Nobody has anything to say about Blizzard?
what do you want to hear? The guy has a contract that he chose to violate. Consequences happened. That's business. Or did you want some emotional whine against a company i couldn't care less about?
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! |
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"Of course you can. I mean you probably shouldn't be surprised that they act in their financial interests, because they will consistently do that. But they are responsible for their actions like everyone else, and if you have a moral objection to those actions, then there's no reason that need evaporate because the company is making money immorally rather than, say, breaking even immorally. That isn't better. |
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I was done with Blizzard after D3, but now I'm extra-super-duper done with them.
I would say why, but that kind of talk isn't allowed here any more. |
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StarCraft and the Brood War expansion were awesome. Diablo II and LoD even more so.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
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Haven't bought anything from Blizzard since the disaster that was D3. I can't imagine ever wanting to buy anything from them again.
What Blizzard did was not a smart move, considering Blizzard already laid off 800 employees in February this year, and Forbes stated they weren't in a good place, And their stock was downgraded by analysts at Bernstein a few weeks ago: Blizzard would have been smarter to make a statement saying they prohibited such behavior in the future and would penalize appropriately after that. Contrast that with GGG's policy - they made it clear that some topics were no longer allowed, but they did not penalize people for having talked about such things prior to that. While I miss the spirited discussions on PoE forums, GGG still has my respect for how they handled it. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" You made an account just to post this? ~ There are spectacular moments.
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dunno if ppl have been keeping up but from what i heard blizzard have given him back his $10k and reduced his ban to 6 months, and have now banned the american team for 6 months.
this comes after massive backlash obviously, along with politicians and human rights groups from around the world speaking out against them and contacting them, groups of their own staff quitting or walking out in protest etc. people talk about blizzards previous actions, thing to note is that blizzard then is not blizzard now. since they merged with activision almost all the original people who ran blizzard have quit and been replaced with activision yes men. its not the same company, its not the same people, the way they used to operate, treat their staff have principals etc left with the founding members. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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The Blizzard’s issue is the result of a specific selection of executives in overgrown corporations. After some time, in every such corporation, not very intelligent brownnosers land on all managerial positions, who are ready to follow even the stupidest commands of the supervisor, without any discussions and suggestions on their part. This is a standard evolution of the management in every corporation. Superiors choose people who will obey and fail to threaten their position as subordinates. As a result, the lower, the bigger the idiot.
Contrary to appearances, in the case of large corporations something like this works great. Their product is already on the market, so from time to time it is enough to repaint it a little to push it as a novelty to consumers. And the idiots in the management serve as slave herdsmen and are great at it. The problem only appears at the time of crisis, and in this case even the most nonsense turns into World War III. In the case of this player raising political cries, it was enough to announce that such things would not be tolerated, because "code of codnuct" and punish him with a 3-month ban and collecting 10% of earnings. And declare that in the future bans and financial penalties will be more severe. Thanks to this, no one would know about the whole case, except professional players who would assess the situation properly. If, after doing so, someone would play politics again, Blizzard could ban him for life, take money and bring a lawsuit, and no one would write a word. Because a warning was issued earlier. In this case, however, there was a classic "idiot crisis”. One of the above-mentioned idiots panicked and got a shit because "oh, our beloved Chinese market will be ruined, what will the shareholders say?". That is why he ordered one of the morons subject to him to "act with full firmness." The moron immediately looked through the list of possible punishments, checking whether the culprit could not be shot, but because he did not find it, he ordered his subordinate, an even larger idiot "to act firmly and severely." As a result, the idiot did as he was told. And the whole process was repeated. The storm quickly reached the "superior moron", which panicked again and got a shit because "oh, our beloved Western market will be ruined, what will the shareholders say?". And again he ordered the subordinate idiot to act. As a result, they achieved an impressive effect. They hinted that they would do everything not to expose themselves to the Chinese, so the Chinese could now want anything they want. At the same time, they have not regained the friendship and trust of Western players who still perceive them as greedy servants of China. Idiotocracy in full bloom! :) You have been placed on probation for: ● Make hateful or needlessly negative comments ● Personally attack or cause harm to the reputation of others ● Antagonise others in an obnoxious manner ●
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" Subtext. So let me rephrase it more literally - you can't expect a corporation to choose morality over money, otherwise you're practically guaranteed to be disappointed every time. They threw him under the bus to try and save face but the backlash proved to be far more than expected - kind of like the you guys have phones comment or the shock that red shirt guy truly represented the mindset of most of the community when he asked if it was a joke. Yep, totally over league play.
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