[3.16]Dragoon's DW Calling Lancer |High mitigation |"budget" 15M+ sDPS |99% of the Game Done|Videos
Is a well rolled Belltimber or 170pdps Paradoxica better?
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" This is more of a budget decision than anything else, paradoxica after 130 pdps or so already ties beltimber's, if you simulate a bit every 10 dps in paradoxica will give you around 3 to 4 million increase in your total dps fully buffed + mirages, so a top tier paradoxica around 210 pdps you give will an extra 18 million with mirages compared to a 170 pdps one To be fair, this difference only shines on red maps and endgame bosses i am only guiding people to get everything in the budget list before going for paradoxica or WE but if you drop a 170 pdps paradoxica yourself or find a real cheap one in trade, then use it Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Oct 18, 2020, 8:24:57 AM
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Just a heads-up: Saviour prices are surging now, i recommend getting one now before 6L lioneye's
i don't believe the sword prices will drop anytime soon |
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I've been rocking with this build for a handful days. I've yet to come across anything I couldn't handle. Started doing T16's at level 80 without issue. 1 more conquer kill and I can try it on Sirus but I don't expect any issues.
I still run an enduring flask just for QoL. I would craft -mana costs on my rings if I ever fucking get it unlocked. Haven't even seen it once all league. |
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" Glad to know you are liking the build! The build can tank the sirus beam if you don't have adrenaline proc and 5k+ life but i don't recommend "trying it out" because is a close brush to death anyway the other instance that sirus can kill is before the final phase when his apparition does the rain of stars in a line in the middle of the area and he does it pretty fast. sometimes i even wait him to do this attack before hitting him, better dodge/leap out of the way Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Oct 19, 2020, 7:34:50 AM
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I'm playing something pretty similar. Not got all the pieces together yet (I respecced a slayer build I had) but it's pretty fun so far even if my resists aren't properly capped and lacking a bit of life!
Takes a bit of getting used to the call of steel rotation, especially as I didn't level with it, but getting there. I tried my luck and bought a veiled paradoxica, got almost perfect one so that saved me a ton of currency I also like the idea of getting life on hit, so grabbed this ring Bit of life on hit (Need to divine it up) plus poachers mark for rares/bosses with a chunk more. Poachers is less damage that snipers, but I like the utility of it. I might get more life on hit on another ring, or try and sneak in vitality + a life on hit with vitality watchers eye. At least until I can afford a +2 impale one. I like a bit more consistency on crits, so I got this over a Maryllenes. Similar dps, but bit more consistent, plus life. Ideal thing would be a +2 pierce talisman with good mods and anoint, then switching lioneyes for a crit chance+ explodey chest. I'll probabyl re-roll before I get the currency for that though. Not sure if the talisman even exists either, got this one from my last character but anoint is wrong, and no crit multi |
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Oh brother - seeing the title and the extremely underwhelming GIFs really made me curious what's going on!
Seems like a new PoB warrior stat has arrived: "All projectiles hit". This is NOT a 15M DPS build - at best 20% of it; with 5.4K HP which is very definitely not impressive as OP has spent ~50 EX on the build - the Watcher is already 30 EX. A 15M DPS build kills Minotaur in 2 seconds, not 20. There's plenty more PoB warrior stuff going on which you don't see in GIFs: > Frenzies won't happen at bosses > 1 Range for Point Blank, never happening > Divergent Pride with max stacks, never happening > Lv 11 Ice golem manual cast, never happening > 50 stages banner planted, never happening > Consecrated ground enabled, no source Also this build definitely is not tanky as claimed - I'd love to see OP posting Uber Elder or AW8 videos where he truly tanks something - there's a reason why the build has only some very few select unimpressive GIFs. Sorry but not only is the build below average of what the cost could get you but it's also dishonest. Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506 Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick#4554 on Oct 19, 2020, 9:55:08 AM
