0.9.9 Patch Notes

Chris wrote:
Bonuses to item rarity and quantity from bosses or from additional players in the game now stack multiplicatively with the player's bonuses (rather than additively). Diminishing returns only apply to the player's bonuses.

Chris, what about that? This mean boss drops rate will be relative higher or this doesn't have any bigger effect?
Last edited by Skelecross#0407 on May 8, 2012, 7:15:00 AM
I will gladly PM you this info after a few days with the patch. Despite my criticisms, I do love this game (my time played is almost inhuman) and if you guys really do listen to the community as much as you say, people like me will continue to play even with you-know-what approaching.

Man, I am so sick of hearing about the Mayan end of the world...


(yes, I know what you were actually referring to)
Chris wrote:

Don't expect a change to the Fusing orb stuff any time soon, we are pretty happy with how that's currently working. High variance item mechanics are a key design choice! It's pretty easy to get four linked sockets. It's not cripplingly hard to get five linked sockets. Six is overkill and designed to be very rare. I want there to be something for players to strive for in the long term.

Is there any possibility of a mechanic/alternative that allows for a concrete investment, a progression, a trading of 200 fusing orbs for an object that adds a link? I don't object to the time investment, merely the very real possibility of constant disappointment, wasted resources, and an end result worse than what one began with.

The idea of spending the results of 30 hours of farming to actually degrade my item is what prevents me from truly enjoying the item system. The ability to purchase guaranteed improvement, or even guaranteed non-deterioration, would be a godsend.
Increased the number of charges needed for a Diamond Flask to refill.

This will be the first thing I test. The current state of diamond flasks along with stacking Crit Damage Multi % is the biggest balance issue in the game. I'm not sure how much this nerf to the charges will help, though, because high level players equip four, sometimes even five diamond flasks. I really hope something was done about Crit Dmg Multiplier (lowered values on the nodes, and definitely lowered values on items).

Hopefully Kaom's HP bonus has been at least halved as well. That'll be one of the first things I check.
#1 Hillock farmer NA
My hope is that they change diamond flasks to be a multiplier on your existing crit chance.

As it stands, they make conventional crit builds utterly redundant, and it simply feels terrible as a mechanic.
Finnien wrote:

Is there any possibility of a mechanic/alternative that allows for a concrete investment, a progression, a trading of 200 fusing orbs for an object that adds a link? I don't object to the time investment, merely the very real possibility of constant disappointment, wasted resources, and an end result worse than what one began with.

The idea of spending the results of 30 hours of farming to actually degrade my item is what prevents me from truly enjoying the item system. The ability to purchase guaranteed improvement, or even guaranteed non-deterioration, would be a godsend.

Not to sound dramatic, but it will probably kill the game for alot of people if nothing is done.
Sounds like an exciting patch!
Neonexe wrote:
My hope is that they change diamond flasks to be a multiplier on your existing crit chance.

As it stands, they make conventional crit builds utterly redundant, and it simply feels terrible as a mechanic.

Not a bad idea.

And agreed about regular crit builds being pointless.
#1 Hillock farmer NA
god i cant wait to raise necromancers as spectres
<3 exploding minions
I feel like there could be several ways to go with diamond flasks.

The first is to make them like granite flasks, ie super useful for people with no armour, and make it so they are a flat increase to your crit chance.

So Diamond flasks become +10-20% crit chance flat, meaning that those with 5% crit chance skills suddenly find that they are critting relatively vastly more, but having only moderate returns for those with 30%+ crit rates.

The second would be to make them "turbo mode" for crit based builds - diamond flasks are changed to buff your crit damage and multiply your crit rate by some small amount, maybe 50-100%.

So you might go from 30% crit rate and 500% crit mod to 40% crit rate and 700% crit mod.

If you were at 4% crit rate you would go to 5% crit rate and 200 crit mod to 280%.

This obviously makes it undesirable unless you are already crit focused, and also makes edge cases where people have huge crit modifiers/crit chances more powerful (because they multiply off each other).

Then you could make it so that they only buff crit mod. I think that could be fine.

Or, you could make it so that they add an effect on crit (maybe an amount scaling with level/stats/something that is not crit chance/damage) which pushes them towards being a reward for fast attacking crit builds like daggers which otherwise suffer from other mechanics (such as burns not overlapping etc).

Anything other than the current implementation though dear gawd

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