South East Asia/ Global, Singapore, Malaysia, philippines(PH) guild recruiting.

Would like to join the guild

IGN: Vihsla
hai throw me an invite. IGN: BladeQueenKatarina
Hi! I'm from SG, appreciate if you could invite me - Ign : stormloloh.
Hi all, I'm from SG do invite me
Hollow Palm Infernal Blow Raider
IGN: Flamefisted
Yo I'd like to try joining your guild. I'm from SG.

My IGN is AzureAlvin.
Hello. I am from Singapore. want to join the guild.

IGN: ErrorIceShot
Hi I would like to join, I'm from PH but currently still in expedition is that alright?(newbie)
IGN Virgien
IGN: Maddox_Exp
Played few years, on and off
average hours a week 10-20...

From SG...

Add me into guild please, thanks.
IGN: BitcoinShadow

May I join your guild please?

Hi Can I join

IGN: Exp_KeikoHomura

SG player

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