[3.16]Dragoon's DW Calling Lancer |High mitigation |"budget" 15M+ sDPS |99% of the Game Done|Videos

lab791 wrote:
First of all, thanks a lot for the build. I had never been going so far in the game before. It helped me a lot.

I have a few questions about points I am not sure I understand correctly :)

What kind of auras do you put ? It seems I cannot use all the ones you select with the gems. If I put Vitality and flesh and stone, that's it, no more space for anything else. Should I select in the tree the reservation efficiency nodes ? (I have not prioritised those)

The ice golem dies all the time. Is it really worth to use it ?

About the reflection of the saviour sword. When is it triggered exactly ? when we do a critical strike with the off hand ?

Also on poe ninja, in scoruge some lancing steel characters tend to put some critical strike chance gems in the body armour; do you recommend that ?

Finally, what can I done to improve what I have and what have I done wrong (I feel I am not doing as much damage as what I should do but I am not sure why...). Or what should I upgrade in my equipment ?
Here is my PoB character https://pastebin.com/WUz0MZqt

Thanks again for the build and for everyone that can help me understand it better and improve my character :)

glad you are liking the build, one of my aims is enabling new players for endgame here

as for your questions:
1-to use all the auras (vaal grace only uses the vaal part) you have some options
a)anoint your amulet with charisma (expensive)
b) in the node bannerman/champion of the cause there is the aura efficiency mastery to use
c)precision lvl 20 is nice for crits, but it gets in the way of mana
d)use enlighten support in some 4L (very expensive)

2-the ice golem is useful only when bossing, you can raise them while the boss is phasing or initiating, they are only useful for that initial burst with flasks

3- the reflection is triggered only when the attack where your char is swinging the saviour procs the critical, and if you observe well enough, the char keeps swinging with each hand alternatively

4-I didn't put those gems on my original build for many reasons, such as it is harder to get those colors in the chest and also you would need to pump physical damage elsewhere and mainly is that you need to pump intelligence on the char to level those supports, which means another thing to be cautious when gearing so it is not noob-friendly, since now GGG removed the lucky crits from diamond flasks, these versions with crit supports became very popular and they are really good nowadays

remember that i never claimed that my build is the best version of "Lancing Steel Champion" there is, only one of the easiest to build around for endgame
in the end it becomes a matter of balancing: either crit more or crit harder

finally, for upgrades in your char i can immediately points out you are missing the enchant for the helmet, the mastery node is a good quickfix, you can search for the other alternative gems and awakened supports in the LS link
if you wish to swap for the double crit gems then go ahead, but you need to get a ton of int in your gear which my build lacks for them, the easiest way is getting some +100 int rare lapis amulet and pump with attrib catalysts
after that you can start thinking about boots with tailwind, bottled faith and whatnot
Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Nov 21, 2021, 6:47:04 AM
well now i am testing another variation without magebane, just pumping life and changing the gems in the chest for the double crit system
since i had some currency to splurge i bought this baby

the ideal is having another one of those +1 affix on the amulet (dex skills or str skills) depending on the influence, but this is enough for testing

the idea is that now that saviour procs more now i can hold my ground better inside scourge or delving, i will also test more with the longshot node and no point blank, it seems better for invitations to avoid those chaotic bosses skills
i am also getting extremely annoyed how leaping is bad for scourge, i will test another movement skill

if the nerf trend continues then this may be the way foward for new leagues

Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Nov 22, 2021, 6:25:54 AM
Thanks a lot for your reply. I will follow your advice (I have already worked out the helmet and the auras). Boots and bottled faith will be the next.

You have really been super helpful with this build <3
okay i updated my pob since i "probably" found the most comfortable setup for scourge, you just have to shoot at a distance more


also uploaded a video of a couple of maps doing scourge


also did craft some gloves but didn't go the way i wanted, maybe i will trade them

Hi, this is now my third Lancing Steel incarnation (Deadeye and Raider previously) and Im using your build as a guide (with variations) after a friend on FB posted about it.
Im finding it to be an extremely smooth mapper, and pretty tanky and anticipate my first Sirus kill ever with it.
Its my second toon this league so has not had that much time spent on it but overall very satisfied so just want to say a big thanks for sharing it.
If you are still checking the forum (I note there are no recent posts) any feedback on my current build would be welcome, if not thanks anyway.
I also have some alternate gear fro swaps (eg Marylene with True Strike).
For anyone having difficulty with mana sustain, just socket a jewel with +2 mana on hit, it makes it so much smoother - I do also have -mana on jewellery but can fire constantly without running out, which is how I like the build to be.

Last edited by Ruddski#6421 on Dec 6, 2021, 9:07:11 PM
Ruddski wrote:
Hi, this is now my third Lancing Steel incarnation (Deadeye and Raider previously) and Im using your build as a guide (with variations) after a friend on FB posted about it.
Im finding it to be an extremely smooth mapper, and pretty tanky and anticipate my first Sirus kill ever with it.
Its my second toon this league so has not had that much time spent on it but overall very satisfied so just want to say a big thanks for sharing it.
If you are still checking the forum (I note there are no recent posts) any feedback on my current build would be welcome, if not thanks anyway.
I also have some alternate gear fro swaps (eg Marylene with True Strike).
For anyone having difficulty with mana sustain, just socket a jewel with +2 mana on hit, it makes it so much smoother - I do also have -mana on jewellery but can fire constantly without running out, which is how I like the build to be.

yours is pretty much maxed out if you don't want to craft influenced stuff or a bottled faith and so on...
i also noticed many out there using purity of elements and determination to ease up some other gear and flasks, even life + str stacking to go along with the inward crown is feasible, but this should be another variation of the build, much harder to get stuff without trading a lot
maybe i will turn my build into something "unethical" since there are a bunch of flask nodes near the tree, who knows
i will try to compile things for next league but it will depend how deadly it will be
One question though, where does all of your "More" damage come from?
Mine is currently at 32%, yours is 66% which makes a huge difference.
Ive scanned your POB but can't seem to find the source for it all.

Also thanks for the speedy reply.
Last edited by Ruddski#6421 on Dec 6, 2021, 9:08:42 PM
you mean on the calc tab? don't worry about it
maybe you forgot to put the travel distance for point blank or some implicit for the glove or enchant on boots...
Thanks, I must admit I find getting the settings right in POB a somewhat mysterious experience.
Hi, Im really getting into end game gearing with alternate quality jewels, Lv21/20 everywhere, lv4 enhance on Sniper's Mark, Blood Rage and War Banner etc.
Im currently using Saviour in main hand and paradoxica in off hand - does it make a difference which hand each is in if you are not using sinistral gloves or atlas tree passives which specifically focus on one hand over the other (eg Duel Wielding mastery)?

Also for the dual wielding mastery for 60% extra damage if 2 weapons are different types, would this count or are they both simply 1H sword and therefore the same?

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