Nobody has anything to say about Blizzard?
" I mean I suppose. But I think it devalued what prejudice meant (and real repercussions)in context of the discussion, and I didnt think that was equitable. Conflating clapping in a babies face, and they cry or shrink away and are now prejudice to clapping, is quite the argumentative leap to the point I was originally making. So, while in the strict definition, maybe you could support your claim, I think its fair to say that's not what anyone was even remotely talking about. But we can move on. Idk if any points need to be awarded either way, I was willing to briefly sigh and say ok lol:) "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" That might actually be something. I'm absolutely terrified of loud noises, I've never known why. Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
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" I'm not sure if you're referring to me specifically, Kapernick or Darth. That's the story I was referring to albeit from a different source. That's pretty damn excessive when you consider it happened because a child took a doll. I know that if I were a 4 year old in the same situation, I wouldn't have realized I was shoplifting or even known what shoplifting is. Yep, totally over league play.
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" Sort of. Its basic survival instinct. We normally equate loud unexpected noise, with danger. I would expect most peoples, dogs, cats, ect..initial reaction to a loud noise is to quickly duck or protect sensory organs like eyes, ears, head in general, instinctively. But to call that prejudice....well it was a bit much for me lol Edit: also PTSD could be tangential to this, but again equating prejudice in the context of the thread....yeah "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Oct 24, 2019, 1:48:34 PM
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" I'm not even talking about sudden ones. Just any loud noise scares the hell out of me. If someone's blaring music or I'm by a large vehicle, or even if people around me are just talking loudly I'm just in a constant panic. It's the weirdest fucking thing, nothing else does it but loud noise. Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
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" ![]() "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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It's really cold? $_$
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" Do you know how many people live in America? your bassicaly telling me, "i saw a guy yell at his wife in the streat yesterday, therefore all men are misogynists" It's such a redundant form of logic. If you don't know how probability's and statistics function on a population scale, or if you don't realise for that mater that the business model of news is to outrage it's readers to keep their attention then you should really not partake in this stuff. Most people have no clue how the life of a police officer actually looks, precisely because they are around and keep society civil to a high degree. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" Errors aside, part of my perspective comes from growing up just one door down from a black family. And I'm grateful for it as it allowed me to become more aware of the prejudices that I had formed subconsciously. And its not like racism was a constant topic then. But I definitely became aware that despite both of us being shades of brown, there were times where it wasn't hard to notice the different ways we'd be received. One story that I've never forgotten was getting my first airsoft gun, which looked like a beretta and even had weights in the grip. As it was before the orange tips on toy guns was required, I was too young to realize how easily it could be mistaken for a real weapon. I was playing with my friend and his mom saw it and wanted to look at it. I handed to her and after a brief inspection she told me she didn't want it in their house. I didn't understand why at the time, but I definitely do now. And to really drive the point, I was with one of my older white friends in an older supercar, not lambo level but definitely money. (And when I say older, I'm talking early thirties.) He took me on the freeway and as we were speeding down a cop pulled along side us and just motioned for us to slow it down. No stop - just a hand motion. In comparison, a black co-worker driving the usual 70 (posted 65 but 70 is the norm) was pulled over and had to go through the entire process. You're right, clearly not every cop is as biased as the one mentioned in the story - but that doesn't mean there aren't enough incidents to set expectations either. Yep, totally over league play.
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Your making an emotional and subjective argument again.
Cops literally put their lives on the line every single day, not that they constantly have to do this but thats the expectation society has of them and it is the way they are trained. You know they are the people scraping body parts of the road after something happened right? Putting them in body bags and sending them to be processed and then having to go tell the mothers and fathers how their son or daughter just died.(black,white,yellow,orange,blue is irrelevant for any normal person in such a situation) Thinking they care about the color of skin with the weight of their job and what they encounter in a "daily days work" is quite frankly stupid if you know cops yourself. That doesn't mean racist cops don't exist, but that holds true for all parts of life. And the beautifull thing is that they are in a minority and looked down upon when they act upon it. Thinking a person gets pulled to the side because a cop is "racist or biased" is statistically improbable. Chances are much more likely that the cop saw something else and acted on that and people looking from the outside can only see "white cop, black detainee" It isn't even worth a debate, just look at city's where cops have pulled out currently because of fear of being labelled racist and see the crime spike up. If there was real "racial hatred" they wouldn't have enforced the law to begin with since its the easiest way to create chaos and allow bad actors to undermine good actors. I hesitate to bring up "gang-culture" but let's just throw in "it ain't helping nobody". Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes