Zeldoon's Physical DW BM Cleave 24k/35k DPS
" Lol what? I love melees, lol. My main is ele cleaver, but I have wanted all my time to make a physical build that beats my ele cleaver. Fck ranged. (Also tested whirling blades melee in the past XD) This message was delivered by GGG defence force. Last edited by mazul#2568 on May 31, 2013, 9:27:56 AM
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Will pure physical damage build suck ? Your build seems to have some element damage is it from aura? So the build is a hybrid, I want to try a pure physical build after patch no nodes that add any kind of element and no element auras only support one think the damage will suck ? lol
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Hi there,trying out your build and it looks great.
I'm only at lvl 39 and while in a party with another Duelist,he told me that my aps was unnecessary. It's at 4.78 right now and it seems fun with life on hit. I just Leap in a group of mobs and cleave away. So, is there a downside to having a high aps? Thanks! If you can't control it, STOP.
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" This is stupid just because of how much damage hatred and added fire damage support do, it adds around 50% more damage. It is still considered a physical build because those auras are based off your physical damage. Last edited by Maethorr#2375 on Jun 5, 2013, 4:12:20 AM
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" If you attack slower, but hit harder, you do more damage due to how armour works. This applies to physical dmg only, for elemental it doesn't matter. If you attack faster you consume more mana, but life gain on hit is more effective. There's also stun and elemental effects, but it's quite complicated to figure out which is better for them. Last edited by Endrju82#2201 on Jun 5, 2013, 6:00:51 AM
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The Physical Cleave build works well as a Marauder too. (No red shirt with Bringer either lol)
Here's my lvl 85 Dual Wield Sword build.
Last edited by Lazcorp#3618 on Jun 14, 2013, 9:11:48 AM
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Nice guide Zeldoon, I am levelign a DW Cleaver as well.
I didn't go through all 16 pages before this to check, but have you tried speccing into Crit before? That is what I am doing with my Cleaver and I am curious if you have any experience with it? I know the mechanics of PoE and the "Game That Shall not be Named" are different, but the absolute best way to get your DPS up in that game was to achieve a mix of %Phys dmg, %attack speed, crit chance, and crit damage, so I am going to try it here. Theoretically, it should produce similar results: Lots of attacks that hit hard due to %ED and %IAS and then 33% (my crit chance target) of those attacks hit very very hard due to buffed crit damage. Especially since Cleave rolls for crit seperately on both swords and then applies it to ALL targets hit. |
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I like this 120 point passive tree better. It trades wasting all those points getting to middle (just for life nodes) for 20% chance to block, just a little bit less life, and the same, if not more, over all damage ontop of taking unwavering stance - which is pretty important if you are going cleave. You can still get stun-locked - especially since this build will never have kaom's heart.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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