[3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Nice Clear Speed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky) (Lacerate Gladiator)

Popczii wrote:
rsge01 wrote:
I just crafted this on a helmet and I'm wondering if concentrated effect is good or bad for ancestral warchief. Any thoughts?

what fossils u used to craft thhis?

It was all from harvest crafting. What made it easy was having 3 prefixes and slamming augment physical is a guarantee for the suffix nearby enemies take 9% increased physical damage.
PegasusRideR wrote:
This message below is to everybody.

Leiwolong1515 wrote:
Hey guys,

So I'm at this point considering moving on to another build because quite frankly I feel very weak compared to so many other builds I've seen this league.

Before I pull the trigger so to speak, anyone care to look at my build and tell me if I'm just doing things wrong?
I can deathless Sirus AL9 but it is slow. Tons of builds are just dropping it in seconds, it takes me minutes in the last phase.

Maven simply seems impossible for me. I just do not do even close to enough damage in the nucleus phase to keep up. In the Maven phase, I'll get 3 sets of puddles before phasing her whereas every video I watch people are phasing her with 1 set.

TL;DR --> With the amount of time/money put into this build I feel very underpowered, what am I doing wrong? Should I just move on to another build?


Hi. Before you pull the trigger, I have some things to say, to everybody here. I see that you're close to Meta Gear both in terms of DPS and life(5.61m, 6.7k) and nothing seems wrong there. There's %20 more DPS remaining to reach Meta Gear.

I'm not there yet as I'm very slow this league, but I'm aware of Maven fight problems, also Maven arena fight problems when it's filled with heavy bosses(not map bosses). This is something I learned only four days ago. If I knew this would happen, I would end the build before expansion release. Now that I know, I will continue to support this build until the end of this league and stop there. Because there's a new main mechanic and a main boss that the build is not succesful with, it's time to end. Bossing was always slow with this build though. It also says in Pros and Cons section. The advantage it has compared to other builds which can do bosses much faster is it's clear speed. For example let's say for Sirus, when you compare bossing time only, you won't see much from it. But when you compare total time spent to spawn and kill Sirus, that's where you'll see the advantage of it. Also, when I calculate from new Sirus A8 video which was done with close DPS to Required Gear's, it looks like Meta Gear can do Sirus A8 in 3.5-4 minutes animations included, which is not bad for a clear speed build I think. And again, maybe I've said this a couple times recently but if you check this thread and the old one, you will see that there's only 1 negative post amongst 600+ posts until start of this league. Only some telling bossing is slow, but not negative posts. This league there are many negative posts, also a boss and a mechanic build is not succesful with.

Because of these I'm really sorry for the time you spent, for the time everybody spent with Lacerman build this league. I'm calling it end after 1 year and 9 months since release. For the ones staying, I'll keep on supporting here with messages until the end of this league. Maven and Maven arena fights are our only 2 problems at the moment, everything else is the same as before. I'm also sad that this game is going bossier and bossier with last 2 expansions, being the end of many clear speed oriented builds out there.

Here's also what you can do to maximize efficiency with the build this league. Some were planned updates for this league actually. Get an explody chest with as high +life and %life possible, also an empty affix to craft %inc. life and %inc. mana. You will most likely lose life here, try to keep life 6.4k the lowest. Drop Blood in The Eyes and Gratuitous Violence ascendancies and get Painforged and Versatile Combatant. On passive tree, respec Red Storm and get Swagger. This way you will have %51 Attack and Spell block instead of %29 Attack block we have now. Get Divergent Rage support on Leap Slam, in place of Culling Strike support. This way you will generate rage much faster. Get Anomalous Blood Rage to be able to generate frenzy charges on bosses. Get Aul's Uprising as suggested in Even Further Upgrades section as we need the DPS this league. Get chaos res as well, one of the Ritual types is chaos damaging and dangerous with -60 chaos res.

Guys, I highly suggest re-reading the whole guide from scratch after you "make your build".
There are small details you can miss that makes the build... worse than it actually is.
I just noticed I did the same myself.
I was dying less last league because... Well I had Aul's, which gave me more armor. I also had not put in the berserk skill after getting bloodscent in cluster jewel.
That's alot of damage reduction right there that I was missing, including damage.

