[3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Nice Clear Speed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky) (Lacerate Gladiator)

what should i upgrade next ? i think my boss damage is not enough.it takes too much time especially against crusaders. is it possible kill 8 sirus with this build ? thanks for answers.
If you're having problems upgrading, it's because exalted-chaos rate is pretty low(1-62 at the moment) this league. This makes items worth more exas on Trade(a little more than double) because an exa used to worth 140-150c around these times in past leagues. It's best to do runs targeted to get many chaoses. Such as doing delve, since this league niko rotas are back in global 820 chat and delve is a good way to farm chaoses from many wealth chests. You will also get high level heist contracts in delve to do them, and heists are a good way to get chaoses fast as well. Can make many exas per day this way. Chaos recipe will work fine too, and also heist contracts dropping there. These 3 can be done altogether in a day.

A good way for chaos is low delve between lvl 60 and 75, low cost in sulphite, you can easly farm a lot of jewelry and gear for chaos recipe + fossils and currency.
trying hard to craft by using fossil....last become chaos roll but the out come more then fossil....any idea to do with the last mod on ring?
yesterday getting some boost from friend aura the aps go till 10 looks very awsome!!!
Last edited by ff_ff800#1959 on Oct 7, 2020, 8:23:04 PM
Hi ! Thank you for this build, impale cyclone was boring so I reinvested in this one. I've got a few questions !

1) It's great so far, but I feel squishier compared to my previous build, is there a way to make it tankier?

Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Nc0dSfx6

I'm at 2.2m DPS, got some gem leveling to, after that i'll be at 2.38m DPS if I'm not mistaken.

2) What should be my next upgrade in your opinion ? Helmet enchants + nearby enemies craft maybe ?

3) Do you think switching out increased duration for steelskin/molten shell and putting them at higher level will allow me to tank some heavy hits ?

(I'm at T16 maps, Awakener level 7, I just want to push to A8 & do high level heist :) )
Last edited by Halkreen#3004 on Oct 8, 2020, 5:45:56 AM
Love your build a lot, but I'm not that good and item picking and min maxing.

Could you please advise on changes that should be done to the character that I have atm?

Last edited by Turentkm#6677 on Oct 9, 2020, 1:52:41 PM
Hey there I really appreciate the build, it has been running very very smooth for the most part at least compared to everything i've run prior, but i'm just looking at the meta match up with your items and my items, and I am just struggling to see where this extra damage comes from? I appreciate it!

@Everyone: Can you please share your experiences and success stories while running this build? Like I killed Sirus A8 with this DPS and life, I killed AUL, did Simulacrum deathless, been doing T16 %100 Delirious map with this DPS and life, etc. Experiences and success stories like these are important to players that are wanting to start doing the build, hence they are important for build threads. And replies to thread consists more of questions than experiences at the moment. I am happy to help everyone having questions here, but we can increase experiences and success stories part more in my opinion. Thanks!

LG정근우 wrote:
Hello Pegasus

I'm really enjoying your lacerate build, thanks for the your detailed guide.

I saw your character in POE Ninja and checked out your equipment, gems and passive-tree everyday. It became my everyday morning routine :)

I am wondering why you have 'leap slam' linked with 'culling strike support', because I can see you already have culling strike on your weapon.(in Meta gear pob as well)

I am not sure whether you can see my character or not,
I bought an elder-base axe with culling strike mod yesterday so I am now considering to change my skill gem setting like your guide :)

Thank you

Hi. Thanks for your nice words! I'm expecting more people to enter Ninja's list by levelling tbh. I know that a huge number of people are doing this build because of many in game messages I get, or random people recognizing me on trades(like I sold 5 axes on day 1 this league, 2 to people doing Lacerman who recognized me). But the problem is, most of the people doing this build are level 93 or 94 at most. There are beachhead and pure breachstone rotas for increasing level further, I mean come on, we can put more people of ours to that list:)

Culling Strike stays on leap even after weapon change(weapon with Culling Strike mod) as you can see in Meta Gear Pob. This is for %11 attack speed it gives to Leap Slam. It might sound a little overkill to reserve 1 gem slot for only %11 attack speed, but this is one of the fastest leaping builds out there, maybe the fastest that can take it to endgame, helping build to reach it's crazy clear speed. One of the reasons to this is super high attack speed Leap gets(like helm and boot enchant, etc., many small AS coming together), that's why I'm keeping Culling Strike there. Also, there are not many good support gems to link with Leap Slam as well. I can see your character(looks good), but for some reason I can't import it to Pob because 3 characters gets lost while copy-pasting your account name, becoming LG???, so I couldn't check it in-deep.

angelista52 wrote:
what should i upgrade next ? i think my boss damage is not enough.it takes too much time especially against crusaders. is it possible kill 8 sirus with this build ? thanks for answers.

