[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]
Coming back after a long break. I started with this build and wanted to try axes. would you mind giving me a review of my current setup? i feel like i might be lacking in resistances. But its been awhile and im not sure which one or if i should focus on all of them.
Pob https://pobb.in/ZOY_OWreS_II Last edited by Zer0tolerance2692#2370 on May 1, 2023, 7:03:56 PM
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" I have made some progress these few days. The following is my latest POBb link for my character. https://pobb.in/wlw9h9XWel06 Any other upgrade now would be costing me around 1-2 Divine Orbs per gear. I am currently at T13 maps, however I am dying more than I would like especially to maps with the following mods.
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Hey Vintallac,
I'm just starting to get the gear for a slam build at the moment so hopefully going to start it in the next week or so. I personally don't bother running map mods I don't like and players can't regenerate life man or energy shield is one of those. Temp Chains is really annoying if you don't have any reduced curse effect on your character so again I'd re-roll if I saw that mod. You can roll reduced curse effect on a flask though - up to 65%. You can also take the upgraded soul of Yugul pantheon for another 30% which at 95% reduced effect of curses would likely mean you wouldn't notice temp chains at all. Rare jewels also can roll a suffix of 25% to 30% reduced effect of curses so another way to get to (or close to) 100% reduced effect of curses. Even rings can have 25% reduced effect of curses crafted on them. There is quite a lot of ways to get it in if you can but obviously you'll give up a suffix or two on something. However it would also mean any other curses like vulnerability or elemental weakness would have no effect so it's just nice to have if you can fit it in. Otherwise character looks pretty good. If you can get an extra roll or two of chaos res in it would be worth trying to get to at least some amount of positive resistance of it. I would probably consider running an amethyst flask and seeing if you start feeling tankier in maps. If you do notice a difference then it might be you're dying to chaos damage quite a bit so something else you could focus on getting where possible. Hope some of that is helpful. I look forward to joining all you slammers in the near future!! |
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DrHarvey12, thanks for the feedback. Yes, I believe I need to some how raise my Chaos resistance. It is on the low side now. I guess I have to re look into my jewelries. I will also try out Amethyst Flask and let you know the results.
For my body armor, I am actually planning to swap to The Brass Dome. I see alphafactory, another player a few post up, running that. I like what the unique armor brings into the picture. What do you think about The Brass Dome? |
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Brass Dome is a really strong defensive choice. Masses of armour which makes using what is probably the Best in Slot helm for us, Echoes of Creation a lot easier to manage. The max res on Brass Dome is amazing as is the Crit immunity. Try to aim for a +5 to max res if you can but a +4 would probably still be good too. I'd probably start to think about going all in on armour at that point so running Determination if you aren't already and then having a really nice Molten Shell / Vaal Molten Shell.
One slight quirk is that although it doesn't look like it has any life modifiers on it and so you might expect the 15% increased max life mastery if your body armour has no life modifier on it to work it actually doesn't. The line Strength provides no bonus to maximum life actually counts as a life modifier!! I guess GGG felt it would be too OP if you could use the mastery alongside all the other benefits the Brass Dome brings. So using it you will end up dropping quite a lot of life meaning getting chaos res is probably really important as the ele max res and armour won't help too much there. Again, if you can fit Brass Dome in and are happy to build around it it is really good. Especially when armour stacking and using Echoes of Creation. But a strong rare with good life, armour and some resists to help out making chaos res easier to fit into might be a better stopgap until you are ready to really build around it fully. You can always use the eldritch currency to get +1 or +2 max res as an implicit on a rare as well. |
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" Thank you for this info. I did not know that strength provides no bonus to maximum life is counted as a life modifier. That explains why alphafactory didn't spec into that life mastery when he made the switch. As for running Determination, how would you balance between DPS auras versus survivability? Right now, following the build, we are already running Pride, Herald of Purity, Flesh and Stone and Blood and Sand already. In order to run Determination, we have to swap out any one of the auras (probably Pride, which has the same mana reservation cost of 50%), which one would you swap out? |
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Hey Vintallac
Yeah, the balance between DPS and survivability is often different for each person. Someone playing the game for years may be able to get away with less defensive layers as they respond to threats quicker - that's a skill I've never really gotten good at myself though!! Plus killing stuff quicker is a somewhat reasonable defensive layer in itself. The best way to go about it is really to test it out and see how much DPS you feel you can get away with. There are a few ways to go about trying to fit in determination without giving up too many other aura's although I would probably initially drop blood and sand and flesh and stone to fit it in. You can link Maim to your totems instead so they will maim anything that you would normally drop a totem for anyway. You could use the eldritch currency that drops in game (the red and blue ichor / orbs) on your gear which is worth doing anyway. But specifically the blue eldritch currency on your helmet can grant and implicit that gives increased mana reservation efficiency of skills and the red eldritch currency can give you reduced mana cost of attacks meaning you might be able to get away with having slightly less mana and still being able to attack ok. But there are loads of other useful mods on boots and gloves you could look into as well although they would remove any implicit such as the increased melee damage on spiked gloves. You are also fairly close to the Sovereignty mana reservation cluster by Templar. Dropping a damage or warcry wheel and grabbing that alongside the mana reservation efficiency craft on your helmet might let you add in determination without needing to drop an aura. There are also expensive options like an Aul's Uprising unique amulet which would make either Pride or Determination completely free. You can also get an amulet with Warlord Influence on it that can roll a mod that makes Pride have between 40% and 50% increased mana reservation efficiency. Plus there are helmet enchantments you get from Merciless Lab and Uber Lab that can give increased reservation efficiency of certain aura's. You can also link a level 3 or 4 enlighten support to your most expensive aura's like Pride and Determination & Flesh & Stone + Maim to give all of them a lower mana reservation multiplier. The above is by no means an exhaustive list but there are usually quite a lot of ways to go about achieving something in PoE and it's left up to you to find the best fit for your build in particular. Anyway good luck. I've just hit lvl 75 on my character so just stating to map. Looking forward to getting Uber lab done for Rite of Ruin and picking up more damage on the tree to hopefully get me into red maps. |
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Hey DrHarvey12! Thanks for the informative post. Eldritch currency is totally new to me. I will check them out.
