GGG has a vision of a hardcore game experience. Evidently, loot drop is an important aspect of this experience, at least according to them and most of the core players.
Ask yourselves this. Does GGG NEED to appeal to a wider playerbase by changing the loot system and possibly alienating part of their intended audience?
Start talking about business, maximizing profits, whatever, but the actual answer would be "Nope", since hardcore players are picky and don't want a game that even offers carebear alternatives (see what Trammel did to Ultima Online). This is a niche game, for a niche market. I'm pretty sure it will sustain itself off that audience, without the need to water down their concept.
Nothing will satisfy everyone, but basically satisfying people who have a problem with FFA or responding to even the current loot timer is not, and should not be a priority for GGG. Sorry.
Well one thing is clear. GGG listens to the community that agrees with them. I am sick of words like "carebear" and "handholding" and whatever terms the assclown fanboys want to pass around. When this game folds because not enough revenue comes in then I gess Chris can sit around with Kripp and a few others and be glad he made a game HE wanted to play. Why should I care though I now run 4 boxes just so I can get currency and not get my loot taken by some 10yr old leap slamin pig. Those 4 boxes are all summoners because I dont have to deal with desync. Fact is I playing less and less due to these issues and the fact that the game is really set up to only reward the most elite players who the blow the market way outa wack. I guess its just getting that much closer to the players Chris really wants.
Just keep pushin us away Chris soon you will succeed.
Last edited by BarneyRubble#1447 on Mar 19, 2013, 7:32:13 PM
Great patch but I feel it would be better if the item was invisible to others while the timer was active. This would help prevent people sitting on gear while the others are killing.
I keep seeing the word entitlement thrown around in this (and every other) loot themed thread. It begs the question, I think, of whose sense of entitlement is more pronounced? Is it the people who think they should be entitled to loot that drops allocated to them by the RNG or the people who think they're entitled to everything that drops (in a group setting, of course)?
Both are a sense of entitlement, but one is far more profound.
That said, I'm still unaffected due to my distaste for group play. First off, solo is just more fun, in my opinion. Secondly, I have this quaint little notion that cooperative play should actually be cooperative, especially in the ARPG genre. I know that games like D2 and several others have favored attempting to blend cooperative and competitive play, but I just don't think it makes for a very good gaming experience.
Last edited by Thaelyn#0781 on Mar 19, 2013, 8:03:12 PM
GGG has a vision of a hardcore game experience. Evidently, loot drop is an important aspect of this experience, at least according to them and most of the core players.
Ask yourselves this. Does GGG NEED to appeal to a wider playerbase by changing the loot system and possibly alienating part of their intended audience?
Start talking about business, maximizing profits, whatever, but the actual answer would be "Nope", since hardcore players are picky and don't want a game that even offers carebear alternatives (see what Trammel did to Ultima Online). This is a niche game, for a niche market. I'm pretty sure it will sustain itself off that audience, without the need to water down their concept.
Nothing will satisfy everyone, but basically satisfying people who have a problem with FFA or responding to even the current loot timer is not, and should not be a priority for GGG. Sorry.
What is this nonsense about "core players"? Where are the numbers to back up what your'e saying? Most importantly of all, what gives you this sense of entitlement that GGG should only cater to your needs and no one else? Honestly you come off to me as pretty arrogant!
If this is the kind of self-imploding community GGG wants to foster (read: a small group of elitist fanboys), then this game is guaranteed to fade into obscurity.
Edit: toned down the language. I apologize for any unnecessary offense.
In case you missed it, he repeated what Chris has already said. It's a game made for first and foremost hardcore gamers. He also believes that his fellow hardcore gamers are enough to sustain the game. I'm inclined to agree. Believe me, it wasn't the casual gamers than shelled out 250k+ for having a reference to them on a unique item.
I'll gladly pay 1000.00 to PK whoever I wish or make a permanent cutthroat league. I mean I've already spent a few hundred on stash tabs and a couple effects lol. How much are you willing to spend to play the game how you want? I would bet you the hardcore players referenced would be likely to spend more than you.
Last edited by riptid3#6233 on Mar 19, 2013, 8:14:34 PM
I'll gladly pay 1000.00 to PK whoever I wish or make a permanent cutthroat league. I mean I've already spent a few hundred on stash tabs and a couple effects lol. How much are you willing to spend to play the game how you want? I would bet you the hardcore players referenced would be likely to spend more than you.
Wow.... 1000? Is that USD? Because if it is, that's like, enough to pay one programmer's salary for a WHOLE WEEK! Well, Maybe....