As for other players, I've noticed most of them don't have the right setup.
Either they're using random flasks, or they don't use the correct gem setup.
Or their gear is just quite awfully chosen to be honest.
This build should work really well on low budget and will get you quite far.

don't forget to use ancestral warchief + vaal ancestral warchief at the start of fights
AND don't forget to drop dread banner for more tankyness during rituals and boss fights.
Then make sure your blood rage is still up.
And most importantly, FLASK UPTIME SHOULD BE 100%

Before we make mister Lacerman delete the build, can you all re-read at least the required gear and make your build the same? that should fix ALOT of problems!

Just killed sirus A4, and it WAS EASY.
Note, my chaos res is now -3% which I think helped me alot. I died 4 times but all 4 times were due to the balls, barely took damage from Sirus himself.
On to A8 Sirus
Last edited by PrimusLightNova#4304 on Feb 4, 2021, 2:43:55 PM
Having chaos resist definitely helped me survive this Ritual league. I'd say it might be a mandatory thing to have some otherwise there's too many things that can one-shot us.

On another hand, I noticed something with PoB. I was playing around with alternate quality skills. With fortify tick box checked and enemy map mod of +40% physical reduction, I noticed that Superior Brutality + Divergent Fortify has a lot lower dps than using Divergent Brutality + Superior Fortify. Am I missing something?

When I tried it with Sirus effective DPS, both setups are somewhat equal.
Last edited by rsge01#7814 on Feb 5, 2021, 3:34:08 AM
What about using Molten shell instead of Immortal call? It could help us with mitigating some chaos damage. I have about 27k armor with flasks, but I've changed normal life flask to Jade flask (I know it gives evasion but we are converting evasion to armor with Iron Reflexes), also i have poison immunity on Jade flask, cause of corrupting blood immunity on one of my jewels.

So back to the molten shell, it would give us about 5,4k shield (in my case)

Just want to hear some thoughts about it from you guys.
Hi, i´m usually a slow player so i´m not facing major problems(i didn´t go for sirus4 yet) in T16 or things like that even with my poor build.(Sry for my english not main language)

I want to know what to priorize to change in this moment of the build to power up and reach required gear.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/k2AKwxzf

P.D. My plan is to start every league with Lacerman, i enjoy so much the speed of the build to change to something slower, and if i can´t face some bosses do another char for them. I hope u still support Pseudo-lacermans in the future even if it´s 1 time a month to help or something like that.

I enjoy so much doing blight with this build even in this state^^. Thx in advance. (Your tips for crafting some parts of the build are awesome)

Thank you so much for the tips and for taking ur time to help PrimusLightNova^^ i will try to follow them as soon as possible P.D. I´m lvl 92 didn´t put the thread+3 points yet T_T
Last edited by Metacalcius#3008 on Feb 5, 2021, 7:05:12 PM
First of all, small update:

I talked to Lacerman.
For the meta gear some changes can/will be made that make the build feel much better.
Currently I switched over to this test version.
My dps went up by 20-30%.
Attack and spell block is 51%

I barely take damage now, have spammed T16 maps and have only died once.
And that death was just a test to see how much I could tank, I tanked 4 shots from a T16 boss WHILE affected by shock (extra damage taken). And that was without dread banner and berserk active.

All in all, I feel much better right now.
The build is working really well at this point.
I feel tanky, my clear is still good and my boss damage isn't bad.
Will try A8 Sirus and then Maven soon.

FYI: I activate rituals, keep lacerate pressed and scroll on my phone, that's how tanky I feel right now.

Changes I made (don't change over yet, let Lacerman confirm it).
Only do these steps if you have currency to get an explody chest and new gloves.
1) Changed passive tree, remove blood in the eyes and gratuitous violence.
2) spec into painforged and versatile combatant
3) We have no more bleed/exploding --> Get an explody chest with high life/resist
4) Get a watcher's eye with "chance to deal double damage while using pride", this is REALLY cheap and immensely upgrades your dps.
5) Get spiked gloves with culling strike on it + high phys, high attack speed, high life and IF possible, open suffix for non vaal skills, or just resist.
6) Your weapon with elder mod "hits with this weapon have culling strike against bleeding enemies" is now rendered useless since we barely bleed.
Get a new axe with just high dps, no need for cull. We have cull on gloves now.
7) Sacrifice some points on the tree --> start by taking out red storm or any bleed node
You need 3 points to spec into swagger node (take the top route that gives block)

There might be more changes, specifically with gems.
But that's the current change I made.

DeliciousHD wrote:
What about using Molten shell instead of Immortal call? It could help us with mitigating some chaos damage. I have about 27k armor with flasks, but I've changed normal life flask to Jade flask (I know it gives evasion but we are converting evasion to armor with Iron Reflexes), also i have poison immunity on Jade flask, cause of corrupting blood immunity on one of my jewels.