Let's start with Sirus question. Yes, it is possible to do even A8 Sirus with Required Gear stats. Much faster and easier for Meta Gear. Here, a post from this league:

Xitomzz wrote:
Just killed Sirus 8 with this

Took a long time and 2 portals, because as Pegasus said I'm lacking lots of damage for bossing in my build, but if I was able to kill him with that gear and A8... Anyone can kill Sirus with this build :D

You have 1.82m DPS and 5.0k life at the moment. DPS is all good for Conquerors and even lower Sirus, but life can get a little bit increasing, to 5.9k at least. Let's get your DPS to a point where A8 Sirus will become easy and Conquerors will take much shorter than it is now, also trying to increase life too while doing it. Leave one node on cluster and get a life node(1.81m DPS, 5.1k life), refund Gladiator's Perseverance and get 3 life nodes(1.67m DPS, 5.3k life), level to 91 and get 2 more life nodes(5.5k life). Let's upgrade your gear now. I will list upgrades needed in order. Change your axe with a 460+pDPS one(1.77m), change amulet with something like Meta Gear amulet without the Talisman implicit(2.00m DPS, 5.7k life, actually you can do this before weapon upgrade), change ring 1 with a Vulnerability on Hit ring having higher life, also use abrasive catalyst on your rings and amulet(2.07m DPS, 5.8k life and perma-Vulnerability), change jewels with better 4-mod ones(2.22m DPS, 6.1k life), get a Watcher's Eye(2.49m), get gloves with higher attack speed and craft "Non-Vaal Skills Deal %60 Increased damage during soul gain prevention" mod on it(important for bosses)(2.54m), get a better Lion's Roar(2.59m). Meanwhile doing these upgrades, get helm and boot enchant and make your gems 20-20 with Lacerate setup being 21-20, also did some changes to your skill setup adding Enhance and Inc. Duration to Blood Rage, swapping some places of Gem setups. Now you have 3.38m DPS and 6.1k life. Sirus A8 and Conquerors should become much easier and faster now as we almost doubled your DPS here and also increased life to Required Gear's life. Good luck upgrading! Here's the Pob link:


Niico75 wrote:
If you're having problems upgrading, it's because exalted-chaos rate is pretty low(1-62 at the moment) this league. This makes items worth more exas on Trade(a little more than double) because an exa used to worth 140-150c around these times in past leagues. It's best to do runs targeted to get many chaoses. Such as doing delve, since this league niko rotas are back in global 820 chat and delve is a good way to farm chaoses from many wealth chests. You will also get high level heist contracts in delve to do them, and heists are a good way to get chaoses fast as well. Can make many exas per day this way. Chaos recipe will work fine too, and also heist contracts dropping there. These 3 can be done altogether in a day.

A good way for chaos is low delve between lvl 60 and 75, low cost in sulphite, you can easly farm a lot of jewelry and gear for chaos recipe + fossils and currency.

This is better than what I recommended. Add heists to this low delve farming for currencies and chaos recipe + heist contracts dropped from there, and we have a good way of earning currency and upgrading. Thanks!

ff_ff800 wrote:
trying hard to craft by using fossil....last become chaos roll but the out come more then fossil....any idea to do with the last mod on ring?
yesterday getting some boost from friend aura the aps go till 10 looks very awsome!!!

Your ring has 2 prefix and 2 suffixes, so you can craft %Increased Damage on it, as suggested in build guide.

Halkreen wrote:
Hi ! Thank you for this build, impale cyclone was boring so I reinvested in this one. I've got a few questions !

1) It's great so far, but I feel squishier compared to my previous build, is there a way to make it tankier?

Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Nc0dSfx6

I'm at 2.2m DPS, got some gem leveling to, after that i'll be at 2.38m DPS if I'm not mistaken.

2) What should be my next upgrade in your opinion ? Helmet enchants + nearby enemies craft maybe ?

3) Do you think switching out increased duration for steelskin/molten shell and putting them at higher level will allow me to tank some heavy hits ?

