Infernal Legion Support Gem - how to boost the damage?
It says supported minions deal 1.3k fire damage to enemies near them. How does it scale? With fire damage? Minion damage? Does it even scale at all?
And the second question, since it is massive health cost to a minion itself how about not worrying about minion surviving at all? How about using this support with lets say Dominating Blow and Herald of Purity? And slam Minion Instability keystone as a bonus? What do You guys think? I know all player come and say : "ahahah nice, u have try a bot u get ban, sooo nice" but i tell u its just for try, for see and for know. I have use this 10 minutes maximum and i have insta uninstall." - some not-too-bright dude, 2013; Joined 2012, † 2013. Last bumped on Oct 24, 2019, 6:35:09 PM
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I know all player come and say : "ahahah nice, u have try a bot u get ban, sooo nice" but i tell u its just for try, for see and for know. I have use this 10 minutes maximum and i have insta uninstall." - some not-too-bright dude, 2013; Joined 2012, † 2013.
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It scales with minion damage from the tree. You dont personally cast the ability, so normal fire/burning damage won't scale it at all.
It will scale with fire damage, minion damage, and AoE damage support gems linked to it. It doesn't have the burning tag, which is a bit weird, so I guess it doesn't scale with the burning damage support. I think its mainly supposed to be used as a replacement of melee splash support gem. If you just focus on minion damage supports (like feeding frenzy, minion damage, deathmark support), it scales both the minions normal attack and the burning damage. I read somewhere the burning areas do no stack when they overlap (it would be stupidly overpowered if it does), so its not a massive single target damage support. And while you can overcome the fire degen, it seems just a waiste on zombies, spectres, or golems as they all three got inbuilt AoE damage. It seems much more suited for short summoned minions, like skellies, raging spirits, or sentinels (from dom blow, and herals of purity). Maybe it would work with some aggressive zombie build, where you would resummon them a lot Personally I will try it with summon raging spirit with minion instability. They are aggressive, fast, have a surprising high amount of base health for minion instability, and deal pure fire damage so its easier scaling all its damage with fire damage supports. |
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If it doesn't have the Burning tag, it should be a different effect from Righteous Fire and thus stack with, for example, RF Totems. Right?
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" Ow what I meant is that the same minions with infernal legion support most likely doesn't stack. Like if you summoned 6 skellies with infernal legion support all attacking the same enemy, it only takes damage from 1 infernal legion support, and not all 6. It would be extremely strong if it would. But if you had a zombie, a Skelly, a golem, and a spectre all with infernal legion support, I assume they would stack. They are all different minions, so each infernal from each different type of minion should count as an individual spell as well. And yeah it will stack with RF totems, or scorching ray, or any other fire dot. |
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No, the same skill won’t stack. Just like righteous fire from 2 different players don’t stack. Does’t matter if 1 player is a witch and one a shadow. It’s still the same skill doing damage.
Infernal legion probably stacks with other burning damage though just like RF stacks with burning ground, ignite, and searing bond. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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Hmm,. this is odd. I would expect it to stack. Because for instance if I have 5 zombies with melee splash damage from each single zombie overlap. SInce this infernal legion gem was advertised as "new splash for minions" I thought it will stack..
I know all player come and say : "ahahah nice, u have try a bot u get ban, sooo nice" but i tell u its just for try, for see and for know. I have use this 10 minutes maximum and i have insta uninstall." - some not-too-bright dude, 2013; Joined 2012, † 2013.
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" It would be absolutely broken if it stacked. Just a fast calculation for my raging spirit set-up, it would deal around 30k dps without any itema equipped, while the raging spirits have around 10-11k dps. It would be a 200% more modifier if it stacks, which would be bonkers. And 30k is more then enough to clear packs without a problem. And compared to melee splash it adds a bit of single target damage as well. |
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If you want to scale infernal legion I'd look at doing a carrion based golemancer (elementalist) with skeletons for support.
That'd let you get a 120% increased damage from 6x golems (1 base 1 tree 2 ascendancy 2 anima stone/supports) and an 80% more mod from the golem itself provided you have enough skeletons out. Skeletons could also provide buffs like feeding frenzy, combustion debuff and even cover enemies in ash if built right. This would also make your infernal carrion golems immune to fire. Thanks to the Liege of the primordial. |
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I'm really interested to try out this infernal legion with Elementalist though, golemancer has huge bonus for golem damage, with now total 6 types of golem, every Primordial Harmony = 120% increased damage, normally golemancer can get up to 8~10 Harmony, so it's 960%~1200% increased damage, and if we link golem with infernal legion, deathmark(25% more+24% more), minion resist(29% more and -10% fire resist) and minion damage(49% more), elemental focus(49% more), with elemental weakness aura, I supposed the infernal legion burning damage could be higher than RF?
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