So back to the molten shell, it would give us about 5,4k shield (in my case)

Just want to hear some thoughts about it from you guys.

That is definetly something to look into.
Not sure if it's worth replacing a life flask.

Metacalcius wrote:

Hi, i´m usually a slow player so i´m not facing major problems(i didn´t go for sirus4 yet) in T16 or things like that even with my poor build.(Sry for my english not main language)

I want to know what to priorize to change in this moment of the build to power up and reach required gear.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/k2AKwxzf

P.D. My plan is to start every league with Lacerman, i enjoy so much the speed of the build to change to something slower, and if i can´t face some bosses do another char for them. I hope u still support Pseudo-lacermans in the future even if it´s 1 time a month to help or something like that.

I enjoy so much doing blight with this build even in this state^^. Thx in advance. (Your tips for crafting some parts of the build are awesome)

I have done some new research along with Lacerman and there's a couple changes we can do in meta gear.
I'll leave that for later once we figure it out but I can give you a couple tips.

- Your brood bloom jewel needs some changing.
I suggest a watcher's eye with "chance to deal double damage when using pride" it's only around 1-2ex for a decent roll.

- I can't see if you've put in the thread of hope jewel and taken the 4 nodes, it doesn't show up in POB neither in your profile.
You should link a new POB, but first --> copy the required gear POB
then import your own POB BUT delete jewels, delete skills and delete equipment should be turned on. this way there's no overlap on the skills.
Your POB is kinda a mess right now :p.

- Helmet: Craft armour/life, this is better than just armor.

- Boots: your boots have low life and no open suffix, you need open suffix to craft "non vaal skills deal 60% damage during soul gain prevention".
You also have way overcapped light res, so you can afford to miss a suffix on res here.

- Amulet is good, but you can craft higher melee damage, look in your crafting bench and see where you can find it. If not you can always pm me ingame and i'll craft for you
IGN: Lacertek

- Belt has low life, try and get a belt with high life
Since you have chaos res here, you can try craft one yourself --> Try using Aberrant fossils till you hit high life and good chaos res.
If you want to take it a step further get yourself one with either Hunter influence (for increased maximum life and or overwhelm phys damage) or warlord for "reduced extra damage from crit strikes"
You can craft belt first, keep an open suffix/prefix and slam with an orb, hoping you get something good.
The perfect belt would be something like mine (check my profile).

- Get a new life flask, either one with insta recovery + bleed immune
or one with reduced charges used. having a higher healing pool isn't needed because of karui. either instant or more charges is better.

- Since you have bloodscent active --> go to configuration in POB and in the middle you'll find "rage", put that to 55.

- General tips
Get your gems to 20 or buy lvl 21's
Get higher hp by getting higher life on gear instead of having the crafted version

Further changes will probably come soon.
I'm experimenting atm and I feel much better than before.
Last edited by PrimusLightNova#4304 on Feb 6, 2021, 4:41:47 AM
PrimusLightNova wrote:
First of all, small update:

I talked to Lacerman.
For the meta gear some changes can/will be made that make the build feel much better.
Currently I switched over to this test version.
My dps went up by 20-30%.
Attack and spell block is 51%

I barely take damage now, have spammed T16 maps and have only died once.
And that death was just a test to see how much I could tank, I tanked 4 shots from a T16 boss WHILE affected by shock (extra damage taken). And that was without dread banner and berserk active.

All in all, I feel much better right now.
The build is working really well at this point.
I feel tanky, my clear is still good and my boss damage isn't bad.
Will try A8 Sirus and then Maven soon.

FYI: I activate rituals, keep lacerate pressed and scroll on my phone, that's how tanky I feel right now.

Changes I made (don't change over yet, let Lacerman confirm it).
Only do these steps if you have currency to get an explody chest and new gloves.
1) Changed passive tree, remove blood in the eyes and gratuitous violence.
2) spec into painforged and versatile combatant
3) We have no more bleed/exploding --> Get an explody chest with high life/resist
4) Get a watcher's eye with "chance to deal double damage while using pride", this is REALLY cheap and immensely upgrades your dps.
5) Get spiked gloves with culling strike on it + high phys, high attack speed, high life and IF possible, open suffix for non vaal skills, or just resist.
6) Your weapon with elder mod "hits with this weapon have culling strike against bleeding enemies" is now rendered useless since we barely bleed.
Get a new axe with just high dps, no need for cull. We have cull on gloves now.
7) Sacrifice some points on the tree --> start by taking out red storm or any bleed node
You need 3 points to spec into swagger node (take the top route that gives block)

There might be more changes, specifically with gems.
But that's the current change I made.