(I'm at T16 maps, Awakener level 7, I just want to push to A8 & do high level heist :) )

Hi. Let's go by numbers in order;
1) I feel build is in good balance between dps/tankiness. Some builds may not be as tanky as another build, that's by their nature. But there are some changes you can do to make Lacerman tankier. You can go Champion route taking Master of Metal, Fortitude and First to Strike Last to Fall. Then change Fortify with Ruthless on Lacerate and also some skill tree changes(Remove Red Storm, add Versatile Stance). Also need to get an explody chest. This way you'll have more boss DPS and be tankier on bosses. But I don't recommend this as these changes will hamper down clear speed a lot and will increase total cost. And thinking that time we spend on clearing is like %95 compared to time spent on bossing, I'd stay on clear side. I also recommend getting a 2nd life flask as recommended in build guide, this helps a lot on this build helping with survival and adding a good layer of tankiness. You can check Running The Build section in guide for usage of these 2 life flasks in conjunction.
2) You seem to have 2.04m DPS and 6.1k life. Both can be increased further, but let's focus on DPS side here. I will list upgrades in order. Swap places of weapons(2.06m), get gloves with phys. damage and craft "Non-Vaal skills deal %60 increased damage during soul gain prevention" mod on it(helps with bosses) as your resists seem fine(2.09m), get a Stygian Vise and add an abyss jewel(2.16m), get a better Lion's Roar(2.21m), get 4-mod jewels and add a Watcher's Eye(2.64m). Meanwhile doing these upgrades, get helm and boot enchant, also make gems 20-20 and 21-20 on Lacerate setup(3.27m). Good luck upgrading! Here's the Pob link:


3) You can only have 1 guard skill active at a time so using Steelskin or Molten Shell with Immortal Call is not possible. It has to be one of them, and in that case Immortal Call is the best for this build. However you can pick Vaal Molten Shell, but it will share souls with Vaal Ancestral Warchief, making it recharge souls %50 slower which I don't find useful in bosses because Vaal Ancestral Warchief is too important for us. But this is an option to make the build tankier and will help in dangerous situations as well. Btw you can do high level heists no problem even without upgrading your gear. You can check Running The Build section for how to do it, I added a heist part there this league. Heists are really easy for us, just need to escape fast.

Turentkm wrote:
Love your build a lot, but I'm not that good and item picking and min maxing.

Could you please advise on changes that should be done to the character that I have atm?


Hi. I'd be happy to help but there are no skill gems on your char, also Pastebin link is not working at the moment.

WuTangODB wrote:
Hey there I really appreciate the build, it has been running very very smooth for the most part at least compared to everything i've run prior, but i'm just looking at the meta match up with your items and my items, and I am just struggling to see where this extra damage comes from? I appreciate it!


Hi. Thanks for your nice words! Let's upgrade your gear to Meta Gear stats then:) You seem to have 2.07m DPS and 5.7k life. I will be skipping life here as you requested DPS. Level to 97 getting Berserking node and a jewel socket adding a 4-mod jewel there(2.22m), swap places of weapons(2.23m), get a 500+pDPS axe(2.38m), get a better Soul Taker corrupting it to %30 quality via beastcrafting(2.51m), get gloves having higher attack speed(2.54m), get Meta Gear cluster jewel(2.82m), get good 4-mod jewels and add a Watcher's Eye(3.35m), corrupt your amulet into a talisman getting Increased Damage mod(3.82m), add Vulnerability on Hit ring to left ring(also swap Weapon 2 gem setup with gloves gem setup, removing Vulnerability and adding Culling strike), use abrasive catalysts on both of your rings and craft %20 Increased Damage on both(4.02m), get a better Lion's Roar(4.11m), get a Stygian Vise that you can craft %Increased Damage on it and add an abyss jewel(4.14m, this is more for life though), get helm and boot enchants(4.46m), make your gems 20-20 with Lacerate setup being 21-20, also add Enhance to Blood Rage setup(4.94m). Now make Enhance lv4 and Blood and Sand lv7(5.00m DPS). Same as Meta Gear DPS now. Good luck upgrading! Here's the Pob link:

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
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𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟓-𝟔-𝟕-𝟗-𝟏𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟑: /view-thread/3519150
Hey br0 !

Thank you for your build ! I played it last month, lvl 95 in 3 or 4 days and it was very fun :)
Can do all content easy for the first time !
Wow thank you for this detailed answer !

I'll start working on those, thank you for taking the time to answer to everyone.

Build feels great so far, that bleed "pop" is very satisfying. I'm one conqueror away from taking A8 sirius, I hope I can take him out ! T16 clearing feels great as long as you keep Blood Rage up :)

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