0.9.9 Patch Notes

Love everything about this patch, except one minor thing. The necros are a great addition to the game, but I feel they could use a cooldown to their summons. This goes with most summoning monsters now. Unless you deal a lot of dps, they're making 5-10 minions in less than a minute.

I came in contact with a necro: regen, energy shield, and summoned burning arrow archers. I eventually just walked away, no chance with 140dps at lvl 25. Ran into Chatters 30 seconds later, no challenge at all.
Looks really good, can't wait to get beta key so I can play after the weekend!!!1!
Muggins123 wrote:
Looks really good, can't wait to get beta key so I can play after the weekend!!!1!

You quoted a wall of text to post that one simple sentence?
robble wrote:
You quoted a wall of text to post that one simple sentence?

It wasn't him that quoted the wall of text.

I liked the blank wall of text quote, it brings home just how many changes were made.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
I really hope that patch 0.10.0 arrives soon with Open Beta, improvement, new features and lots of players, who never had the chance to play before.

And I hope it releases soon.

Best piece of 0.9.9 cake for me so far ^^

I need some info about that res add, whats lowest-highest value possible on white Astral Plate and can we blessed orb it?
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when the open beta will be open ?

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