I sure hope there's a lot of you "hardcore" players out there to sustain GGG in the coming years.
I'll gladly pay 1000.00 to PK whoever I wish or make a permanent cutthroat league. I mean I've already spent a few hundred on stash tabs and a couple effects lol. How much are you willing to spend to play the game how you want? I would bet you the hardcore players referenced would be likely to spend more than you.
Wow.... 1000? Is that USD? Because if it is, that's like, enough to pay one programmer's salary for a WHOLE WEEK! Well, Maybe....
I sure hope there's a lot of you "hardcore" players out there to sustain GGG in the coming years.
The average gamer doesn't spend 10% of that over the lifetime of a game that isn't p2p. Yea, I mean imagine that. 1000.00 to make a rule set that I requested on a server that already exists. I could get a server at nfo for like 20.00 a month. Sure worked hard for that 1000.00.
(yes I know I'm oversimplifying it)
Last edited by riptid3#6233 on Mar 19, 2013, 8:33:55 PM
Simply put, add an incentive to play public FFA. Give option for casual mode that is less rewarding. Leave option to keep current mode (with names) that has same mechanics in private, but a little better in public games.
How dumb a change.
Why does there have to be incentives for FFA?
It's called compromise.
GGG's vision is for "hardcore & cut-throat". There is a large player base that don't like FFA loot.
If you give loot options with no consequence, you water down the game. If you add consequences (good & bad) for different loot settings, you can stick to your vision and give options at the same time.
FFA does not affect me as I prefer private friends' groups. I currently have little incentive to play public games. With a boost to loot in a public FFA setting, there is a lure to try it out as it would be a bit of a loot fest. You would go in knowing it's going to be crazy. However if you are feeling lonely some night and want to play civilly with some strangers, there is the option, but at a price...
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
I rly like the new loot system except for the fact that the name of allocated items inst shown anymore.
plz bring the name tags on the rares/orbs/maps/uniques back!!!!!!!
its just impossible to tell whos item it was if the person who was supposed to get the item was out of vision range.
i mostly play with ppl i know and we always watched out for each others loot. now in worst case we always have to gamble the valueable stuff or split it up.
GGG has a vision of a hardcore game experience. Evidently, loot drop is an important aspect of this experience, at least according to them and most of the core players.
Ask yourselves this. Does GGG NEED to appeal to a wider playerbase by changing the loot system and possibly alienating part of their intended audience?
Start talking about business, maximizing profits, whatever, but the actual answer would be "Nope", since hardcore players are picky and don't want a game that even offers carebear alternatives (see what Trammel did to Ultima Online). This is a niche game, for a niche market. I'm pretty sure it will sustain itself off that audience, without the need to water down their concept.
Nothing will satisfy everyone, but basically satisfying people who have a problem with FFA or responding to even the current loot timer is not, and should not be a priority for GGG. Sorry.
What is this nonsense about "core players"? Where are the numbers to back up what your'e saying? Most importantly of all, what gives you this sense of entitlement that GGG should only cater to your needs and no one else? Honestly you come off to me as pretty arrogant!
If this is the kind of self-imploding community GGG wants to foster (read: a small group of elitist fanboys), then this game is guaranteed to fade into obscurity.
Edit: toned down the language. I apologize for any unnecessary offense.
I'm not pulling these things out of my ass, they are part of the basic design and concept of the game, and has been from the start. You may think it is guaranteed to fall into obscurity this way, that the target audience are a "small group of elitist fanboys", but consider a different viewpoint for a moment ;
riptid3 wrote:
In case you missed it, he repeated what Chris has already said. It's a game made for first and foremost hardcore gamers. He also believes that his fellow hardcore gamers are enough to sustain the game. I'm inclined to agree. Believe me, it wasn't the casual gamers than shelled out 250k+ for having a reference to them on a unique item.
I'll gladly pay 1000.00 to PK whoever I wish or make a permanent cutthroat league. I mean I've already spent a few hundred on stash tabs and a couple effects lol. How much are you willing to spend to play the game how you want? I would bet you the hardcore players referenced would be likely to spend more than you.
I have no doubt in my mind that it will be sustainable, even profitable, as long as they stay true to their original vision. That may not appeal to everyone, but it doesn't have to, in fact it comes down to that. :)
Let me give you another example. DayZ. Who would have thought that a permadeath, buggy as fuck, full hardcore FFA PvP mod for a military realism FPS would make Arma 2 top the Steam sales charts? It shows you that the niche market shouldn't be underestimated.