Righteous Fire
I have some questions about this skills:
1.1- Has anyone tested if using RF while equiped with a "Le Heup of All" ring (10-20% increased dmg) does increased the damage of this skill? 1.2- If yes, does it also increases the self-inflicted damage? Since it doesn't do it with Blood Rage (right?) I presume it also won't do it here, but I can't test it myself. 2.1- And about those "% increased area damage" nodes on the passive tree, do they work with this skill? 2.2- If yes, do they only increase the AoE damage or they also increase the self-inflicted damage? 3.1- How about the "Concentrated Effect" support gem, does it work for damage increase? @DEVs: I really don't understand why can't we see the damage numbers of this skill on the character pannel. Both self-inflicted and AoE damage should be there, there is no reason to that not be implemented. In Game: ElaineBelloc Last edited by samirmok#7940 on Nov 12, 2013, 7:08:20 PM
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" 1.1) no because... 1.2) currently plain increased damage modifiers does not work on damage over time. 2.1) no, but the size would increase for the size nodes. 2.2) technically yes. AoE nodes would only affect the AoE portion of the skill, which is damage done to foes and not the damage done to self. 3) while yes they could, it'll require a few new categories. "Reading" isn't near as hard as "putting new stuff in that doesn't break". as far as i know that is... i probably should stop acting like this though. |
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The problem with this skill is still the same after release: any normal player using it gets killed by it. All the release nerf did was stop the abuse case of infinite sustainability.
What this skill should do is: 100% of maximum ES as Fire damage per second Stops when you have 0 ES That way, on a hybrid ES/life character, having RF run out would not be death. You could even make builds which "sustain RF" through low ES, flat Life regeneration, and Zealot's Oath... although getting hit with any non-Chaos damage would end the RF effect. Most importantly, RF would be actually usable as a temporary spell-damage buff, without the threat of outright killing its user. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Do i see this correctly: There is atm no possible way to sustain through RF.
(Arctic Armour. "The damage reduction does not apply to damage over time effects like Burning." taken from wiki) (max. resis + max. life reg. < RF damage) (doesnt work with LL) (doenst work with Molten Shell) I dont see whats the point of the skill is. Turning it on and off? |
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The point of this skill is apparently to make the ultimate glass cannon. For 4-8 seconds (less than one second without a ruby flask/max resistance), a player gets more spell damage, which stacks multiplicatively with increased spell damage. Essentially, every hit is a 1.6 crit that can crit again.
The cost is anything that hits the player will kill them. There are extremely specific builds that work toward negating the damage nigh-indefinitely, but thus far there hasn't been anything too solid. 1) Low health, high ES The problem with this one is that it requires a ton of uniques, must have Zealot's Oath, and it must find a way to get aura boosts, %health regen, %ES, and resistances (physical and magic). Between item slots lost from necessary uniques and passive skill points lost getting all of those other things, the build usually ends up needing way too many levels before it can actually start using RF. 2) High health, no ES The problem with this one is that it requires a ton of skillpoints. Same problems as above, just different positions on the skill tree. Arguably the most likely to succeed of the three. 3) Low health, low ES The only build that could possibly use a normal healing potion to negate the degeneration, and it's unusable because this combo results in too many deaths. Otherwise, this is honestly the only one that could actually make use of the damage stacking without needing to be level 85+. ES wouldn't work with the build since RF keeps it burnt down, evasion eventually gets hit because of how it works, and armor doesn't matter when you have no base HP to scale up the EHP. And if you must know, it's physically possible to negate RF completely. You need Purity of Fire (in Alpha Howl with maybe Empower, Rank 22-24, probably 4-5%) Elemental Adaptation (2%), Rise of the Phoenix (8%), as many aura-boosting skills as possible (70% can be done without destroying all survivability, 78% is max from tree), and the effect-boosting passives near Templar (this boosts the burn damage you'd take, but you're going for immunity so why not). Assuming the buff boost stacks in a multiplicative manner rather than additive (Your aura is boosted by 70%, is applied as an aura, then since it's a green-bordered buff, it boosts the effect to you), then you get around 8.432 if it's 4%, or 10.54 if it's 5%. This results in 93.4-95.5% fire resistance while everything is up without needing a ruby flask. You'd be taking 4.5-6.6% of the damage, multiplied by 24%. Assuming you go high health/no ES, the end result is something to the tune of being dealt 5.044-7.37% of your maximum health per second. With Vitality in the same slot as the purity of fire (R. 24), you get a base of 1.85% per second, which follows the same multiplicative boosts to auras and buffs. The end result is 1.85*1.24*1.7, or ~3.9% health per second. Assuming you have both auras active and capped fire resistances, this reduces the damage per second to 1.144-3.47%. This is extremely possible to negate with the passive skill tree (Almost completely with just the Scion starting nodes, which is the class you'll probably be using to get all those aura boosts). Of course, this is all guesswork. I don't honestly know if auras are actually considered buffs or not, though the ones I've seen definitely have green around them (which is supposedly a marker for a buff affected by buff boosts). If the new Purity doesn't improve maximum fire resistance past 3% at max+2-4 rank, then the numbers are definitely off. Edit: Here's a build example of what I'm talking about. It provides 4.1% regen, meaning so long as everything above is assumed correctly (buff boost applies to auras multiplicatively, rank 22-24 of Purity of Fire provides at least 4%, effect boosts increase the burning damage taken by RF), this player would regen about 0.5% max health per second while Righteous Fire is up. The only core uniques would be Alpha Howl and Rise of the Phoenix. Edit2: Since I'm bored, I feel like gauging how much burning damage passives would add to the required health regen per second. Assuming buff effects stack multiplicatively with burn damage increases, every 10% burning damage would add around 0.75% more regen required. In the first edit's link, a player could get up to 60% additional burning damage, which would add 4.5% more health per second. This could easily be accomplished by getting The Blood Dance w/helping Kraityn in Merciless, then using frenzy to maintain maximum Frenzy charges. It would also result in nearby enemies burning for 80% of your maximum health per second as fire damage, before adding the boost from Vulnerability (which would increase the burn to 100 or 112% of your max health per second). Last edited by Clock_Keeper#3416 on Nov 14, 2013, 12:32:43 PM
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What about the new unique circlet "crown of eyes"? RF will give "more" damage to attacks. it would be good for the physical Wander, but I do not know whether it will increase elemental damage with attack.
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" Crown of Eyes could work. However, It is necessary to reach at least rank 23 of Purity of Flame for that final 1% max fire resist, as it translates to 2.1% after increases. Going from 93 to 91% max fire increases damage taken by ~3%, which means one cannot use the build mentioned above without adding more %regen uniques into the equation (though burning for 2.5% of your max health isn't too insane to deal with). It would definitely synergize better with possible offensive skill combinations to maximize the use of Righteous Fire. |
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" So wait a second. You bitched for the last months because Shavs made it possible to sustain RF with ease but now you think it would be fine if life based characters were supposed to sustain it via low ES? So the whole problem would just get reversed? Now the Low ES makes it possible for you to sustain RF, not the Low Life. What a phoney. |
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good news! u gain +4% maximum fire resit on fire purity on 21lvl skill gem.
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" Thats really good new. So LL RF Pulser still is possible without having to run Rise of the Phoenix. Guess I know what I am going to respec into if my current project wont deal any damage. |
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