DeliciousHD wrote:
What about using Molten shell instead of Immortal call? It could help us with mitigating some chaos damage. I have about 27k armor with flasks, but I've changed normal life flask to Jade flask (I know it gives evasion but we are converting evasion to armor with Iron Reflexes), also i have poison immunity on Jade flask, cause of corrupting blood immunity on one of my jewels.

So back to the molten shell, it would give us about 5,4k shield (in my case)

Just want to hear some thoughts about it from you guys.

That is definetly something to look into.
Not sure if it's worth replacing a life flask.

Metacalcius wrote:

Hi, i´m usually a slow player so i´m not facing major problems(i didn´t go for sirus4 yet) in T16 or things like that even with my poor build.(Sry for my english not main language)

I want to know what to priorize to change in this moment of the build to power up and reach required gear.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/k2AKwxzf

P.D. My plan is to start every league with Lacerman, i enjoy so much the speed of the build to change to something slower, and if i can´t face some bosses do another char for them. I hope u still support Pseudo-lacermans in the future even if it´s 1 time a month to help or something like that.

I enjoy so much doing blight with this build even in this state^^. Thx in advance. (Your tips for crafting some parts of the build are awesome)

I have done some new research along with Lacerman and there's a couple changes we can do in meta gear.
I'll leave that for later once we figure it out but I can give you a couple tips.

- Your brood bloom jewel needs some changing.
I suggest a watcher's eye with "chance to deal double damage when using pride" it's only around 1-2ex for a decent roll.

- I can't see if you've put in the thread of hope jewel and taken the 4 nodes, it doesn't show up in POB neither in your profile.
You should link a new POB, but first --> copy the required gear POB
then import your own POB BUT delete jewels, delete skills and delete equipment should be turned on. this way there's no overlap on the skills.
Your POB is kinda a mess right now :p.

- Helmet: Craft armour/life, this is better than just armor.

- Boots: your boots have low life and no open suffix, you need open suffix to craft "non vaal skills deal 60% damage during soul gain prevention".
You also have way overcapped light res, so you can afford to miss a suffix on res here.

- Amulet is good, but you can craft higher melee damage, look in your crafting bench and see where you can find it. If not you can always pm me ingame and i'll craft for you
IGN: Lacertek

- Belt has low life, try and get a belt with high life
Since you have chaos res here, you can try craft one yourself --> Try using Aberrant fossils till you hit high life and good chaos res.
If you want to take it a step further get yourself one with either Hunter influence (for increased maximum life and or overwhelm phys damage) or warlord for "reduced extra damage from crit strikes"
You can craft belt first, keep an open suffix/prefix and slam with an orb, hoping you get something good.
The perfect belt would be something like mine (check my profile).

- Get a new life flask, either one with insta recovery + bleed immune
or one with reduced charges used. having a higher healing pool isn't needed because of karui. either instant or more charges is better.

- Since you have bloodscent active --> go to configuration in POB and in the middle you'll find "rage", put that to 55.

- General tips
Get your gems to 20 or buy lvl 21's
Get higher hp by getting higher life on gear instead of having the crafted version

Further changes will probably come soon.
I'm experimenting atm and I feel much better than before.
O, nice. I sell my axe then for 20+ ex, i have explode chest with open suffix but need to reroll life, this gloves with culling strike are must have or i can play some time without them?
Thanks for your supportive messages! Means a lot to me. But sadly game is changing and like many clear speed builds, time for this build is running low. It will still be here for next leagues, for the people want to continue playing it. I don't expect major changes/nerfs to it as well since it's not a meta build. It will probably survive until next expansion or Poe 2. Just that I won't be supporting it with updates and replies, that's all.

PrimusLightNova wrote:
Before we make mister Lacerman delete the build, can you all re-read at least the required gear and make your build the same? that should fix ALOT of problems!

Metacalcius wrote:
P.D. My plan is to start every league with Lacerman, i enjoy so much the speed of the build to change to something slower, and if i can´t face some bosses do another char for them. I hope u still support Pseudo-lacermans in the future even if it´s 1 time a month to help or something like that.

I'm planning to keep the build here. Just that I won't be supporting it anymore. I'm even planning to make a last big update before stopping.

