadow.... guess what :) There is another multiplier! I have ethernal knives linked to increased crit damage and is use diamond flask on bosses. Instagibbed! Revenge is sweet! I hope that GGG knows about this synergy and this skill works as intended (OP) I think I will post this in "Build of the week" thread, couse this build is fun! :) Have a nice day PS. WTB high quality Ethernal knives (15%++) ^^WALL OF TXT^^ ==--+DANGER+--== Last edited by erenhardt#4431 on Jul 2, 2012, 8:17:57 PM
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" You should probably at least try out the skill before writing about how to abuse it, many of the things you say in the spoiler are flat out incorrect. TehHammer is not a crime!
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it might be a bit hard to balance, but maybe to buff it, it could be an attack spell and get the benefits from both (at obviously a cost of low default damage).
The damage could be something like 20% of weapon damage and require a dagger. Maybe what would work better would be to just make the weapon damage change, and forget the attack part (like someone already suggested) — not sure if this goes against the game mechanics or not though. Maybe both the options do. Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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" Actualy, I'm in merciless act1 now.I'm using Ethernal knives as my AoE and single target spell. I'm killing stuff left and right. So yea...I say what I see. Maybe you should give this skill a second chance. Have you seen how well it scales after lvl 8? The only problem I have with this skill is mana usage. But that's partially effect of my 2 auras taking 50% of my mana. Could you show me what was wrong in that spoiler? Last edited by erenhardt#4431 on Jul 4, 2012, 6:37:11 AM
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Unavailable So an item like this wouldn't affect Ethereal Knives because the mod Increased Physical Damage is local? But it would affect ice spear because Increased cold damage mods are global? It would seem to me that the wording of increased physical damage should be changed to be more consistent with other damage type modifiers if this is indeed the case. Or am I just utterly mistaken and my Unavailable truly does make for quite the Ethereal Knives? Why am I wearing a heavy belt if I haven't got any pants? Last edited by Milchut#7741 on Jul 4, 2012, 9:47:32 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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That bit is kinda confusing, I agree, but "Increased Physical Damage" is a mod that is local to weapons and increases their base damage. It's just like how an "+x% Increased Armor" mod on armor doesn't increase your armor from other pieces of gear with armor, but just the local value of that armor.
For Ethereal Knives, you're looking for spell damage because it is a spell and not in any way based off of weapon damage. Projectile Damage passives and Faster Projectiles support will also increase its damage. Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
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