South East Asia/ Global, Singapore, Malaysia, philippines(PH) guild recruiting.

hi, POE fan from sg here, please add me if you still have space thanks :)

IGN: vanellle
Hi, I'm from Malaysia and would like to join your guild. My IGN is DDBG
Hi would like to join the guild. How do i apply?
Still got available space to join?

Any more guild slot to join for Ultimatum?

IGN: Ulimatus_Lancer
Last edited by InnoDM on Apr 17, 2021, 12:04:30 PM

Any slots available to join?

IGN: Naycret
Hi, Any slot available? IGN: Xalique
Hi, slot still available?
Ign : Berarus
Can i join,IGN : HISOKAXH
Hi, appreciat an invite

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter." ಠ_ಠ

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