BTW, just a quick update, I bought myself a legacy Brass Dome (Standard league), and took the 15% increased maximum life if there are no life modifiers on equipped body armor Life Mastery. I now have a whopping 25K effective health pool at 17K armor. Tried to do Eater of Worlds and Searing Exarch. Failed both of them. But I failed due to mechanics. I am not able to remove the purple spheres in time and for Exarch, I was so close, but I died to the rolling meteor wall. I believe I need more practice, but whenever I watch video guides, they just made it seem so easy. I was struggling to catch up to remove all the purple spheres, but in the video guides, they just made it seem like they have all the time in the world. |
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Yeah, I also watched a guide or two on them before attempting them the first time and like you thought they looked pretty easy but when it came to do them myself I think both were down to last portal where luckily I think I had them both within culling strike range so I quickly popped that in for the win. Nowadays I'm definitely better at them although not good. I pretty much wait to do them after I have just levelled up so not to rip a bunch of XP to them if the fight goes badly.
I tend to swap out flaks like granite, jade and phasing flasks as they are not super useful for that fight. More instant life flasks tends to help as does a ruby flask for the Searing Exarch and a topaz flask for Eater of Worlds. For Eater the beam he channels can usually be handled early on with enough regen so getting a bit more can help. There is a boot enchant from Uber lab that gives 2% if you have been hit recently as well as the aforementioned eldritch currency which gives 0.2% (or higher) per endurance charge (on boots). You'll get better with practice even if like me you're not too sure what you are doing differently!! Just finished my Uber Lab now and build is definitely feeling better now I have Rite of Ruin. I'm playing Earthquake + Fist of War so trying to scale AoE where I can as well as being somewhat tanky. It's a lot of fun seeing almost screenwide EQ aftershock proc's when everything comes together. Doesn't really need too much attack speed as I'm really only attacking when Fist of War is up but has enough for the attack animation to not feel too clunky and I still have another 2H attack wheel plus attack speed to get. I definitely feel like I am "Smashing the Atlas" anyway!! XD Last edited by DrHarvey12#0114 on May 7, 2023, 1:16:06 PM
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some great info from DrHarvey12, really appreciate the posts!
as he stated, solving defense issues can be tackled in a couple different ways spell suppression, max res stacking, block, regen/recovery, leech block is not really available to us unfortunately we have a solid amount of %max life regen via endurance charges and some random nodes, but its very small in comparison we have a decent amount of leech from our wheels as well, and if necessary you can grab the instant leech node out of haemotophagy wheel at bottom of marauder we technically *can* go full spell supression, branching into lower right part of duelist and rolling all evasion/armour rare pieces rolled well. this can be very expensive but rewarding we can stack max res, which using a few masteries got even better in 3.21. i recommend this. use the new reservation mastery for +1 by arrogancing a vitality or blood and sand aura etc, then also make sure to use amour bases in all slots for the armour mastery for another +1. this along with prismatic wheel, barbarism and soul of steel pushes us to almost +5% max res, very strong defensively ever since the 3.16 aura rework its mandatory to go determination and i usually swap out pride for it. brass dome offers huge armour which is very strong for us if we go the echos of creation route (i highly recommend this helm, its huge dps boost for warcry stackers and is very very very cheap in trade league. can easily corrupt a bunch of 15% rolled ones for good implicits etc). running granite and other amour stacking flasks is also key also as DrHarvey stated, all bosses in poe are about pattern recognition and avoidance. many players can get skilled enough to never get hit by any of the pinnicle bosses, unfortunately i am not one of them :D Last edited by frawrst#6156 on May 7, 2023, 6:46:06 PM
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