DeliciousHD wrote:
What about using Molten shell instead of Immortal call? It could help us with mitigating some chaos damage. I have about 27k armor with flasks, but I've changed normal life flask to Jade flask (I know it gives evasion but we are converting evasion to armor with Iron Reflexes), also i have poison immunity on Jade flask, cause of corrupting blood immunity on one of my jewels.

So back to the molten shell, it would give us about 5,4k shield (in my case)

Just want to hear some thoughts about it from you guys.

Immortal Call is better than Molten Shell in our case. This was suggested couple times before and I had a calculation about comparison of the two, which was in my notebook about the build and majority of the things written in that notebook got damaged by water, including this. But I can say Immortal Call is better, especially with Endurance Charges we can generate on bosses.

PrimusLightNova wrote:
-Changes I made (don't change over yet, let Lacerman confirm it).
Only do these steps if you have currency to get an explody chest and new gloves.
1) Changed passive tree, remove blood in the eyes and gratuitous violence.
2) spec into painforged and versatile combatant
3) We have no more bleed/exploding --> Get an explody chest with high life/resist
4) Get a watcher's eye with "chance to deal double damage while using pride", this is REALLY cheap and immensely upgrades your dps.
5) Get spiked gloves with culling strike on it + high phys, high attack speed, high life and IF possible, open suffix for non vaal skills, or just resist.
6) Your weapon with elder mod "hits with this weapon have culling strike against bleeding enemies" is now rendered useless since we barely bleed.
Get a new axe with just high dps, no need for cull. We have cull on gloves now.
7) Sacrifice some points on the tree --> start by taking out red storm or any bleed node
You need 3 points to spec into swagger node (take the top route that gives block)

Yeah these are all I suggested in my last message + Watcher's Eye idea(Thanks again for that!) There will soon be a last big update including all these and some more. Both Required and Meta Gears will have changes. But go for these, don't wait for me to update.
𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭❜𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥: https://ironhideout.net 🪽
𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝: /view-thread/3483665
𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝❢): /view-thread/3263906 | 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝: pegasusrider
𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟓-𝟔-𝟕-𝟗-𝟏𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟑: /view-thread/3519150
Last edited by PegasusRideR#6012 on Feb 9, 2021, 1:31:56 AM
Popczii wrote:
O, nice. I sell my axe then for 20+ ex, i have explode chest with open suffix but need to reroll life, this gloves with culling strike are must have or i can play some time without them?

For your explody chest I would suggest remove/add life till you hit high life (T4 or higher).
I would remove defence (get rid of the armor). You need an open slot to either craft life % yourself (up to 8%) or if you are extremely lucky, you can hit High flat life + high life % (only keep if higher than 8%).
For the suffixes if you're capped on all the others, I'd suggest augmenting chaos until you hit a high tier.

And cull on gloves is pretty mandatory.
it's not that hard though

go to trade -->
Spiked gloves:
Life 80+
Phys to attacks (this cannot be crafted, this should be on the item)
Attack speed (this can be crafted or have it on the armor, whichever you find)
Open suffix (the only suffix here should be either crafted attack speed or just attack speed, you need 2 open suffixes so you spend less ex).
If it has a resist you can just rem resist with harvest.

All influences off --> this should only be 1-3ex at most.
Then buy a warlord's exalted orb --> go to crafting bench --> craft chance to avoid being stunned.
Slam hunter's exalted orb
If you don't hit cull --> remove/add influence mod until you do hit it.
Then craft the attack speed back on, or if it already has attack speed then craft whatever you need.
PrimusLightNova wrote:

And cull on gloves is pretty mandatory.
it's not that hard though

go to trade -->
Spiked gloves:
Life 80+
Phys to attacks (this cannot be crafted, this should be on the item)
Attack speed (this can be crafted or have it on the armor, whichever you find)
Open suffix (the only suffix here should be either crafted attack speed or just attack speed, you need 2 open suffixes so you spend less ex).
If it has a resist you can just rem resist with harvest.

All influences off --> this should only be 1-3ex at most.
Then buy a warlord's exalted orb --> go to crafting bench --> craft chance to avoid being stunned.
Slam hunter's exalted orb
If you don't hit cull --> remove/add influence mod until you do hit it.
Then craft the attack speed back on, or if it already has attack speed then craft whatever you need.

Just to add, to make it a bit easier to get cull, you can get i79 to i73 spiked gloves. It won't guarantee cull but it will increase your odds of hitting it from 14% to 33%.
Last edited by rsge01#7814 on Feb 6, 2021, 4:07:20 PM

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