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" I knew a post like this would come sooner or later and it is SO obvious you are judging the build merely on the gifs i showed, i wish i could record videos but my pc is crap and recording interferes on my FPS and stuttering Lemme tackle everything you said then 1-"All projectiles hit" on PoB works well because the projs dont deviate in a large cone like LMP or GMP, do you see a ton of projectiles missing on the bosses? 2-you say that my damage is at best "20%" of 15M which would give 3M DPS, but i killed Hezmin in 3.5 seconds while needing to waste time Marking him, sure enough the damage needs to RAMP UP to the max but it reaches the max damage in less than a second, Hezmin at A7 has around 30M life, is that possible to do that with 3M dps? do your math again! also do you not see me moving a lot while fighting Minotaur? while i am not attacking the damage isn't high don't you think? I would be dishonest if i calculated my DPS with culling strike dividing everything by 0.9 which i don't, but culling with crit or totem is not that uncommon either 3- I DID NOT SPEND 50EX, sure i got lucky with a paradoxica as many others did. And the budget that i refer is with BELTIMBER+SAVIOUR (be more of a pob warrior and mark the "did you use a movement skill recently" to get the buff on PoB) also, do you see paradoxica on the budget list? my WE cost me 15EX btw and is something extra out of the budget list, you either need to study the market more or you are getting scammed out there watch out 4- for the things you don't see in my gifs you are actually promoting my build, so thanks anyway: >Blood rage and frenzy on bosses... I HAVE TO STOP FOR SOME TIME TO RECORD and i lose the charges BUT i put the anomalous blood rage for those opting for this >Put "10" on the field of point blank and see if there is any change my little PoB noob >Max pride stacks happens with endgame tier, like sirus A8 and pure chayula, otherwise the boss is dying earlier, another low-key promoting my build thanks again >Both the Ice golem and Banner planting i do a lot against bosses with phases like conqueror, atziri and sirus...stop cherrypicking everything >Consecrated Ground was my sole mistake here when i was simulating with the Bottled Faith, it only lowers 6M in the end, but this is not Gear that i advertised on the title FFS 5-Again, you are putting words in my mouth, i said this was the MOST sub-5K life build i ever did, not that this was tankier than 8k max block necros, you don't need to be so malicious too. I tanked sirus beam and tanked minotaur slam, if this is not a bit tanky, i don't know what it is. is it me who is being dishonest or you that is interpreting everything i said falsely? do you need me to carry your sirus A8? Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Oct 19, 2020, 11:59:16 AM
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" Well isn't strange that you would expect a post like that? If you can record GIFs, you absolutely can record videos as well - they function in no way different from each other. You also have the possibility to make GIFs out of proper scenarios, not the last 50% of a T15 boss which includes Culling Strike. " I guess if I find a Mirror from the ground and make a 300 EX build - it's budget and I didn't spend 300 EX because I was "lucky". The items which you have included in your gearing is 50 EX+, it's safe to assume that you used these items to make your GIFs - if not, make it explicit. " There isn't a single second of your cherry picked GIFs which indicate 15M DPS. There also isn't any way to verify your gear or the area level. Your build can front load up to 10M DPS for a moment yes but as seen in every other moment it barely manages to keep up at 2-3M. " You won't have these charges anyways at either Sirus, Shaper or any Conqueror / Guardian which is the point. Also you won't be running with 3 Frenzy charges at bosses with alternate Blood Rage. You might as well get 4% Onslaught jewel and enable Onslaught as well. All in all. You can remove these PoB "accidents", change your title, not claim it's budget because "you got lucky" and post proper videos to prove your claims - plenty of recording softwares require nominal processing power. A 15M DPS "high mitigation" build can do T19 100% delirious maps deathless - do that and you won't have to expect posts like these from anyone (: Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506 Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick#4554 on Oct 19, 2020, 1:31:58 PM
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In the end we have different opinions regarding budget, mitigation and damage
I am saying X and you are saying Y but why should i or you change our opinions? people will agree with me or you depending on their experiences but it is different when you say i am dishonest, painting black or white on things that have so much grey zone to discuss don't try to make me take a step back when you put things in a condescending way who do you think you are to make me change my title? I am not forcing anyone to do my build after all and i put every CON and trap my build should have if you get so offended with my PoB code then listen: PoB is a mere simulation tool, there is NOT a single build that can perform instantly as simulated in the real game, you DO understand what a tool means right? i am not saying absurdities like "Reave is OP for clearing" while you need a explode mod chest to do the heavy lifting is budget for you deathless sirus A8 with tabula? is high mitigation only with 80% resistance and brass dome? This is mere guide and i demonstrated with what i am capable of and built from scratch, many others can pick my build and do better than me but i won't take back what i said Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Oct 19, 2020, 2:05:37 PM
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