[3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Nice Clear Speed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky) (Lacerate Gladiator)

Hmm.. I will slow down your enthusiasm with this, but:
Impales you inflict last # additional Hits while using Pride <- is a must
Pick one of these as extra:
#% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride
#% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride

go check the prices and let us know your thoughts :D

btw: I guess we don't need additional impale chance :)
Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Mar 18, 2021, 12:57:14 PM
I've made calculations in pob

Watcher's Eye : 28xa; + 600k dps

12% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride
25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride

Watcher's Eye : 90xa +358k

15% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline
9% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride
48% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride

Watcher's Eye at 70xa : + 1M dps

25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride

Watcher's Eye at 105xa : + 431k dps

11% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline
54% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride

Watcher's Eye at 6xa : + 200k dps

+703 to Armour while affected by Determination
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride
Unaffected by Flammability while affected by Purity of Fire

Watcher's Eye at 8-10xa : +200k dps

25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride
49% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride

Curently the best I can possibly afford with a good average good dps boost is the 1st of this list... It is possible Pob comunity fork lack some parameters for the calculations to be clear but even so, some of theme are too pricey
for me currently I'm afraid ><
Will have to be extremly patient XD

I assumed you had a Watcher Eye already.

btw: check ingame your Impale Chance

I think that stacking more % to impale chance is not a good choice - but I might be mistaken. I often find myself doing wrong calculations in PoB.

# Additional hits for Impale works awsum though.
Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Mar 18, 2021, 3:08:32 PM
Oh ok! I'm at 102% for each hand, sure it would be neat to keep it with the must-have mod but I'm too poor currently for that XD

Mayby I'll try the +2 additonnal impal alone :D
Last edited by Thonyzuka#3879 on Mar 18, 2021, 3:53:54 PM
Thonyzuka wrote:
Oh ok! I'm at 102% for each hand, sure it would be neat to keep it with the must-have mod but I'm too poor currently for that XD

Mayby I'll try the +2 additonnal impal alone :D

This one rulez

Bought fresh :)
Horken007 wrote:
Thonyzuka wrote:
Oh ok! I'm at 102% for each hand, sure it would be neat to keep it with the must-have mod but I'm too poor currently for that XD

Mayby I'll try the +2 additonnal impal alone :D

This one rulez

Bought fresh :)

Ouuh that one is sexy :D

I replaced mine with a tcheap one "mono-pride" and renoded "Forceful Skewering"

Seem better but will tell after latency isues :3
Reading what you wrote above, I just came up with theory about using multiple Watcher Eyes to have more Pride mods cheaper (like one WE with #% phys damage and the other with #% for double damage), but Watcher Eyes are limited to 1.
So if nobody knew that, this is a little bit of knowledge.

I believe this jewel was my last big purchase(over 30exa) this league. 200Ex Axe would certanly increase my DPS better that this jewel, but it looks like a decent purchase instead of hoarding currency.
Oh When i told "+2 additonnal impal alone" it was about the mod pride beeing single ^^

Damn I failed with Hezmin, lost several times ><

And yet I have this ><
Thonyzuka wrote:
Oh When i told "+2 additonnal impal alone" it was about the mod pride beeing single ^^

Damn I failed with Hezmin, lost several times ><

And yet I have this ><

If you are leveling - skip him.
But I think you should be able to burst him with
1.) 65 Rage into Berserk,
2.) Ancestral Protector ON
3.) Vaal Ancestral Warchief ON
4.) All utility flasks ON

Impale lasting additional hits will do a good job.
btw: that flask you linked sux - 40/60 charges. Get something which allows you to be used twice and fix it's quality to 20%.
Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Mar 19, 2021, 8:33:03 AM
Chalyps wrote:

Still bad life rolls on this. Prolly gonna harvest slam influenced mod on it, if I get life mod out. Cannot roll caster mods craft and hope to get frenzy, if anything else then I will yolo maven orb :D

Before maven orb

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